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Shadelock is a minor antagonist of the animated series Transformers: Robots in Disguise (the sequel to Transformers: Prime).

He and his companions Razorhorn and RoughEdge worked for Starscream as mercenaries. They were hired by him by helping him find and capture the Weaponizer Mini-Cons.

He is voiced by Kirk Thornton.


During his hunt for the Mini-Cons, Starscream hired Shadelock and his crew to assist him. Arriving on Earth, Shadelock informed Starscream that he had found "one of them" as he watched a battle between some Autobots and another Decepticon over Tricerashot. Starscream instructed him to keep watching, in the hopes that he would lead them to the other Mini-Cons.

Shadelock and his team followed Starscream when he confronted the Scavengers, as he believed them to have the Mini-Cons he desired. Unfortunately, said Mini-Cons had already abandoned them before they arrived. The mission wasn't a total bust, however, as the Scavengers had managed to get their hands on the Dark Star Saber, which Starscream took for himself. After Starscream noted how powerful the Saber was, Shadelock insisted that he just pay them and get on with his plan. Starscream, however, declined, claiming that there was no such thing as "too much power".

Shadelock tracked the Mini-Cons to a scrapyard, however the particular Mini-Cons Starscream was looking for had managed to evade them again, causing Shadelock to kidnap the wrong ones-Fixit, Jetstorm, and Slipstream-and get chastised by his client. However, the revelation from Fixit that Starscream's old enemy Bumblebee was on Earth as well was enough to change his tune.

When Bumblebee escaped from the bridge, Shadelock and his crew prevented him from leaving the ship, with Shadelock himself stunning the prisoner after a brief fight. They flanked Bumblebee on the bridge of the ship as Starscream related how he had escaped the Predacons on Cybertron.

Shadelock operated the tractor beam which snatched up the Mini-Cons, and therefore bore Starscream's ire when it turned out they had only captured six of the seven. He and his men guarded the Mini-Cons while Starscream searched for the seventh, and threatened to terminate them when Bumblebee again broke free. When the other Autobots arrived, the battle spilled outside, until the combatants were all rendered unconscious by Starscream using the Dark Star Saber. When Shadelock and his men came around, they saw Starscream and Optimus Prime dueling, and opted to forget getting paid. Their escape was thwarted by the rest of Team Bee, and they were later secured aboard Prime Force One for transport.


Shadelock is a Decepticon Mercenary, meaning he is merciless, cruel and sadistic just like every other Decepticon who is not reddened. He takes pleasure in the suffering of others and shows no mercy towards his enemies.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Cybertronian Physiology
    • Transformation
    • Longevity
    • Vacuum Adaptation
    • Weapon Transformation
    • Cybertronian/Robotic Senses: While humans have the 5 senses (smell, sight, touch, hearing & taste), Transformers have 7 senses ( the ones being different and that are considered additiontal senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, short-range radiowave transmission, magnetic sensitivity, & electronic sensitivity).


  • Leadership
  • Tracking



Copyright and Disclaimer[]

This article contains information from Shadelock on the Villains Wiki Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors) Fandom is supported by CC-BY-SA


           Transformers: Prime

Team Prime
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Arcee | Bulkhead | Ratchet | Wheeljack | Smokescreen | Ultra MagnusKnock Out
Sentinel Zeta PrimeIronhideJetfireSideswipe • Air Raid • WarpathSilverbolt • Perceptor • GrimlockSlugSwoopSnarlSludgeMetroplex
Bee Team
Strongarm • Sideswipe • Fixit • GrimlockDrift • Slipstream • Jetstorm
WindbladeJazz • Undertone • Blastwave • Blurr

Jack DarbyMiko NakadaiRafael EsquivelWilliam Fowler • Denny Clay • Russell Clay
Hi-Test • Cyberwarp
Weaponizer Mini-Cons
Aerobolt • Buzzstrike • Sawtooth • Tricerashot • Lancelon • Windstrike • Bashbreaker

Unicron • Terrorcons
Mercenaries: Shadelock


Generation One: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet , Jazz, Ironhide, Sideswipe,Sunstreaker, Mirage, Hound, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Powerglide, Jetfire, Ultra MagnusSteven "Spike" WitwickyTeletraan I, Cliffjumper, Carly WitwickyDaniel WitwickySparkplug WitwickyChip ChaseRaoulAstoria Carlton-RitzMarissa FairebornBuster Witwicky, ArceeChromiaElita-OneWindbladeMoonracerFirestarGreenlightUnicronQuintessonsDoctor ArkevilleShawn BergerLord ChumleyKing NergillAliNightbirdJeroOld SnakeVictor DrathPrimacronTornedronDwellerMark MorganGregory SwoffordCircuit BreakerThe MechanicScrapletsFlameMecannibalsHot ShotRed AlertScavengerLandmineWing SaberScattershotVector PrimeOverrideBreakdownClockerBackstopScourgeEvacMetroplexQuickmixLugnutz • Omega Supreme • MegatronThe FallenStarscreamSoundwaveShockwaveSentinel PrimeScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsLightspeedCrosshairsProwlJesseG.B. BlackrockSentinel PrimeThundercrackerAstrotrainCyclonusSkywarpSunstormDevastator
Beast Wars: Optimus PrimalRhinoxCheetorRattrapDinobotTigatronAirazorSilverboltBlackarachniaDepth ChargeTigerhawkBotanicaNoblePredacons
Live-Action: Optimus PrimeBumblebeeSam WitwickyCade YeagerCharlie WatsonJazzIronhideRatchetSideswipeJetfireJoltSkids & MudflapArceeWheelieBrainsMirageWheeljackCrosshairsDriftHoundHot RodCanopyDaytraderSqweeksDynasty of PrimesGuardian Knights (DragonstormStormreignBreakaway) • Wreckers (LeadfootRoadbusterTopspin) • Dinobots (GrimlockScornSlugStrafeSlashSlogSnarl) • CogmanMikaela BanesMaggie MadsenJohn KellerGlen WhitmannLeo SpitzDutchCarly SpencerMegatronThe FallenStarscreamShatterDropkickBlitzwingSoundwaveShockwaveTessa YeagerShane DysonEdmund BurtonViviane WemblyIzabellaRon WitwickyJudy WitwickyMemo GutierrezWilliam LennoxRobert EppsCharlotte MearingJack BurnsTom BanachekSeymour SimmonsJoshua JoyceGill WembleySu YuemingDarcy TirrelSarah LennoxSentinel PrimeBonecrusherBrawlRavageScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsBlackoutGrindorLaserbeakLockdownQuintessaHarold AttingerJames Savoy
Transformers: Prime: SmokescreenBulkheadCliffjumper† • Jackson "Jack" DarbyMiko NakadaiRafael "Raf" EsquivelJune DarbyWilliam FowlerBreakdownKnock OutAirachnidWindbladeArceeRatchetJune DarbyWilliam FowlerKnock OutPredakingPredacons • Strongarm • Sideswipe • Grimlock • Fixit • Drift • Russell ClayDenny ClayWindbladeBumblebee • Megatron • StarscreamSoundwave • Trypticon • AirachnidVehiconsMECHBreakdownUnicronDreadwingShockwaveSteeljaw's PackSteeljawStunticonsCyclonus' armadaShadelock, Insecticons

My Little Pony
Generation 1: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpikePrincess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight GlimmerSandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYonaBig MacintoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear Butter Twilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberDiamond TiaraSilver SpoonSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonZecoraStar Swirl the BeardedRockhoofFlash MagnusSomnambulaMeadowbrookApple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlChangelingsCozy GlowDiscordKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonPony of ShadowsQueen ChrysalisRocShadowboltsStarlight GlimmerTantabusTatzlwurmTirek • The Pony of Shadows
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Twilight Sparkle (EG)Rarity (EG)Fluttershy (EG)Pinkie Pie (EG)Applejack (EG)Rainbow Dash (EG)Sunset ShimmerDazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal Cinch • • Sunset ShimmerIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset Shimmer
A New Generation: Sunny StarscoutZipp StormHitch TrailblazerIzzy MoonbowPipp PetalsSprout Cloverleaf
