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Heroes and Villains Wiki

Scavenger is a minor antagonist in the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Scavenger was a Constructicon and Decepticon who transformed into a Terex O&K RH400 Hydraulic Mining Excavator.



Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen[]

Powers and Abilities[]


Techno-Organic/Cybertronian Physiology:

  • Cybertronian Speed
  • Cybertronian Agility
  • Cybertronian Endurance
  • Cybertronian Durability
  • Cybertronian healing factor
  • Cybertronian longevity
  • Cybertronian strength
  • Enhanced senses
  • Shapeshifting


  • Cybertronium Deficiency: Cybertonium is a green, crystalline element found only on Cybertron and is used in the construction of Transformer bodies on that planet. If Scavenger is deficient in Cybertronium, it will cause minor malfunctions, at first, such as an inability to fully transform or control one's actions, but if the depletion proceeds past a critical level, it can lead to death.
  • Damaged Spark: While Scavenger is capable of living for centuries, he can still be killed if his spark is damaged. However, it is possible to bring Scavenger back to life with the AllSpark or Energon.
  • Alien Technology: Any alien technology is perfectly capable of killing Scavenger even from weapons of his design.
  • Extreme heat/cold: Scavenger can adapt to any environment he comes across and survive anything for a longer time than a human. However, he is still capable of suffering from further damage if suffering from prolonged exposure. This includes shutting down into stasis until they are moved to a warmer location.
  • Heavy artillery: Some human weapons can kill Scavenger through heavy artillery, as seen with William Lennox and his comrades taking out Blackout with a bazooka gun and Sam managing to kill Starscream with a broomstick he stuck in his eye. A single wound from the AllSpark by merging with Construction’s spark will kill them but the Cybertronian can still be brought back to life.
  • Leaking Energon: Energon is the preferred fuel/energy source of Transformers. It has also been shown as food, intoxicating drink, ammunition, and even currency. Much like water is for humans, Scavenger and his race depend on Energon as a fuel source and an Energon leakage can be dangerous for them.
  • T-cog dependency: Scavenger depends on a T-cog, which grants them the ability to transform between a vehicle form and a bipedal form. However, if Scavenger is without his T-cog, he will be unable to transform, blend in with his surroundings on an alien planet, and be immediately exposed.


           Transformers Logo Film Series

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, SideswipeJetfire • Arcee Triplets (ArceeChromia • & Elita-1) • Skids & MudflapJoltWheelieBrainsDino/MirageQue/Wheeljack • The Wreckers (RoadbusterLeadfootTopspin) • HoundCrosshairsDriftHot RodCogmanSqweeksDaytraderCanopyTrench BulldogKnights of Iacon/Dragonstorm (StormreignDragonstormStormreign) • Breakaway
Sam WitwickyCade YeagerMikaela BanesMiles Lancaster, Tessa YeagerViviane WemblyIzabellaMaggie MadsenGlen WhitmannShane DysonSarah Lennox
Sector Seven: Tom BanachekSeymour Simmons
NEST: William LennoxBobby Epps • Graham • Stone
KSI: Joshua JoyceDarcy TirrelSu Yueming
Transformers Reaction Force: Commander Santos • Glenn Morshower
Witwicky Family/Order of the Witwiccans: Judy WitwickyCarly Brooks-SpencerRon WitwickyArchibald WitwickySir Edmund BurtonCogman
Military Officials: John KellerCharlotte Mearing
Decepticons: MegatronThe FallenSentinel PrimeStarscreamBarricadeFrenzyBlackoutScorponokBonecrusherBrawlMegatronus Prime / The FallenSoundwaveRavageReedmanSidewaysGrindorDemolishorDevastatorThe ConstructiconsAliceShockwaveThe DrillerLaserbeak • The Dreads • GalvatronStingerOnslaughtDreadbotMohawkNitro Zeus
Government Officials: Director GallowayJames SavoyHarold Attinger
The Creators: QuintessaInfernocons
Other: Dylan GouldLockdownUnicronTrent DeMarco

NEST • Sector Seven • AutobotsDecepticonsDynasty of Primes • The Creators
Objects: AllSparkMatrix of LeadershipSpace BridgeMerlin's Staff • Archibald Witwicky's glasses • the Ark, Sun Harvester
Locations: Cybertron, NEST Base

DreamWorks Animation
Antz: ZPrincess BalaWeaverAztecaColonel CutterGeneral Mandible

The Prince of Egypt/Joseph, King of Dreams: Moses TzipporahMiriamAaronQueen TuyaYocheved Pharaoh RamesesHotep and HuyPharaoh Seti IJoseph, Jacob, Asenath, Rachel, Zuleika, Potiphar, Pharoh, Jacob’s brothers
The Road to El Dorado: Miguel, Tulio, Chel, Altivo, Chief Tannabok, Tzekel-Kan, Hernán Cortés
Chicken Run: GingerRocky, Mrs. Tweedy, Mr. Tweedy, FowlerNick, FetcherBabsBunty, Mac
Shrek: ShrekPrincess FionaDonkeyDragonTheloniusLord FarquaadArthur PendragonSnow WhiteCinderellaSleeping BeautyQueen LillianPuss in BootsDronkeysFairy GodmotherPrince CharmingGingyPinocchioThree Blind MiceThree Little PigsBig Bad WolfDeath • Goldilocks • Mama Bear • Baby Bear • Papa Bear • Jack and Jill • Humpty Alexander DumptyKitty Softpaws
Spirit: SpiritRainLittle CreekLuckySpirit Jr.
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: SinbadMarinaProteusErisCetusRocSpike
Shark Tale: Oscar • Lenny • Angie • Don Lino • Sykes • Lola • Frankie
Madagascar: AlexMartyMelmanGloriaSkipperPrivateKowalskiRicoKing Julien XIIIMauriceMortThe Fossas, ZubaFlorrieMakungaGiaVitalyStefanoManu and Maya, Sonya, Esmeralda, Esperanza and Ernestina, Manu and Maya, Dancing Dogs, Captain Chantel DuBoisClassifiedEvaShort FuseCorporalDave
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: WallaceGromitLady Tottington
Over the Hedge: RJVerneHammyStellaOzzieHeatherLouPennyBucky, Spike and QuilloTigerVincentGladys SharpDwayne LaFontant
Flushed Away: Roddy St. James • Rita Malone • Sid • The Toad
Bee Movie: Barry B. BensonKen • Vanessa Bloome • Adam Flayman
Kung Fu Panda: PoShifuTigressViperCraneMonkeyMantisMr. Ping, Soothsayer, Storming Ox, Croc, Thundering Rhino, Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Wolf Boss, Shen's Army, Kai, Jombie, Zhen, Chameleon, Li Shan
Monsters vs. Aliens: GinormicaThe Missing LinkDr. CockroachB.O.B.InsectosaurusGeneral MongerGallaxhar
How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IIIAstrid HoffersonStoick the VastValkaGobber the BelchFishlegs IngermanSnotlout JorgensonRuffnut ThorstonTuffnut ThorstonEretGothiSpiteloutDrago BludvistGrimmel the GrislyToothlessStormflyMeatlugBarf and BelchHookfangCloudjumperSkullcrusherGrumpRed DeathZephyr HaddockNuffink HaddockPhlegma the FierceDragos BewilderbeastLight FuryDart, Pouncer, and RuffrunnerDeathgrippersWarlords
Megamind: MegamindMinionRoxanne RitchiMetro ManTighten, Keiko Morita
Rise of the Guardians: Jack FrostNicholas St. NorthE. Aster BunnymundToothianaSanderson MansnoozieJamie BennettBaby ToothPitch BlackNightmares
The Croods: Grug CroodEep CroodGuyUgga CroodThunk CroodSandy CroodGranThe Bettermans (Hope Betterman, Phil Betterman, Dawn Betterman)
Turbo: TurboChetWhiplash
Mr. Peabody & Sherman: Mr. Peabody, ShermanPenny Peterson
Home: Tip, Oh
Trolls: PoppyBranchBiggieBridgetClayCooperDJ SukiFloydGuy DiamondJohn DoryKing Gristle Jr.King PeppyMr. DinklesSmidgeSpruceVeneerViva
The Boss Baby: Carol TempletonDr. Erwin ArmstrongJanice TempletonTheodore Templeton Jr.Tim TempletonTina TempletonTabitha TempletonTed TempletonTemp Baby AubreyYaya
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie: Captain Underpants
Abominable: YiEverestJinPengMeiNai NaiBurnishLiliGreat WatcherNianContractorNataliaQueendomDr. ZaraThe Bad Guys: Mr. Wolf • Mr. Snake • Mr. Piranha • Ms. Tarantula • Mr. Shark, Diane Foxington • Professor Marmalade • Chief Luggins • Cuddles • Kitty • Tiffany Fluffit
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken: Ruby Gillman • Connor • Margot • Trevin • Bliss • Gordon Lighthouse • Clarence J. Whifferton • RozArthur GillmanAgatha GillmanSam GillmanGrandmamaBrill GillmanChelsea Van Der Zee
Orion and the Dark: Orion, Dark, Light
The Wild Robot: Roz, Fink, Brightbill

DreamWorks Television
Madagascar: CloverTedPanchoXixiRobTimoMasikuraSage (friend) • StanislavKing JoeyButterfly KingLord SharkMary AnnDr. S • Burt • Bada and Bing • Joey • Roger • Eggy • Doris • Lemmy • KarlKotoMagic SteveButterfly Queen • Rob McTodd • Karen (ex • AbnerBeccaWigman WildebeestKing Julien the TerribleUncle JulienCaptain EthanPamChantel DuBoisSavioClemsonDr. Blowhole

Kung Fu Panda Spin-Offs: ColinDark MagesKlaus DumontVeruca DumontZhen (The Dragon Knight)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dagur the DerangedMalaHeatherHeather's Adoptive ParentsAtaliGustav LarsonMindenNadiaMulch and BucketSilent SvenTrader JohannAlvin the TreacherousViggo GrimbornRyker GrimbornMildewCaptain VorgToothless' RivalScauldyBing • Bam and BoomValka's BewilderbeastDrago's BewilderbeastTorchThornadoWingnut
Dinotrux: Ty RuxRevvitDozerSkyaTon-TonD-StructsD-StroyGarby
Voltron: KeithLancePidgeHunkAlluraCoranRomelle • Krolia • Lotor
Tales of Arcadia: Jim LakeAja TarronDouxie CasperanTobias "Toby" DomzalskiKrel TarronBlinky GaladrigalClaire NuñezAAARRRGGHH!!!Eli PepperjackSteve PalchukVarvatos VexArchieLuugMotherBarbara LakeDraalWalter StricklerMary WangDarci ScottCoach LawrenceCoranda TarronFialkov Tarron • Gnome Chompsky • Javier NuñezKanjigar the Courageous • Karl Uhl • Lenora Janeth • Loth Saborian • MerlinNancy DomzalskiNomuraNotEnriqueOphelia Nuñez • Unkar the Unfortunate • VendelZadraLouis ScottAngor RotBularDictatious GaladrigalGunmarKubritzAngor RotBularDictatious GaladrigalGunmarKubritzMorganaOtto ScaarbachUsurnaVal MorandoZeron AlphaZeron OmegaDr. BlowholeSkraelBellrocNari (Tales of Arcadia)
Harvey Girls Forever!: Audrey
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 'Adora/She-Ra'CatraBowGlimmerQueen AngellaMermistaPerfumaFrostaNetossaSpinnerella • Swift Wind • Sea Hawk • CatraScorpiaEntrapta • Castaspella • King Micah • Wrong Hordak • Mara • Horde PrimeDouble Trouble
Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Tony TorettoEchoMs. NowhereLayla GrayFrostee BensonCisco RenaldoRafaela Moreno
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Kipo Oak
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius BowmanBrooklynnKenji KonSammy GutierrezYasmina FadoulaBen PincusIndominus rexLewis DodgsonMosasaurusPierceBumpySoyona Santos
Gabby's Dollhouse: Gabby Girl
Dragons: The Nine Realms: Tom KullersenJun WongD'Angelo BakerAlexandra GonzalezEugene WongThunderWu and WeiPlowhornFeathersWebmasterOlivia KullersenMay WongPhillip BakerAngela BakerCarla GonzalezHazel GonzalezWilma SledkinLindaWilliam Rakke Jr.BuzzsawFordWinstonFault RipperThe Sky TorcherOld JackJörmungandrHobsBazzsaw
Team Zenko Go: AriEllieJaxNiah • Aunt Yuki • Ponzo
Dew Drop Diaries: Athena Sage
Curses!: Pandora VanderhouvenSky VanderhouvenHorus Vanderhouven
Other Programs: To be added

DreamWorks Pictures (Live-Action Films)
Saving Private Ryan: John H. MillerMike HorvathTimothy E. UphamJames RyanRichard ReibenSteamboat Willie

The Cat in the Hat: The Cat in the HatConrad WaldenSally WaldenJoan WaldenLarry Quinn Hank HumberfloobThing 1 and Thing 2Nevins
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: Violet BaudelaireKlaus BaudelaireSunny Baudelaire Count OlafLemony Snicket
Just Like Heaven: Elizabeth MastersonDavid Abbott
Transformers: Sam WitwickyOptimus PrimeMegatronRobert EppsWilliam LennoxGlen WhitmannMikaela BanesMaggie MadsenSeymour SimmonsJohn KellerTom BanachekRon WitwickyJudy WitwickyArchibald WitwickyMiles LancasterTrent DeMarcoBumblebeeJazzRatchettIronhideBarricadeBonecrusherFrenzyStarscreamBlackoutDevastator/BrawlScorponokGeneral MorshowerTheodore GallowayGrahamCal BanesAliceThe FallenJetfireSoundwaveRavageGrindorDevastator (MixmasterScrapperScrapmetalLong HaulScavengerHightowerOverloadSkipjack) • SideswipeWheelieSkids and MudflapLeo SpitzArceeChromiaElita-OneDemolisherScalpel • The Dynasty of PrimesJoltSidewaysBonecrusherRavage
Sweeney Todd: To be added
How to Train Your Dragon (2025): Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IIIToothlessAstrid HoffersonStoick the VastGobber the BelchFishlegs IngermanSnotlout JorgensonRuffnut ThorstonTuffnut Thorston
