Heroes and Villains Wiki

Samuel Sterns is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and first appeared in the 2008 film The Hulk. He was a doctor at Grayburn College who was finding a cure for Bruce Banner.

Sterns was portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson.a The character is based on The Leader from The Hulk comics published by DC Comics.


Samuel Sterns was a cellular biologist and Grayburn College professor who was finding a cure for Bruce Banner. Sterns managed to engineer a temporary antidote for Banner's condition but was also forced to repeat this process with Emil Blonsky, transforming him into the Abomination.

However, he was arrested by Black Widow.

Hulk family
Hulk (Bruce Banner)She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)SkaarThunderbolt RossRobert MaverickA-Bomb (Rick Jones)She-Hulk (Lyra)Hiro-KalaRed She-Hulk (Betty Ross)Hulk (Amadeus Cho)Weapon H
Supporting Characters
AmphibionAvengersCaptain AmericaDoc SamsonFantastic FourGamma CorpsGlorianIron ManJarellaJim WilsonMarlo ChandlerNamorNick FuryPantheonRebecca BannerS.H.I.E.L.D.Spider-ManThorWarbound (CaieraElloe KaifiHiroimKorgMiekNo-NameWolverine) • X-Men
AbominationAbsorbing ManBi-BeastGargoyleLeaderMadmanMaestroTyrannusU-FoesWendigoZzzax HydraRoxxonThunderboltsApocalypseBrian BannerDestroyerEnchantressExecutionerGalactusGrey GargoyleGrandmasterMODOKMandarinSandmanTiger SharkGlenn TalbotSabretooth
Marvel Cinematic Universe
HulkBetty RossAbominationSamuel SternsLeonard SamsonThaddeus RossIron ManJennifer Walters/She-HulkMatt Murdock/Daredevil