Heroes and Villains Wiki

You know, when I first met Oliver, he gave me a purpose, but he also gave me all of you. It makes sense that having a team is what helps me in the future, so why wait?
―Roy Harper to John Diggle

Roy Harper is a major character within the Arrowverse. He was the deuteragonist of Season 2 and Season 3 and supporting character of Season 4 & 7 of Arrow and one of the two protagonists of the miniseries Blood Rush (alongside Felicity Smoak).

Roy is a street-savvy young man and reformed small-time criminal from the Glades. He is the son of the late Roy Harper, Sr. and an unnamed woman, the fiancé of Thea Queen, and the former sidekick/good friend of Oliver Queen.

Roy Harper is portrayed by Colton Haynes, who also portrayed Jackson Whittemore from the MTV drama Teen Wolf (a role Haynes left for this one).



  • Roy Harper Sr. † - Father
  • Mother †
  • Thea Queen - Fiancée and Former Teammate
  • Moira Queen - Mother-in-law
  • Robert Queen † - Adoptive Father-in-law
  • Oliver Queen † - Brother-in-law
  • Emiko Queen - Sister-in-law
  • William Clayton - Nephew by Marriage
  • Mia Queen - Niece by Marriage




  • In comics:
    • Roy was noticibly younger than his Arrowverse comics. He has more of a father-son relationship with Oliver (His adopted parents in the comics). Additionally, he was the adoptive brother of Thea's counterpart, Mia Dearden.
      • He is also is the first to take on the code-name Speedy, followed by Mia Dearden. Similarly, Mia's counterpart in Arrow​​​​​, Thea Queen, takes up the name after Roy leaves it and his costume behind for her.
    • He has a close relationship with Sin in the series because their comic book counterparts were step-siblings.
    • Roy was a member of the Teen Titans and close friends with Wally West and Dick Grayson. Both relationships are not explored due to Wally and Roy never meeting each other and Dick's absence in the Arrowverse and being present on another DC TV show, Titans.
    • He was also a descendant of Vandal Savage, but Roy was not aware of this.
  • Colton Haynes is the second actor who was demoted to guest and then get promoted a second time, preceded by Katie Cassidy, who becomes part of the main cast once more as Laurel Lance's Earth-2 counterpart.
  • He often wears a red hoodie in reference to the color in association with his comic.
    • It may also be a reference to Jason Todd, the second Robin. They were both street kids, sidekick to billionare superheroes and have fits of rage.
  • Roy hates the name "Speedy", which is ironic, considering that he used the name in the comics.
  • Roy has hatred and fear of needles.
  • The Public is aware that Roy is alive in "Docket No. 11-19-41-73."
    • As of "Life Sentence" Roy was cleared of all charges of being the vigilante once Oliver outed himself as the Green Arrow.
  • the second Arsenal suit Roy wore in "The Thanatos Guild" was loosely based on his appearance in The New 52 and Rebirth comics.



Main Cast

Main Heroes: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowBarry Allen/The Flash (Earth-1/Earth-PrimeEarth-90) • Sara LanceKara Danvers/SupergirlJefferson Pierce/Black LightningKate Kane/BatwomanRyan Wilder/BatwomanClark Kent/Superman (Earth-38Superman & Lois) • Ray Terrill • Lois Lane (Earth-38Earth-TUD25Earth-TUD22) • Mick RoryLeonard SnartRip Hunter

Main Villains: Malcolm MerlynRa's al GhulDamien DarhkAdrian Chase/PrometheusRicardo Diaz/The DragonEmiko Adachi Queen/Green Arrow IIIEobard ThawneZoomSavitarThe ThinkerOrlin Dwyer/CicadaGrace Gibbons/Cicada II • Bloodwork • Eva McCullochGodspeedDeathstormNonAstra In-ZeRheaLillian LuthorSelenaReign • Lex Luthor (Earth-38/Earth-PrimeEarth-TUD25) • Agent LibertyNyxlygsptlnzMallusNeronLachesisBishopEvil GideonTobias WhaleGravediggerBeth Kane/AliceSafiyah SohailBlack MaskMarquis Jet • the Red DeathCobalt Blue, Gamemanae
John DiggleFelicity SmoakThea QueenLaurel Lance (Earth-1)Quentin LanceMoira QueenEmiko AdachiNyssa al GhulLyla MichaelsCurtis HoltRene Ramirez Dinah DrakeLaurel Lance (Earth-2)Roy HarperRay PalmerSlade WilsonHelena BertinelliMia QueenConnor HawkeWilliam ClaytonZoe RamirezMonitorRuvé AdamsLincoln Machin/Anarky • Anatoly Knyazev • Nora DarhkTalia al GhulEvelyn SharpLeague of AssassinsRicardo Diaz
The Flash
David SinghIris West-AllenCisco RamonCaitlin SnowJoe WestWally WestMartin SteinJesse Chambers WellsHarry WellsJay Garrick/The FlashH.R WellsRalph DibnyNora West-AllenBart AllenHarrison Sherloque WellsLeo SnartKamilla HwangAllegra GarciaChester P. RunkNash WellsMarlize DeVoeKiller Frost • Nature Forces (Speed Force Nora • Deon Owens • Alexa Rivera) • Meena Dhawan • Mark Blaine/ChillblainePied PiperKeith/GoldfaceJack Birch/The Hotness • Ryan Wilder/Red Death • the Rogues (Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II) • The Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • Negative Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • August Heart/Godspeed • Kristen Kramer • David Singh
Alex DanversJames OlsenWinn SchottCat GrantJ'onn J'onnzLena LuthorMaggie SawyerMon-ElM'gann M'orzzQuerl DoxNia NalKelly Olsen, Laura Haley, Samantha Arias, Imra Ardeen, Legion of Super-Heroes, Lar Gand, Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman, Rama Khan, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, Indigo, Siobhan Smythe / Silver Banshee, Rhea, Olivia Marsdin, Orlando Davis, Esme, Mitch, Rama Khan, Gamemnae, Alura Zor-El, Astra, Non, Zor-El, Manchester Black
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Ray PalmerJefferson JacksonMartin SteinWally WestJohn ConstantineAva SharpeGary GreenNate HeywoodZari Tomaz/Zari TaraziDamien DarhkNora DarhkAmaya JiweGideonCharlieEsperanza CruzBehrad TaraziVandal Savage
Black Lightning
Jennifer PierceAnissa PierceLynn StewartPeter GambiBill HendersonKhalil Payne/PainkillerGrace ChoiJeremiah HoltKhalil PayneBrandon MarshallTCGardner GrayleErica MoranHassan Shakur
Luke FoxMary HamiltonJacob KaneSophie MooreJulia Pennyworth, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane / AliceRenee MontoyaJada JetCatherine Hamilton-Kane, Vesper Fairchild, Cora Lewis,
Superman & Lois
Jordan Kent/SuperboyJonathan Kent IISam LaneLana LangKyle CushingSarah CushingChrissy BeppoJohn Henry Irons/SteelNatalie Irons/Steel, Mitchell Anderson, Bruno Mannheim, Lana-Rho, Inverse Society, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro/Doomsday, Peia Mannheim

Digger Harkness • Rainbow Raider • Laura Washington/CyberwomanAgent SmithDominatorsSusan BraydenOliver Queen/Dark ArrowKara/OvergirlTommy Merlyn/Prometheus XLeo SnartWinn Schott (Earth-X)John DeeganMar Novu/Monitor • Mobius/Anti-Monitor • Shadow Demons • DesperoRyan Choi, Siobhan Smythe/Silver Banshee, Lucy Lane, Leslie Willis/Livewire
Earth-X: John Trujillo/Black Condor • Jenny Knight/Phantom Lady • Red Tornado, Siren X

Alternate Earths

Stargirl: (Earth-2: New Multiverse) Courtney Whitmore/StargirlPat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.E.Beth Chapel/Doctor Mid-NiteYolanda Montez/WildcatRick Tyler/Hourman
Other Earths: Julio Mendez (Earth-90)Tina McGee (Earth-90)Clark Kent (Earth-167)Lois Lane (Earth-167)Superman (Earth-96)Barry Allen (DCEU)Helena KyleLucifer MorningstarRavenCourtney WhitmoreJason ToddHank Hall/Hawk

Government Agencies: A.R.G.U.S.D.E.O.ASIS

Criminal Fractions: League of Assassins • Bertinelli Crime Family • Legion of DoomProject Cadmus • Supermen of America

Vigilante Teams: Team FlashTeam ArrowBat TeamBlack Lightning's TeamJustice LeagueJustice Society of AmericaCanariesSuperfriendsSuperman FamilyLegion of Super-Heroes

Businesses: Big Belly BurgerCC JittersCatCo Worldwide MediaDaily PlanetLuthor Corps

Earths: Earth-38Earth-9Earth-1Earth-XEarth-2Other Earth's

Locations: KryptonLian Yu

Cities: Argo CityCentral CityNational CityStar CityCoast CityIvy TownGotham City MetropolisMidvaleFreelandSmallville

Cosmic Forces: Speed ForceStill ForceStrength ForceSage Force
Negative Forces: Negative Speed ForceNegative Still ForceNegative Strength ForceSage Force

Police Departments: Gotham City Police DepartmentCentral City Police DepartmentStar City Police Department

Spear of DestinyVigilante suitsGreen Arrow's Bows
Kryptonian • Humans • Meta-humans, Unicorn, Green Martians, White Martians,
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend, More I Cannot Wish You, Runnin' Home to You


Green Arrow: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowConnor Hawke/Green Arrow IIMia Queen/Green ArrowEmiko Queen/Red ArrowJohn Diggle
Heroes: Team Arrow (Black CanaryHenry FyffRoy HarperEmiko Queen/Red ArrowMia Dearden/SpeedyCissie King-Jones/Arrowette) • Bruce Wayne/BatmanBrave BowDodgerEddie FyersFelicity SmoakGreen Arrows of the WorldGreen Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan/Green LanternJade) • Lian HarperMoira QueenThe QuestionRed ArrowRobert QueenSinStan WilsonWalter SteeleKate Kane/BatwomanBarbara GordonCatwomanCassandra CainStephanie BrownHelena BertinelliRed HoodRed RobinDawn Granger/DoveNightwing, Garth/Aqualad, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Outsiders (Roy Harper/Arsenal, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Starfire), Bruce Wayne/Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, AquamanConnor Lance Queen/Black ArrowJefferson Pierce/Black LightningRay Palmer/Atom,

Supervillains: Amanda WallerAtrocitusBlack AdamBlack MantaBlack Spider • Blood Rose • BrainBrick • Bright • Bronze TigerBrother BloodBrotherhood of EvilCarol FerrisCatmanCheetahCheshireChina WhiteClayfaceClock KingCount VertigoConstantine DrakonCrumblerCupidDeadshotDeathstrokeDick Grayson/Vampire KingDoctor Psycho • Double Down • Dr. LightDr. SivanaElectrocutionerHellgrammiteJinxKiller CrocKodiakKomodoLarfleezeLeague of AssassinsLady ShivaLongbow HuntersMammothMerlynMetalloMister FreezeNeronNinth CircleOnomatopoeiaProfessor OjoProfessor ZoomPrometheusThe Queen, Big Bad Wolf • Ra's al GhulRed DartParasiteRichard DragonRiddlerRoyal Flush GangSinestroSinestro CorpsSkylarkSolomon GrudyStingerSuicide SquadTobias WhaleWarpWizard

Star City (ArrowcaveAshramQueen IndustriesSherwood FloristStar CityStarfish Island (Lian Yu) • Vlatava) • Central City • National City • Waverider • the Vanishing Point • Star City Police Department • Queen Industries
Team ArrowTeam Flash • the Legends • Justice LeagueA.R.G.U.S.Black Lantern CorpsGreen Lantern CorpsRed Lantern CorpsOrange Lantern Corps

Team Arrow: Oliver Queen/The Hood/The Arrow/Green Arrow/SpectreJohn Diggle/SpartanFelicity Smoak/OverwatchRoy Harper/ArsenalThea Queen/SpeedySara Lance/The Canary/White CanaryRay Palmer/The AtomQuentin LanceLaurel Lance/Black Canary ICurtis Holt/Mr. TerrificRene Ramirez/Wild DogDinah Drake/Black Canary IILaurel Lance/Black Siren/Black Canary IIIMia Queen/Green Arrow IIZoe RamirezWilliam ClaytonRory Regan/RagmanConnor Hawke

Supporting Cast/Allies: ShadoMalcolm MerlynLyla MichaelsShadoHelena BertinelliSlade WilsonNyssa al GhulMar Novu/The MonitorAlena Whitlock/Kojo Sledgehammer • Samanda Watson • Cindy Simone • Susan Williams • Jean Loring • Ben Turner/Bronze TigerMoira QueenDinah LanceTalia al GhulKate Kane/BatwomanTed Grant/Wildcat • Human Target • Vincent Sobel/Vigilante • Mari McCabe/Vixen

Team Flash: Barry AllenIris West-AllenWally West/Kid FlashCaitlin Snow/Killer FrostCisco Ramon/VibeRonnie RaymondJesse Wells/Quick • Julian Albert • Joe WestHarry WellsH.R. WellsFrostRalph Dibney/Elongated ManCecile Horton

Superfriends/Superman Family: Kara Danvers/SupergirlAlex DanversJ'onn J'onzz/Green MartianQuerl Dox/Brainiac-5Nia Nal/DreamerClark Kent/SupermanLois Lane

The Legends: John ConstantineMick RoryNate HeywoodCarter Hall/HawkmanKendra Saunders/HawkgirlLeonard Snart/Captain ColdJefferson Jackson/FirestormMartin Stein/FirestormAmaya Jiwe/VixenZari Tomaz

Main Villains: Rainbow Raider • Ra's al GhulDigger Harkness / Captain BoomerangDamien DarhkVandal SavageAdrian Chase/PrometheusDominatorsRicardo DiazOliver/Dark ArrowKara/OvergirlPrometheus-XEobard Thawne/Reverse-FlashEmiko Adachi QueenAnti-Monitor

League of Assassins: Ra's al Ghul • Thanatos Guild (Athena) • Al-Owal

Mercenaries: Isabel RochevSebastian BloodJohn Diggle Jr.Evelyn SharpGrant WilsonJoe Wilson/JackalA.M.A.Z.O.


Cities: Star CityCentral CityGotham City

Team Arrow