“They call me terrorist, radical, zealot... because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree... and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!”
―Ronan the Accuser's motives
Ronan the Accuser is the main antagonist of the 2014 film, Guardians of the Galaxy and a minor character in the 2019 film Captain Marvel. He is a warlord of the Kree Empire who allies with Thanos to steal the Power Stone and destroy the Xandarians
Ronan is depicted as a crusader, an iron-fisted Kree admiral whose dedication to the Kree as the preeminent race in the galaxy drives him to genocidal extremes. He led them in several exploits, such as the one above Torfa. He is zealous, with a bitter and hateful obsession for vengeance against Xandar owing to his family's vendetta against the capital of the Nova Corps. This drove the Accuser not to care what the cost was, so long as it gave him a chance to get his own back on Xandar, as Nova Prime noted that he and his followers had been slaughtering children.
Ronan is shown to be intensely sadistic, gleefully mocking Drax the Destroyer in their fights by claiming he will not remember killing him, and later saying the screams of his wife and daughter were "pitiful", laughing while he took their lives. His ruthlessness is displayed when he murders the Other for interrupting him, despite the vizier's importance to Ronan's master. It is also displayed with his no-nonsense attitude toward his underlings, as even on hologram his demeanor is intimidating. A murderous fanatic, Ronan is very stoic, usually speaking in calm tones until he is confronting an enemy directly (though not even Captain Marvel's chance appearance out of nowhere could rouse him to open rage). In spite of this, Ronan tends to present himself as enigmatic and brooding as a result of his self-righteousness. Ronan sees his convictions as justification that he is delivering the galaxy justice through punishment for anyone who cannot uphold his code. Although Ronan was pragmatic enough to ally with Thanos to destroy Xandar, he had the sense to betray him once the idea was feasible.
Despite this, he is friendly at least to Nebula as the two seem to have bonded after Gamora's betrayal and sharing a vendetta for Thanos. It is also worth noting that people appear to follow him out of respect, not out of fear.