Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Rex Buckland is the main antagonist of the first half of the first season of Charmed. He is a warlock who assumed the identity of the real Rex Buckland, who he murdered and became. Prue's boss at the Buckland auction house. The warlock tries stealing the three sisters' powers but ends up being killed in the processs.


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Original Characters
Main Characters: Prue HalliwellPiper HalliwellPhoebe HalliwellPaige MatthewsDarryl MorrisChris HalliwellAndy TrudeauLeo WyattCoop HalliwellHenry MitchellCole TurnerBillie Jenkins

Supporting Characters: Penny HalliwellPatty HalliwellVictor BennettWyatt HalliwellElise RothmanDan GordonKyle Brody

Villains: Christy JenkinsSource of All EvilZankouRex BucklandHannah WebsterBarbasCole TurnerSource of All EvilShaxWyatt HalliwellGideonEvil PiperEvil PhoebeEvil PaigeAshley FallonAlecInspector RodriguezJannaJavnaJaydaHecateInspector SheridanSpider Demon

Macy Vaughn, Maggie Vera, Kaela Danso, Mel Vera
The TriadThe Charmed Ones