- “I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us. But we're not droids. We're not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions.”
- ―Rex
Commander Rex (formerly known as Captain Rex, born CT-7567) is a major character in the Star Wars franchise. He is a supporting character in Star Wars: The Clone Wars as the tetartagonist of Seasons 1-6 and the deuteragonist of Season 7 and returned as one of the supporting protagonists in Star Wars Rebels. He was a Clone Trooper from Kamino and stayed loyal to Ahsoka Tano and the Galactic Republic due to her removing his command chip during Order66.
- Skilled Leadership: Rex was renowned for his leadership, having earned the respect of all the men who served under his command.
- Skilled Marksman:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film)[]
Sometime after the Clone Wars started, Rex came to serve under Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, with whom he built a strong friendship with. He was extremely close with Clone Commander, Cody, who served under Anakin's old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Clone Wars (series)[]
Rex continues to serve under Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano as third-in-command.
Season 4[]
During the Umbara arc, Rex and the 501st were temporarily under the command of General Pong Krell. However, Krell began undermining Rex and his fellow clones' battle tactics and verbally abusing them. In truth, the General had become corrupted and purposefully sabotaged the Clones with intentions of betraying the Jedi to the Separatists. Rex and his fellow soldiers managed to put a stop to the fallen Jedi's plans and capture Krell. The Republic succeeded in taking the planet from falling into Separatist control, making the battle of Umbara a Republic victory. With Krell their prisoner, Rex was faced with the choice of executing Krell, who mocked the Clone Commander when he hesitated. However, Dogma pulled the trigger in retaliation for the deaths of his brothers.
Season 7[]
Rex appears in the show's seventh, final, and revival season as the overall deutragonist.
Star Wars Rebels[]
Star Wars Rebels[]
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