- “I know you think I'm a villain whose life isn't worth saving, but yours means everything to me. All versions of it. So if this is how I have to go out, showing you that there are people in the world that love you, no matter what you do. Well then, that's a worthy end for me.”
- ―Regina to Wish Realm Henry
Regina Mills, formerly known as the Evil Queen, is one of the protagonist of Once Upon a Time.
She is the daughter of Cora and Henry, the younger half-sister of Zelena, adoptive mother of Henry Mills and adoptive grandmother of Lucy and the former step-mother of Snow White. She initially wants revenge against Snow, blaming her for the loss of her fiance Daniel Coulter, and insured it by casting a powerful curse that ripped everyone from their homeland at the Enchanted Forest. After noticing how poorly she treated Henry while raising him, Regina soon realizes the error of her ways and transitions from villain to hero.
As of the series finale, Regina is the queen of the United Realms, ruling it with fairness and prosperity
Regina serves as one of the deuteragonists of Once Upon a Time, appearing as
- The main antagonist of Season 1
- The secondary antagonist of Season 2A and the anti-villain turned anti-hero of Season 2B
- The tritagonist of Season 3 and the deuteragonist of the second half of Season four and five
- The deuteragonist of Season 6
- One of the two main protagonists of Season 7 (alongside Henry)
For the television series, Regina is a composite of the following characters from different fairy tales. She is based on the Evil Queen from the fairy tale "Snow White" and the Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
She also takes the place of the child of the Miller's Daughter from the fairytale Rumpelstiltskin.
She is also an allusion to the stepmother from "Hansel and Gretel" and briefly takes the place of the sea witch from Hans Christian Anderson's fairytale, "The Little Mermaid"and Ursula from the Disney film adaptation Anderson's fairytale.
Regina was born February 1st, to Cora and Henry, the princess and prince of King Xavier's kingdom. However, she grows up to be a lonely child who finds it difficult to live with a controlling mother whose only interest to use magic all the time. As a ten year old, Regina plays in her mother's study, where she opened a box that was concealed by blood magc. As only those from Cora's bloodline could access it, Regina could open it as well. Taking her mother's wand, Regina attempts to use the wand to bring her doll Isabella to life but critically injured herself. Cora cannot help her because it was the wand she opened that due this. However, Regina was revived by another girl's magic, who introduced herself as Zelena. The girls become close friends and discovered they were related when Zelena opened the box Regina had done earlier, as they wonder if they could be related. Even though Cora told the two girls of their relationship as sisters, she was not willing to risk anyone finding out about Zelena. Even though Regina swears to find her sister again, they are torn apart. Cora forces her daughters to take a memory potion so they will forget about each other and the incident. Cora sends Zelena back to Oz, and begins sharping Regina's future in her own hands. ("Sisters")
Forgetting about her short-lived friendship with Zelena, Regina became smitten with her estate's stable hand, Daniel Colter. Unlike all the other boys in the kingdom, Regina fell in love with him because he wasn't afraid to be himself. Knowing that Cora would never approve, Regina and Daniel secretly began a relationship. One day, Regina saves a young girl on a runaway horse, only to discover that thwas s herself in a forced marriage when Cora accepts for her. Regina and Daniel secretly get engaged and plan on running away together, but when Snow sees them. She tries to run off and tell someone until Regina catches up with her. The latter convinces Snow White that she loves Daniel and to keep their plans of eloping a secret. However Cora later manipulates Snow, who eventually tells her that Regina and Daniel are planning to run away. Regina's mother confronts them both and Cora rips Daniel's heart out before killing him in front of Regina, who is brought to tears. An agitated Cora tells Regina love is weakness and that she will be Queen. After Snow confesses that she told Cora about Regina and Daniel, Regina hides her anger towards her. She tells Snow that Daniel has abandoned her and she's content with marrying Leopold and becoming her stepmother. However, after Snow leaves, Regina, heartbroken and vengeful, blames the young girl for Daniel's death and ruthlessly mutters that she should have let Snow White die on her horse.
("The Stable Boy")
She later gets help from Tinker Bell, who helps her find her soulmate, who she is unaware is named Robin Hood of Locksley, also known as a thief. However, Regina cannot bring herself to introduce herself to Robin and blames Tinker Bell for her misery. Regina also kills her own husband with the help of the Genie who she turns into the Magic Mirror. After Leopold's death, Regina hunts her step-daughter, Snow White down, but fails to catch her every time. Her mother also tried to get Regina to have children of her own, but Regina refused to listen to her mother and took the infertility potion to prevent her from having any children.
She later poisons Snow with giving her the enchanted apple, causing her to fall into a death like sleep but the enchantment didn't last long as Regina realized that she could not get rid of Snow White, but let her go in exile, but Snow fought back, and a war was wagered against Regina and her ally, King George. Regina soon lost the war and was captured by Snow White and her husband, Prince Charming. However, before she was executed, Snow stopped her execution, with the Blue Fairy stopping the arrows from flying. Later freeing Regina from her cell, Snow tested to see if the Queen could truly change. However, the evil queen took this advantage and stabbed her, but Regina was shocked that Snow could not be killed as Charming and Snow and their family, are under the protection of Rumplestiltskin's magic. However, Regina found a loophole in this and threatened the kingdom with the Dark Curse, which she cast on the entire kingdom of the Enchanted Forest. She later became known as Regina Mills, ruling Storybrooke as mayor with an iron fist. She feels happiness for the first time when Owen Flynn and his father, Kurt. However, it takes a dark turn when they try to leave. Later, she adopted Henry after Emma gave him up for a closed adoption.
When Regina was young, she used to be a kind, gentle caring person. She helped others whenever she could and even saved Snow White's life, but Regina soon grew cold after the death of her beloved fiancé, Daniel and had started hating Snow White for the secret she told Cora, Regina's evil mother. Because of her mother's wicked ways, Regina hates magic and vows to never be as evil as her mom. Unfortunately, she does become cold like her mother. Despite the fact she is evil by the time Snow White is a bandit, Regina has a sense of dark humor like her mentor, Rumpelstiltskin does.
Regina is also very vengeful as she vows to destroy Snow White and her happiness for the death of Daniel, and even goes far for framing her for murder for everything she did to her. However, after she adopted Henry, Regina is a good mother and is very protective of Henry, and later, her granddaughter, Lucy. Their relationship changes over time and Regina tries to change for her son's sake. Regina was redeemed by her son and reverts back into the woman she once was. She also loves her newfound family. She was remorseful for a lot of things she did as the Evil Queen.
Powers and Abilities[]
Regina has practiced in the dark magic for most of the series, and later learns how to use light magic to defeat her sister. She can cast spells and curses, create objects out of the blue, create energy blasts, perform healing and locator spells, magic immobilization.
- Blood Magic; Regina was possibly taught blood magic by Rumplestiltskin. With this, regina uses blood magic that only she can access to unless someone from her bloodline can infiltrate it, like Zelena did before their first meeting with each other.
- Locator Spells - Ability to track someone linked to a person's bloodline, through use of the tracker's blood.
- Protection Spells - Ability to cast a magical seal that can only be broken by someone of the same bloodline.
- True Love: Like any magical individual from the Enchanted Forest, Regina has the power of true love, the purest love of all. She first experienced true love when she was with her lover, Daniel and kept the ring he gave her as a reminder. The true love she had for Daniel was still embodied in the ring Regina used to retrieve the poisoned apple.Regina also has true love for all her friends and family, this includes her sister, Zelena and her son Henry. She first performed true love's kiss on screen with Henry, waking the citizens of Storybrooke from the Curse. Later, Henry would return the favor many years later, when he gave his mother true love's kiss, thus reviving Regina.
- Heart Removal: She has the ability to remove the hearts of others who are either magical or non magical. With the enchanted heart, she can command the victim to do whatever she says. Regina can also crush the heart killing the victim, but Regina has not been doing heart removal lately since she had been redeemed by the heroes.
- Teleportation: Regina uses teleportation when disappearing in a cloud of smoke, making her teleport herself anywhere she wants.She can also scry using her magic mirror to spy one of her enemies and can also cast a powerful curse.
- Potion Making: Regina can make potions with multiple substances. She creates a poiton for sleeping at times..
- Nature and elemental magic: - Regina has the power to manipulate and control plants. She has also used pyrokinesis, being able to create fire.
- Transformation: Regina has the ability to shapeshift herself, someone else and other objects into other forms or elements.
- Glamouring: Regina can cast illusions, and only affects the perception of people who see the glamoured person or object, as opposed to changing its actual form. However, it is implied that she can cast it to people she doesn't want finding out.
- Petrification: Regina turned a gnome to stone after it mocked her when she failed to cast the dark cursed, Regina petrified it, turning it into a statue and turned a mermaid into a wood store.
- She also has telekinesis, teleportation and transformation.
Sword-fighting: Magic aside, Regina actually has proved to be a capable swords woman, being taught by her royal guards. She eventually masters it, but Regina hardly does sword fighting because she has her own magic. She was able to hold herself in a duel between herself and Snow during the Shattered Sight curse and during her then-enemy, Sir Henry
Family |
† = deceased
Henry Mills[]
Regina adopted Henry when he was a newborn child.
Emma Swan[]
Regina openly admitted to Emma that they did hates each other when they first met, pointing out they continuously argued over who was truly Henry's mother. However, over the years they had known each other, they had gradually became close friends.
Snow White[]
- When asked if Regina had the chance to save either Daniel, Facilier or Robin, Lana Parrilla answered it would be Robin because he was her "ultimate true love." [1]
- She is approximately eight to nine years older than Snow White. (Regina Rising)
- According to Lana Parrilla, Regina was born on February 1st.
- Regina is portrayed as Latino to reflect on Parrilla's own ethnicity.
- Both Regina and Emma shared custody of Henry.
- According to Snow, unlike her, Henry and Emma, Regina hates cinnamon and whipped cream on her hot chocolate. Regina's granddaughter, Lucy, may like it too because Regina once made the drink for her
- During her coronation of being Queen of the United Realms, Regina is dubbed the "Good Queen." This shows how Regina has come a long way since the beginning of the series. Though typically, the alias is usually given to Snow White's biological mother.
- In the Enchanted Forest, Regina lived in a black castle. However, in the present-day events, Regina lives in a white house, complementing it.
External Links[]
Regina Mills on Once Upon a Time Wiki