Heroes and Villains Wiki
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They stole your kids. No. They stole our kids. I mean, who does that? Have you ever stolen any one's children? Huh? Have you? I mean, you look like you would. And you know what? I'm a little bit angry. Correction. I'm really angry. And I don't think I'm the only one. Come on, we're birds! We're descendants from dinosaurs! We're not supposed to be nice! Right?
―Red's speech

Red is the main protagonist of the Angry Birds games.



Main Character: RedLeonardChuck • BombJay, Jake, and JimMatilda Hal TerenceBubblesSilverStellaPoppyLucaDahliaMighty Eagle • Willow

Bird Island Residents: Judge PeckinpahCyrusMimeHatchlingsMonicaPhillipEarly BirdGreg BlueOlive BluePeggy BirdEdwardEvaTimothyEllaZoeShirley

Eagles: GlennCarlJerryBrad EaglebergerDebbie

Pigs: CourtneyGarryRossChef PigEarlForeman Pig

Other Villains: Green Pigs - Gale
