This article is about the character from Teen Titans. For her live-action counterpart, see Raven (Titans).
- “You may have created me, but you were never my father. Fathers are kind. Fathers protect you. Fathers raise you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. They are my family, this is my home, and you are NOT welcome here! Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!”
- ―Raven denounces her father before destroying him.
Raven (born Rachel Roth) is one of the five main heroes and the tritagonist of the Teen Titans franchise. She is a human-demon hybrid, originating from the parallel dimension of Azarath, and is one of five founding members of the Teen Titans.
Raven was the daughter of Arella and the inter-dimensional demon Trigon. She was born in the mystical realm of Azarath, a parallel world from Earth and raised by her mother and the Monks of Azarath. Despite knowing her destiny to one day act as a portal for her father's conquest, Raven was still loved by the people of Azarath, who she considered part of her true family. Eventually, she left her Homeworld and returned to her mother's home planet Earth. Knowing she was destined to one day destroy the world, Raven sought to use her powers for good and started out in Jump City, California. When she arrived in the city, an alien princess began to unleash her own powers, causing trouble and destruction downtown. Raven appeared on the scene, where she found a trio of boys trying to handle the situation. This included the Boy Wonder, Robin/Dick Grayson (recently the former sidekick of Batman), Beast Boy (a metahuman who was a former member of Doom Patrol and Cyborg (the former athlete Victor Stone).
During the small battle with Starfire, Robin freed the girl of her manacles but the alien princess preceded to kiss him to acquire knowledge of the English language. She flew off and warned them to stay away from her before running away to another part of town. Despite the small group of superheroes, Raven was reluctant to to team up with Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy to find the alien girl because she feared they wouldn't like her if she told them what she was. However, Robin convinced her to join them help Starfire, after noting that it wouldn't matter who or what she was.
During the mission, the team learned that the Gordanians were the true threat. Raven and the rest of the superheroes grouped to protect Starfire and Jump City from the villains. In the aftermath of the battle, Raven joined the group on the island where Avengers Tower would be built. As Beast Boy joked, Raven admitted he was kind of funny. However, this prompts him to tell Raven he will tell her all the jokes he knows, much to her horror and starting one of the running gags in the series. Raven was given a communicator by Robin in case they needed each other again. This eventually led to Raven and her new friends to forming the Teen Titans, a group of young superheroes to protect Jump City from other threats, with the likes of Slade Wilson, Dr. Light, HIVE, and Trigon.
Teen Titans[]
Teen Titans Go![]
Raven keeps a stoic, calm, and rather cold personality on the outside; however, at heart, she is caring, kind and helpful towards her friends. Since childhood, Raven has been aware of her identity as the daughter of Trigon, as well as the destruction he would bring, as she served as its portal to Earth. Because of this, she usually remained distant from her friends and appeared cold and calm to keep her emotions under control. It is shown that her demon side will appear if she lets her emotions grow out of control, mainly her anger and frustration. Despite her demonic powers, Raven used them for good, in hopes to atone for the destruction and chaos she would bring. However, Raven is the only one capable of defeating her father once and for all.
She usually appears irritated by Beast Boy’s jokes and childish antics. However, in “Nevermore”one of her Emoticlones told Beast Boy that she thinks he his hilarious. This means that deep down, Raven may think his jokes are funny, but doesn’t express anything towards it because she doesn’t want to get Beast Boy too cocky with his jokes.
Powers and abilities[]

Robin assures his support to Raven.
- “Thanks. I know I can always count on you. Like the sister I never had.”
- ―Robin to Raven
The series portrays Robin and Raven as having a close and sibling relationship and close like it is in the comics. They both care about each other and respect each other's privacy and history. When they first met, Raven told the team she wouldn't be able to help the boys track Starfire. This was built on the fear that they wouldn't like her anymore if she told them the truth of who she was. However, Robin showed that his opinion wouldn't change of her, showing he didn't care what she was and rather who she was. They also established an empathic link ever since Raven entered Robin's mind and learned of his past with her magic. This, including his parents' deaths and his adoption by Bruce Wayne/Batman. Robin has asked her at least once to let him in because she had seen his own. However, she showed she didn't want to burden him with her own problems.
Out of all the Titans, Robin appears to understand her the most because of their tendencies for both to feeling a sense of loneliness and showing their social isolation when they need it. She and Robin also know and understand each other's pasts, and will like to work things out on their own. They are each other's emotional support, both towards each other and their other friends. With help from Robin (and the other Titans), Raven can ultimately defeat her father once and for all and later hugged him as a sister would. In the comics, Robin also seems to empathize with her for the loss of a father figure, or rather, a lack there of (Trigon) . However, they have established they are already a family, despite it being chaotic. In the comics related to Teen Titans, Robin considers Raven as the sister he never had. This happened during the anniversary of his parents' deaths, where Raven showed concern and sadness for Robin when she saw how he was reacting to such events. Instead, he called her the "sister [he] never had," showing their sibling-like relationship.
Beast Boy[]

Raven hugs Beast Boy after his ordeals of internal struggle.
The prequel episode revealed that she and Cyborg are why Beast Boy removed his mask from his Doom Patrol costume. He firmly believed it hid his identity; however, she was unconvinced because his green skin was recognizable. At the end of the episode, Beast Boy tells a joke, which causes Raven to smile and state Beast Boy is "kind of funny. Beast Boy proceeds to tell her he has "billions of jokes" to share with her, causing a fearful Raven to sweat. Beast Boy trying to make Raven laugh becomes a recurring gag in the series. On the outside, Raven finds most of Beast Boy's jokes irritating. However, in "Nevermore," Cyborg and Beast Boy are inside her mind; one of Raven's clones reveal she always thought he was funny.
Raven and Beast Boy are protective of each other and will defend each other if necessary. In "Final Exam," Starfire nearly lashed out at Raven, accusing her of not trying hard to find Robin when he was missing. Beast Boy immediately comes to Raven's defense while comforting Starfire Robin always shows up when they least expect it. Cyborg began scolding Beast Boy for making a joke after they were kicked out of Titans Tower. Immediately, Raven comforted him by putting a hand on his shoulder, which later drove her to criticize Cyborg's treatment of Beast Boy. During their confrontation with Terra and Slade in "Aftershock," Raven threatened to end Terra if she used her powers to harm Beast Boy. However, Terra did a heel-face turn and switched to the Titans' side.
After internally struggling with his inner beast and turning into a monstrous creature in "The Beast Within", Raven hugs Beast Boy in an attempt to comfort him. In the Teen Titans Go! tie-in comics, there are hints of Raven and Beast Boy sharing a mutual attraction. However, it never escalates to a romance and is simply a nod to their romantic relationship in the comics.

Starfire and Raven, the only girls on the team and best friends.
Being the only girls on the team, Raven and Starfire have a special friendship and sisterly bond, essentially becoming best friends. However, at the start of the team's formation, Starfire and Raven rarely hung out together by themselves, with them bonding with the boys of their team. Starfire also seems to be slightly intrusive about Raven's history. After their encounter with Doctor Light, Starfire was worried about her best friend, as she continued to push Robin to see how Raven was faring, despite his protests. After the episode "Switched", Starfire and Raven's relationship hit a turning point. After spending the day with each other's powers when their bodies were temporarily switched, they had a better understanding of each other. However, at first, Raven and Starfire could not get along, nearly arguing more than once. However, they eventually worked it out and learned of each other's pasts. At the end of the episode after succeeding in saving the boys, Starfire came to meditate with Raven, who welcomed the company, despite rebuffing her earlier.
It is shown that Raven does indeed value Starfire's friendship, as she was so devastated when her best friend disappeared, that Raven lost most of her sanity and was left in sadness for the loss of a friend.

Cyborg and Raven fixing the T-Car together.
- “Cyborg: Mind telling me why you're always by yourself?
Raven: You heard the kid. I don't exactly fit in.
Cyborg: He's green, half of me is metal, and she's from space. You fit in just fine.” - ―Raven voices concerns and Cyborg assures her
After Robin, Cyborg is the second person to take Raven's personal history seriously, however this almost didn't stop him when he snuck into Raven's room with Beast Boy. He respects Raven's own privacy, and while he is similar to Beast Boy in terms of personality, he is aware of her past and also appears to be an older brother towards her. Cyborg seems to understand Raven's fears of fitting in due to him being a cybernetically enhanced as well. This aspect of their relationship was touched on in the prequel episode "Go!" when Raven told Cyborg she was afraid of fitting in. Whatever he was the one who injured her that they all were misfits in their own way: his cybernetics, Starfire being an alien and Beast Boy having green skin.
- Raven is the only main character who is related to the main antagonist of a season arc, being the daughter of Trigon, who is the main villain of Season 4.
- This makes her the second Titan whose arch-enemy is related to her, the first being Starfire, whose arch enemy is her older sister Blackfire.
- Both Starfire and Raven have powers tied to their emotions. Starfire has to reflect happiness when she flies or anger when she blasts starbolts. Raven, meanwhile, has empathy ( the ability to feel the emotions of other) and to keep her emotions under control or her powers go out of control.
- In the comics, Raven took on new Identity Rachel Roth. In the live-action series of Titans, Rachel Roth is her legal name.
- Robin considers Raven the sister he never had and respects her privacy (Concerning Robin/One Morning)
Similar Characters[]
- Raven is similar to the Scarlet Witch from Marvel comics:
- They are both young witches whose powers are sourced by another factor (In this case, some of Scarlet Witch's powers come from her mental instability while Raven's power is derived from their emotions)
- &Also, their powers apparently make them different as they both fight justice despite their magic being regarded as bad.
- However they use their evil-regarded magic for good.
- They are also the most powerful members on their team but hold back to prevent their inner darknesses from emerging.
- Velma from Scooby Doo
- Both are very intelligent young woman,
- They are well-versed in certain fields through use of books. (Raven has an entire collection of books and spells and Velma is well-read on obscure fields such as Norse writing
- They make snide or sarcastic remarks to their teammates.
- They care about their friends and usually take a reasonable or calm aspect and perspective on situations.
- Sam Manson from Danny Phantom:
- They are both female leads of their own series.
- Both hate all things positive and cheerful and enjoy dark and grim poetry slams.
- They are both goths whose color scheme is Black and violet clothes, short hair and purple eyes.
- Make snide and sarcastic remarks to their teammates, but they care about their friends.
- They also have some sort of rivalry with another female member of their team (Valerie/Jazz and Terra)
- Their female best friend on the team is more cheerful than them (Starfire and Jazz). Also, both Sam and Raven develop better relationships with their other female teammate from a crisis that bonds them.
- Jazz and Sam bonded over the course of "Girls Night OUt" when all the male characters disappeared.
- Raven and Starfire truly become friends with each other after working together when their bodies switched.