- “I only ever did what the heroes you so often speak of would do. I sacrificed everything for my family. And the only thing I ever got in return was pain.”
- ―Rapunzel Tremaine
Rapunzel Tremaine is the former main antagonist of season 7 of Once Upon a Time. However, she redeemed herself when she sacrificed herself to save her daughter, Drizella.She débuts in the first episode of the seventh season and is portrayed by starring cast member Gabrielle Anwar and guest star Meegan Warner.
Rapunzel Tremaine is based on the Stepmother from the fairytale, "Cinderella", and on the character of the same name from the Disney film, Cinderella. She is also based on the titular character from the fairytale "Rapunzel", and on the character of the same name from the Disney film Tangled.
Rapunzel is portrayed by Gabrielle Anwar, who also portrayed Queen Anne in the 1993 film, The Three Musketeers. Her younger self was portrayed by Meegan Warner.