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For other uses, see Ra's al Ghul (disambiguation).

Ra's al Ghul (real name unknown) is one of the two main antagonists of the Batman comics, alongside the Joker. He first appeared in Batman #232's "Daughter of the Demon". Ra's is one of Bruce Wayne's greatest enemies, the father of Talia al Ghul and Nyssa Raatko and the maternal grandfather of Robin (Damian Wayne).

He was portrayed by Liam Neeson in the Dark Knight series and Matthew Nable in the Arrowverse and Alexander Siddig in Gotham.


Ra's Al Ghul became the leader of the League of Assassins and fathered three children, which included the two daughters Nyssa and Talia. Ra's became Batman's (Bruce Wayne's) enemy when it appeared that Talia and Robin (Dick Grayson) were abducted to test and see if Batman was a worthy successor. However, Bruce refused and They have been enemies ever since. His daughter, Talia later had a coke with Batman, Damian, who eventually sided with his biological father and became Robin.


I am cursed with a love for emptiness... desolation. It is a beauty to which my soul responds... as pure, as untainted as the deserts of my birth. I deem it my mission to purify this planet, to restore it to its former beauty... a mission I will brook no interference in.
―Ra's al Ghul

The League of Assassins is my legacy. It seems only fair that I have everyone that Bruce Wayne ever loved, everything he ever built, destroyed. The Batman will have no legacy.
―Ra's al Ghul

I have been called criminal and genius... and I am neither! I am an artist! I have a vision of an Earth as clean and pure as a snow-swept mountain... or the desert outside!
―Ra's al Ghul
My family and I will be safe here, with samples of several endangered species, we will wait as the ecosphere corrects itself. If I do not survive , my son shall carry on for me. You are invited to join us, Detective. I have spared you this long to offer you a choice. You may join me -- and my daughter -- or you will perish.
―Ra's al Ghul
I have knowledge which is alien to you, for I have tasted food fresh from dark fertile soil, and I have filled my lungs with untainted air, and I have quenched my thirst with water clear as the first day of creation, and you have not -- because you can not. Those things do not exist on this world any longer. They have been destroyed by man's lust for dominance -- a lust I know well, for at times it all but consumes me. All is corrupt, all is sick, all is dying. As am I. As are you.
―Ra's al Ghul
The virus will be mine. And so the world.
―Ra's al Ghul

I have every faith in you, my son. Some of our enemies are new to me. And some are familiar to both you and me. I welcome them. Their deaths will be the first of many. In many ways theirs will be the most satisfying deaths of all. A fitting prelude to my legacy.
―Ra's al Ghul
I care nothing for Hitler or his agenda, child. But he has created a mechanism to rival any of my own and I would be a fool not to avail myself of it. His war will kill millions. And that leaves millions less for me to deal with when the time comes.
―Ra's al Ghul
In the new world, all peoples will be united, every race, every faith, every creed will find common purpose... our world is not for everyone. Only those who prove their worth will enter it. The rest will be purged... and if nine hundred and ninety-nine must perish for every one who lives... so be it!
―Ra's al Ghul
I have heard of your famed insolence, Joker. It will not be tolerated here.
―Ra's al Ghul
He will be cared for. And kept. Protected and sheltered out of respect for his mentor... and his present caretaker.
―Ra's al Ghul
I want to be a physician. I want to help people.
―Ra's al Ghul
The first whose flesh is touched by the spotlight shall die, Detective... for we cannot continue to exist in the same world. Do you not agree?
―Ra's al Ghul
What splendid irony that mankind's testaments to his own ingenuity become the agents of his demise during an earthquake.
―Ra's al Ghul
Welcome home, Bruce Wayne -- or shall I address you as the Batman?
―Ra's al Ghul
I long for a better world -- not one commanded by fools! This is my dream! And when my world is realized, you will sit at my side along with my daughter!
―Ra's al Ghul
Well done ... Detective.
―Ra's praising Tim Drake, also the only person he called "Detective" other than Batman
You are proud, Detective! You do not plead for aid... nor would I give it! The desert is the shaper of my destiny... and it has decreed me victor! Farewell, greatest of enemies!
―Ra's al Ghul
Let me show you what true painn isss like, Detective!!! Then let us both die together!
―Ra's al Ghul
Ask yourself, detective... who in your life would wish to come back from the dead?
―Ra's al Ghul
This is a set-back, not a defeat. The advantage is mine. I have eternity... and Batman must win every single time... while I need win but once.
―Ra's al Ghul
One small little life, one secret, looming so large to the lives of the ants... but so insignificant to one who plans in decades.
―Ra's al Ghul
So you chose to ignore me upon your return...detective. But it is a gift to have you back, a rebirth of our mutual respect and enmity. Now that you know the euphoria of immortality... now, truly, completely, you will be a worthy match to... Ra's al Ghul!
―Ra's al Ghul
We all have our addictions, Detective. Whisper's is me. In turn, mine is the Lazarus Pit. My daughter's is you. And yours is your holy quest.
―Ra's al Ghul
On its own, humanity is a destructive force. It needs a master.
―Ra's al Ghul
We have failed. Superman and his allies continue to blight the world with their presence. God-powerful aliens. A child with a magic ring. So much wasted potential. So much they could do to remake an endangered planet.
―Ra's al Ghul
The Bat deserved to meet his doom at my hands -- at the hands of someone who hated yet respected him! Mortal enemies deserve at least that. If I was fated to meet my own doom at the Detective's hands I would have been satisfied -- it would have been a good death. It would have been right. It would have been proper. But instead this charade is perpetrated. Gotham and the world should be celebrating the life and death of a man who has pulled them away from the brink of extinction countless times instead of believing their Dark Knight still patrols the city's streets. A hero of Batman's caliber should not have perished in the shadows. A hero like Batman should have been killed in the bright light of day for all the world to see. That would have been my final gift to Bruce, a revelation and celebration as I, and I alone, pulled the mask from his lifeless face in victory! Now, as the centuries blow past me like a gentle breeze, I will always mourn the fact that I will not be remembered for killing the Batman, who, after all, would have been the only man I ever killed worth remembering.
―Ra's al Ghul
I did not drag my bodiless essence through the frozen nothingness -- to have my dreams of immortality thwarted by a snot-nosed child!
―Ra's al Ghul
You continue to exist at my sufferance.
―Ra's al Ghul
I follow your exploits very closely, Detective! I find them nearly as fascinating as my own!
―Ra's al Ghul
There is no Hell. No Heaven. Only what we make for ourselves.
―Ra's al Ghul
Thank you for your attention. You may now panic.
―Ra's al Ghul


Comics: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinJason Todd (Red Hood)Tim Drake (Red Robin)Selina Kyle/CatwomanAce the Bat-HoundBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra Cain/Orphan/BatgirlStephanie Brown/Spoiler/Batgirl/Robin) • Harley QuinnKate Kane/BatwomanBette Kane/BatwomanJulia PennyworthBasil Karlo/ClayfaceDuke Thomas/The SignalLucas Fox/BatwingHarper Row/BluebirdTerry McGinnis/BatmanHelena Bertinelli/HuntressHelena Wayne/HuntressHarold AllnutMinhkhoa "Khoa" Khan/Ghost-MakerJarroJames Gordon • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman • Diana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanTeen TitansBat-CowAzrael (Jean-Paul Valley)Poison Ivy • Zatanna

Titans: Dick Grayson/NightwingBruce Wayne/BatmanJason Todd/Red Hood/Robin IITim Drake/Robin IIIBarbara GordonSlade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Arrowverse: Helena Bertinelli/HuntressBatwoman (Ryan Wilder)Kate Kane (Arrowverse)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Extended Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanSupermanAquamanWonder WomanHarley QuinnHuntress (Helena Bertinelli)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Animated Movie Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/Robin IIRavenSuperman

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Series Batman, Aquaman, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Black Orchid, Ambush Bug, Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Comics: The JokerJonathan Crane/ScarecrowVictor Fries/Mr. FreezeRa's al GhulHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnTalia al GhulDeathstrokeTony ZuccoRiddlerMan-BatNocturnaThe Batman Who LaughsOwlmanTalonTwo-FaceBaneDarkseid, Grundy

Arrowverse: Slade Wilson (Arrowverse)Talia al GhulLex Luthor

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeMercy GravesScarecrowJokerPenguinMad Hatter

DC Extended Universe: Lex LuthorDoomsdayDeathstroke (Slade Wilson)Lex LuthorSteppenwolfDarkseidParademons

The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Batman Family • Justice League (ComicsDC Extended UniverseThe BatmanDC Animated Movie Universe) • Teen Titans (Comics2003DC Animated Movie Universe • Titans (ComicsTitansverseCartoon Network) • Court of OwlsLeague of AssassinsSuicide Squad (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • Birds of Prey (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • S.T.A.R. LabsSecret SixRed Hood GangOutsidersJustice League of ArkhamJustice Society of AmericaTitans EastDark Knights
Gotham City (Wayne ManorBatcave) • Lazarus Pit, Bludhaven, Haly's Circus, Wayne Enterprises, Arkham Asylum, Gotham City Police Department, Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs
Batman Suits, Robin Suits


Green Arrow: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowConnor Hawke/Green Arrow IIMia Queen/Green ArrowEmiko Queen/Red ArrowJohn Diggle
Heroes: Team Arrow (Black CanaryHenry FyffRoy HarperEmiko Queen/Red ArrowMia Dearden/SpeedyCissie King-Jones/Arrowette) • Bruce Wayne/BatmanBrave BowDodgerEddie FyersFelicity SmoakGreen Arrows of the WorldGreen Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan/Green LanternJade) • Lian HarperMoira QueenThe QuestionRed ArrowRobert QueenSinStan WilsonWalter SteeleKate Kane/BatwomanBarbara GordonCatwomanCassandra CainStephanie BrownHelena BertinelliRed HoodRed RobinDawn Granger/DoveNightwing, Garth/Aqualad, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Outsiders (Roy Harper/Arsenal, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Starfire), Bruce Wayne/Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, AquamanConnor Lance Queen/Black ArrowJefferson Pierce/Black LightningRay Palmer/Atom,

Supervillains: Amanda WallerAtrocitusBlack AdamBlack MantaBlack Spider • Blood Rose • BrainBrick • Bright • Bronze TigerBrother BloodBrotherhood of EvilCarol FerrisCatmanCheetahCheshireChina WhiteClayfaceClock KingCount VertigoConstantine DrakonCrumblerCupidDeadshotDeathstrokeDick Grayson/Vampire KingDoctor Psycho • Double Down • Dr. LightDr. SivanaElectrocutionerHellgrammiteJinxKiller CrocKodiakKomodoLarfleezeLeague of AssassinsLady ShivaLongbow HuntersMammothMerlynMetalloMister FreezeNeronNinth CircleOnomatopoeiaProfessor OjoProfessor ZoomPrometheusThe Queen, Big Bad Wolf • Ra's al GhulRed DartParasiteRichard DragonRiddlerRoyal Flush GangSinestroSinestro CorpsSkylarkSolomon GrudyStingerSuicide SquadTobias WhaleWarpWizard

Star City (ArrowcaveAshramQueen IndustriesSherwood FloristStar CityStarfish Island (Lian Yu) • Vlatava) • Central City • National City • Waverider • the Vanishing Point • Star City Police Department • Queen Industries
Team ArrowTeam Flash • the Legends • Justice LeagueA.R.G.U.S.Black Lantern CorpsGreen Lantern CorpsRed Lantern CorpsOrange Lantern Corps

Robins: zDick Grayson/Robin I/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Robin II/Red Hood, Tim Drake/Robin III/Red Robin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl III, Damian Wayne/Robin V

Alternate: Carrie Kelley/Robin III/Catgirl/Batgirl II/Batwoman, Duke Thomas/Robin/Lark/The Signal, Bruce Wayne Jr./Robin

Allies: StarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgDonna TroyCassie Sandsmark • Batgirl (Barbara Gordon/BatgirlCassandra Cain/Orphan) • BatwomanHawkfireClark Kent/SupermanDiana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanMary GraysonJohn GraysonJack DrakeJanet DrakeRenee MontoyaDuke Thomas/SignalHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnDinah Drake/Black CanaryBirds of Prey

2003 Animated Series: RobinStarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgTerraBatman

Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingJason Todd/Robin II/Red HoodTim Drake/Robin IIIBruce Wayne/BatmanBarbara Gordon/Batgirl/Commissioner GordonKoriand'r/Starfire/Kory AndersRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyDonna Troy/Wonder Girl

DC Animated Movie Universe: Damian Wayne/Robin IIDick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingBruce Wayne/Batman, Kate Kane/BatwomanLuke Fox/BatwingRachel Roth/RavenKoriand'r/Starfire • Alfred Pennyworth • Batman Family • Teen Titans (Beast BoyCyborgSuperboyBlue Beetle) • Justice League

Comics: AnarkyBaneBatman (Frank Miller)Black MaskBlackfireBrunoBrutaleCaptain BoomerangCluemasterCondiment KingCopperheadCypherDavid CainDeathstrokeElectrocutionerFlamingoFlatlineGearheadGeneralGentleman GhostHatchetHellgrammiteJokerKGBeastKiller CrocKiller MothKing SnakeLady ShivaLeague of AssassinsLock-UpMad HatterMammoth • [[Maxie Zeus]] • Mister FreezeMister ZsaszNeronNew JokerNKVDemonPenguinRa's al GhulRancorRatcatcherRiddlerScarabShrikeSteeljacketTalia al GhulTony ZuccoToymanTricksterTwo-FaceVentriloquistWarpMara al Ghul

Batman & Robin: Poison IvyMr. FreezeBaneSnowy Cones ThugsGolumsJason Woodrue
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha VanaverTalonOwls Lieutenant • & Talon Warriors) • Dollmaker

Teen Titans: TrigonSlade

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Bludhaven, Gotham (Batcave, Wayne Enterprises, Wayne Manor
Gotham City Police Department (DC), Wayne Family, Wayne Enterprises, Teen Titans, Justice League, Court of Owls
Batman Suits, Robin Suits
Main: Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseTitansTeen TitansFuture (Teen Titans)Young Justice) • Nightwing (Chris Kent)Kara Zor-L/Power Girl

Family: John GraysonMary GraysonMayor Melinda ZuccoMar'i Grayson

Allies: Bruce Wayne/BatmanAlfred PennyworthTim Drake/Red RobinJason Todd/Red HoodDamian Wayne/RobinBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra CainStephanie Brown) • Selina Kyle/CatwomanStarfireDonna TroyRavenCyborgBeast BoyKid FlashSupergirlRoy Harper/SpeedyAqualadSupermanDinah Lance/Black CanaryKate KaneBette KaneBeth Kane/Red AliceBatwingDuke Thomas/SignalBluebirdWonder WomanBarry Allen/The FlashGreen Lantern (Hal JordanJade) • Helena Bertinelli/Huntress • Superboy (Kon-ElJon Kent)John Henry Iron/SteelAquamanFirestormGreen ArrowHawkmanHawkgirlZatannaRose Wilson/RavagerJerichoBumblebeeHawk and DoveAce the Bat-HoundHarley QuinnRenee Montoya

Villains: Alex Luthor, Black MaskBlackfireBlockbuster IIBrutaleChemoClayfaceCopperheadDeathstrokeDoctor SivanaElectrocutionerFireflyFrancis RedhornGrimmJokerKGBeastKiller MothKiller CrocLady VicLeague of AssassinsLex LuthorMonsoonNite-WingPenguinPolka Dot ManPunchlineRa's al GhulRiddlerScarecrowShriekTalia al GhulTalonTarantulaThe Trigger TwinsTiger SharkTony ZuccoTwo-FaceLady ShivaSuperboy PrimeScarecrowBrainiacTrigonHushFireflyProfessor PygAmazoMad HatterVictor ZsaszDr. Simon HurtBrother BloodDoctor LightMr. FreezeCourt of Owls

Haly's Circus (Flying Graysons) • Bat FamilyCourt of OwlsJustice League (DC Extended Universe) • League of AssassinsTitans (TitansverseTeen Titans) • Teen Titans (Cartoon NetworkDCAMU)
Gotham CityGotham City Police DepartmentWayne ManorHaly's CircusBludhaven
DC Animated Movie Universe: NightwingRavenStarfireBeast BoyTerraSlade WilsonDamian Wayne

The Batman: Dick GraysonBarbara GordonBruce WayneOliver QueenKal-El/Clark Kent • Martian Manhunter

Titans: Barbara GordonDick Grayson/NightwingKoriand'rRachel RothGar LoganConnerDoveHawkRose WilsonJerichoBruce WayneDeathstrokeTim DrakeJason ToddDonna Troy

Teen Titans: Robin (Nightwing) • RavenStarfireCyborgBeast BoyAqualadKid FlashSladeTerraJericho • Doom Patrol (Elasti-GirlNegative ManMentoRobot Man) • Robin/Red X

Young Justice: OrphanRobinJason ToddDamian WayneStephanie BrownBarbara Gordon


Mirage Comics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo)April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter, Hamato Yoshi, Utroms
Archie Comics: Golani
IDW Comics: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Mona Lisa, Jennika, Hamato Yoshi, Utroms, Angel, Alopex, Venus, Shredder (Mirage, Archie, IDW, Doctor Shreddarius & Lady Shredder), Foot Clan, Foot Elite, Karai, Ch'rell, Baxter Stockman (Archie & IDW), Krang (Archie & IDW), Hun (IDW), Purple Dragons, Adolf Hitler, Ninjara, Slash, Leatherhead, Triceratons, Commander Mozar, Zanramon, Shredder Clones, Tokka & Rahzar, Master Traquer, Alopex, Kitsune, Koya, Bludgeon, Rat King (IDW), Agent Bishop, Bebop and Rocksteady, Savanti Romero, Skonk, Darius Dun, Tatsu, Master Sliver, General Tragg, Dragon, Null (IDW), Maligna (IDW), Craniac, Armaggon, Old Hob, Johnny Lee Raeburn, Punk Frogs, Jasper Barlow, Oroku Hiroto

1987 TV series: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O'Neil, Irma Langenstein, Casey Jones, Fugitoid, Buffy Shellhammer, Mona Lisa, Karai, Renet
2003 TV series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (LeonardoDonatelloRaphaelMichelangelo)SplinterApril O'NeilCasey JonesHamato YoshiUtroms (Mortu)KaraiLeatherheadAgent BishopFugitoidTraximusZogMiyamoto UsagiNanobotsRenetJustice ForceThe Ancient OneThe Ninja TribunalCody JonesSerlingStarlee Hambrath
2012 TV series: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, Ice Cream Kitty, Dr. Cluckingsworth, Fugitoid, Bishop, Slash, Leatherhead, Dr. Tyler Rockwell, Pigeon Pete, Mona Lisa, Sal Commander, Utroms, Metalhead, Shinigami, Miyamoto Usagi, Mondo Gecko, Muckman, Jack Kurtzman, Alopex, Renet, Zeno the Triceraton, Bebop, Rocksteady
Rise of the TMNT: LeonardoDonatelloRaphaelMichelangeloSplinterApril O'NeilTodd CapybaraFrankenfootPiebaldKarai

Batman vs. TMNT: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman), League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul, Ubu & Talia al Ghul), Joker, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Bane, Two-Face, Penguin, Mutant Elephant, Mutant Tyrannosaurus rex
TMNT 1, 2, 3 & TMNT (2007): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo), Splinter, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Danny Pennington, Keno, Jordan Perry, Mitsu, Max Winters
TMNT (2010 films): Leonardo, Splinter, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, April O'Neil, Casey Jones
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O'Neil , Casey Jones
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, April O'Neil, Superfly, Genghis Frog, Leatherhead, Bebop and Rocksteady, Wingnut, Scumbug, Ray Fillet, Mondo Gecko, Cynthia Utrom, Shredder
