R3-S6 "Goldie" was a droid antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
It was meant to replace R2-D2 for Anakin after the droid had went missing. However, he was secretly a Separatist spy loyal to General Grievous and the Separatist Alliance.
He appears in episodes, "Downfall of a Droid" and "Duel of the Droids" as the main antagonist.
He is a droid that resembles R2, having gold and black plating in a similar style.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]
While it appeared that "Goldie" was a malfunctioning droid, he was actually trying to get Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and their Clone Troopers killed. Ahsoka figured out the droid was a traitor when she and Anakin went to rescue R2-D2 after R3 gave her up. R2 and R3 fight each other, but Artoo pushes his Separatist counterpart over the edge until R2 grabs him with his suction cup. However, Artoo cuts the capable and sent R3 into space, where he was destroyed by a space debris.
Personality []
On the outside, R3 displays himself as an incompetent Droid who constantly gets Anakin, Ahsoka, and their Clone Troopers killed. However deep down, R3 was a diabolical Droid who was loyal to the separatists. It also had no qualms with endangering R2-D2, engaging the droids in a duel to the death. He is a traitorous droid who shows no loyalty to anyone but General Grievous and was quite manipulative, having managed to fool Ahsoka Tano that he was a more efficient Droid than R2. Given that the droid was arrogant, R3 underestimated R2, who managed to throw R3 into the air and resulted in him being destroyed by space debris.