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Giyera was a HYDRA operative who was an Inhuman working for Gideon Malick and later Hive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He first appeared in the Marvel television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was a supporting antagonist of the third season.

He was portrayed by Mark Dasascos.


R. Giyera was a member of HYDRA whose abilities of Terrigenesis were unlocked through HYDRA's experiments with the Terrigen Mists. He became the Head of Security for Endotex Labs, working directly under Gideon Malick to make sure that no one learned of their true plans for the Inhumans they were gathering. He stood by Malick's side as they tried to complete HYDRA's greatest mission: to return the dark Inhuman Hive back to Earth from Maveth, killing anyone who got in their way. However, once Hive had returned, Giyera became infected by Hive's parasites, causing him to become more loyal to Hive than Malick, despite still working for HYDRA. While helping Hive complete his plan to change all the humans into Primitives, Giyera was outwitted and killed by Leo Fitz.


Giyera was an experienced professional killer who was emotionless and extremely loyal to his superiors. He followed orders without question and was willing to kill as many people who got in his way. He could act obnoxious at certain times, saying he did not like to kill with his hands if he could use his powers instead. Giyera also seems to take pride in his skills as a martial artist. After being brainwashed by Hive, he became more fanatical as he tried to secure Hive's vision for humanity was enacted, believing that what he was trying to accomplish was for the greater good.

Powers and Abilities[]


Giyera was an Inhuman who completed his potential after going through Terrigenesis as part of HYDRA's experiments with the Terrigen Mists in the aftermath of the Inhuman Outbreak, thus gaining superpowers.

  • Telekinesis: Giyera had the power to move objects in his line of eyesight around at will. He was able to lift two handguns in the air while shooting at Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter. Later, he called for a metal pipe by directing his hand towards it, using it as a weapon against Morse. He was even able to move the gun carried by Luther Banks, using it against the team he brought along with him and later using Banks' hand to turn the weapon against him. However, the ability did not work on the non-living material attached to a person, such as an artificial hand.


  • Master Martial Artist: Giyera had a big knowledge of martial arts, that made him a very valuable thing as a member of the United States Marine Corps. Due to his skills, Gideon Malick hired him as both his personal bodyguard and head of security for the Advanced Threat Containment Unit, and also chose him to be given Terrigenesis. During Operation Spotlight, Giyera fought in close quarters against Bobbi Morse without his powers, using his skills rather than his powers when Morse was able to push aside the way he was using them. In an attempt to capture him, S.H.I.E.L.D. trapped Giyera in an empty room and he fought on pair with Melinda May.