Heroes and Villains Wiki

Princess Atta (later known as Queen Atta at the end of the film) is the deuteragonist of Pixar's second full-length animated film A Bug's Life.  She is expected to follow in her mother's footsteps to becoming the next Queen.  Though constantly worrying, Atta gains confidence as the film goes on. She is Flik's love interest who is cold towards him but warms up to him before eventually becoming his mate at the end of the film.


A Bug's Life[]


Regarding her upcoming ruler status of the colony, Princess Atta is incredibly nervous and worries about every detail about the flow of the colony. She is obsessed with perfection, hoping this trait will make her more likable with her subjects. Atta especially worries about the food offering to Hopper and the other grasshoppers. However, as the film progresses, she becomes a bit more relaxed through the words of her mother and her blossoming relationship with Flik, both of which seem to calm her down.


  • In real life, Queen of the Ant Colony would be the mother of all the ants in the colony. While Atta and Dot are the Queen's only daughters, the princesses would be two among several other ants of the queen's offspring.
  • Atta is named after the genus of ant of the same name. Ants of the genus Atta are leaf-cutter ants.
    • Her name is also the Norwegian word for eight.
  • She and Dot are the first Pixar characters to be Princesses, followed by Merida.

