Heroes and Villains Wiki

Pyro is a character in the X-Men Comics and a supervillain within the Marvel Universe. He was initially apart of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants founded by Mystique and has fought the X-Men on occasion. He is a mutant with the power to control fire

His incarnation of the character who also appears in the X-Men film series.

Pyro was created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne and first appeared in The (Uncanny) X-Men Vol.1 issue 14 (1981).

ArchangelAuroraAnoleArmor, Abigail Brand • BansheeBeastBrooBishopBlindfoldBoom-BoomCableCalibanCallistoCannonballChamberChangelingCharles XavierCypherColossusCyclopsDarwinDazzlerDustElixirEmma FrostFantomexFirestarForgeGambitGentleGraymalkinHavokHellionHepzibahHuskIcemanInkJean GreyJosephJubileeJuggernautKarmaLady MastermindLifeguardLizardLockheedLongshotMaggottMagmaMagnetoMarrowMarvel GirlMercuryMimicMultiple ManMystiqueNamorNate GreyNightcrawlerNorthstarOmega SentinelPetraPixiePolarisProdigyPsylockeRevancheCecilia ReyesRockslideRogueSageShadowcatSkidsSpider-ManStacy XStormSunfireSunspotSurgeSwayThunderbirdWarlockWolf CubWolfsbaneWolverine Wiz-KidX-23BlinkMagikDani MoonstarWarpath

Enemies: Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Juggernaut, Dr. Zander Rice, Apocalypse, Horsemen of Apocolypse, William Stryker, Thanos, Toad, Bolivar Trask, Viper, Vulcan, Moira MacTaggert, Donald Pierce, Exodus, Emma Frost, Graydon Creed, Azazel, Avalanche, Bastion, Kang the Conqueror, Mastermind, Lady Mastermind, Mister Sinister, Mojo, Cassandra Nova, Omega Sentinel, Onslaught, Green Goblin, Silver Samarai, Stryfe, Spiral, Demon Bear, Arcad, Belasco, Blob, Cyber, High Evolutionary, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, the Hellfire Club, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

X-Men: WolverineProfessor XJean GreyCyclopsStormShadowcatNightcrawlerIcemanBeastColossusMagnetoMystiqueArchangel‡ • Havok† • Banshee† • Darwin† • QuicksilverBishopBlinkSunspotWarpathNegasonic Teenage WarheadRogueSelene Gallio
Mutants: JubileeKayla SilverfoxGambitDeadpoolEmma SilverfoxYukioCaliban† • X-23WolfsbaneMagikCannonballMirageLockheed
X-Force: DeadpoolCableDominoPeterBedlamShatterstarZeitgeistVanisherFirefist

Humans: Moira MacTaggertKenuichio HaradaMariko YashidaVanessa CarysleDopinderWeaselBlind AlPeter

Wolverine and the X-Men

X-Men: Professor X/Charles XavierWolverine/James "Logan" Howlett • Cyclops/Scott Summers • Emma Frost • Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy • Storm/Ororo Munroe • Angel/Warren Worthington III • Shadowcat/Katherine "Kitty" Pryde • Iceman/Robert "Bobby" Drake • Rogue • Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner • Forge • Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix
Future X-Men: Bishop/Lucas Bishop • Berzerker/Ray Carter • Domino/Neena Thurman • Hellion/Julian Keller • Kamal • Marrow/Sarah • Rover • Vanisher/Telford Porter • Future Wolverine • X-23/Laura Kinney
The Brotherhood of Mutants: Quicksilver, Avalanche, Blob, Toad, Domino
The Acolytes:Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Mystique, Scanner, Mellencamp, Senyaka, Kleinstock Brothers, Pyro, Blink, Mercury, Juggernaut
The Marauders: Mister Sinister, Arclight, Blockbuster, Harpoon, Multiple Man, Vertigo, Archangel
The Inner Circle: Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Selene Gallio, Harry Leland, Stepford Cuckoos
MRD/Project: Senator Robert Kelly, Warren Worthington II, Bolivar Trask, The Sentinels, The Sentinels Prowlers, Master Mold, Dr. Sybil Zane, Colonel Moss, Dr. Kavita Rao
Weapon X: The Professor, Dr. Abraham Cornelius, Sabretooth, Maverick, X-23
Other mutants:Apocalypse, Boom Boom, Colossus, Darwin, Dazzler, Dust, Fever Pitch, Firestar, Gambit, Magma, Network, Nitro, Petra, Pixie, Psylocke, Shadow King, Silver Samurai, Squidboy, Shatter, Tildie Soames, and Vindaloo
Other characters:Mojo, Spiral, The Reavers, Nick Fury, Hulk, Wendigo, Mariko Yashida

Teammates: Ant-ManCaptain AmericaHulkIron ManThorWasp BeastBlack CatBlack KnightBlack PantherBlack WidowCannonballCaptain BritainCaptain MarvelCrystalCyclopsDaredevilFalcon • Firebird • FirestarHawkeyeHellcatHerculesInvisible WomanIron FistJane FosterJulia CarpenterMaria HillMiles MoralesMister FantasticMockingbird • Moondragon • Nadia van DyneNamorNoh-VarrQuake • Quasar • Quicksilver • Red Hulk • Robbie ReyesScarlet WitchScott LangSentrySersiShang-ChiShe-HulkSilver SurferSpectrumSpider-ManStormSunspotThing • Tigra • VisionWar MachineWinter SoldierWolverineWonder ManYellowjacket • Yondu Udonta • Adam WarlockAmadeus ChoAmerica ChavezBladeBlue MarvelBrunnhildeCannonballCassandra LangDavid AlleyneDeadpoolDoctor StrangeEchoElsa BloodstoneEmma FrostEnchantressFlash ThompsonGhost Rider (Johnny Blaze)GwenpoolHavokHulklingIron PatriotJohnny Storm • Jessica DrewJessica JonesJim HammondKate BishopLuke CageMedusaMoon KnightMs. MarvelNick Fury, Jr.NovaPatriotPower ManProdigyRogueSam AlexanderSongbirdSunfireSuperior Spider-ManSquirrel GirlThe PunisherU.S. AgentWhite TigerWiccanX-23Betty RossBucky BarnesGhost RiderGwen StacyLoki LaufeysonMary Jane WatsonNew GoblinOdinPepper PottsRed GuardianRick Jones • Ronin • Sharon CarterShuriSilver Sable • Thunderstrike • Venom

Villains: Emil Blonsky/AbominationCarl Creel/Absorbing ManA.I.M.AnnihilusEn Sabah Nur/ApocalypseArnim ZolaAtlasAttumaBaron MordoBaron Wolfgang von StruckerBaron ZemoBeetleBeyonderBlack KnightBlackoutBlack OrderBlack CatBlack WidowBoomerangBrotherhood of Evil MutantsCarnageCelestialsChanceChitauriCrossbonesD'SpayreDark AvengersDark ElvesDark PhoenixDeadpoolDestinyDiamondbackDoctor DoomDoctor OctopusDormammuDraculaEddie BrockEggheadEgo the Living PlanetElectroFrost GiantsGalactusGarthan SaalGhostGreen Goblin ( Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) • Grey GargoyleHelaHeinz KrugerHigh EvolutionaryHorsemen of ApocalypseHYDRAJackalJ. Jonah JamesonJuggernautJustin HammerKaineKang the ConquerorKingpinKlawKnullKorath the PursuerKorvacKraven the HunterKreeLady DeathstrikeLoki LaufeysonMagnetoMan-ApeMasters of EvilMedusaMephistoMister SinisterM.O.D.O.K.MystiqueMysterioNamorNebulaNightmarePuppet MasterPyroQuicksilverRadioactive ManRed SkullRhinoRogueSabretoothSandmanScarlet WitchScorpionSebastian ShawShockerShockwaveSilver SableSkrullsSuper-SkrullSupreme IntelligenceTaskmasterTen RingsThanosTiger Shark UltronVenomVultureWinter SoldierZzzax

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Team: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonBlack WidowHawkeyeLoki LaufeysonPhilMaria HillErik SelvigNick FuryPepper PottsJ.A.R.V.I.S.QuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionFalconHeimdallLaura BartonHelen ChoEitriWongStar-LordCaptain MarvelBlack PantherSpider-ManGamoraValkyrieNebulaMantisDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootThe CollectorThaddeus RossShuriM'BakuAyoWarsongRamondaNed LeedsMay Parker
Villains: Alexander PierceThanosThe OtherUlysses KlaueMadame B.ListJasper SitwellCull Obsidian (2014 Time Heist) • Ebony Maw (2014 Time Heist) • Proxima Midnight (2014 Time Heist) •Corvus Glaive (2014 Time Heist) • Red Skull
Neutral: Cooper BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

Animation Next Avengers: James RogersTorunn Henry Pym Jr Azari Francis Barton
'Marvel Animated Universe:'Heroes: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowHawkeyeThor OdinsonCaptain MarvelSpider-ManFalconRed HulkWolverineIron FistMr. FantasticThe ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott LangVisionBlack PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbird • Techno • AtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive Man • Ursa Major • Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor Doom • Nighthawk • Doctor Spectrum • Power Princess • Speed Demon • Super-Adaptoid • DestroyerGrim Reaper • Crimson Dynamo • TaskmasterKraven the Hunter • Baron Strucker • GalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuDracula • Ultimo • Supergiant • The Beyonder • Titania • Nick FuryMaria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah Jameson • Hunter the White Wolf

Groups and Organizations
Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D.A.I.M.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesAsgardian Royal FamilyHYDRAGuardians of the GalaxyOutriders
