The Purrgil are massive whale-esque creatures in the animated series Star Wars Rebels. According to Hera Syndulla, most spacers considered purrgil a pest due to their habit of approaching and flying into starships near their flight paths, and for ships crashing into their swarms during hyperspace travel. Numerous spacer deaths could be attributed to purrgil-related incidents, leading most spacers to fire upon them on sight.
In 0 BBY, dozens of purrgil were summoned by Ezra Bridger in order to aid in the liberation of Lothal. Many purrgil completely wiped out Thrawn's blockade of Lothal and damaged three Star Destroyers, including the Chimaera hovering above Lothal Capital City. They then wrapped their tentacles around the Star Destroyers, trapping both Thrawn and Bridger in a cold embrace, and then jumped to hyperspace, removing the Imperial threat from Lothal.[6]