Heroes and Villains Wiki

Pteranodon is an extinct genus of pterosaur that lived in Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Alabama during the Late Cretaceous period. However, some fossils of Pteranodon and its relatives have been found in Europe, South America, and Asia.


Pteranodon are piscivore, meaning they are carnivores who eat only fish. The wingspan of the Pteranodon can reach about 7 meters.



Jurassic Park[]

Pteranodon appear prominently in the Jurassic Park franchise, having appeared in most installments except the first film.

  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park (second film)
  • Jurassic Park III (third film)
  • Jurassic World (fourth film)
  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (fifth film)
  • Jurassic World: Dominion (sixth film)

They also appear in the animated series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and its sequel, Jurassic World: Chaos Theory.

The Land Before Time[]

Petrie and his family from The Land Before Time franchise are Pteranodon.

The Lost World[]

Pteranodon appears in the novel The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle and any adaptation of The Lost World


King Kong[]

A Pteranodon in the 1933 film adaptation of King Kong was killed by Kong after it attempted to fly away with Ann Darrow.

One Million Years B.C.[]

Pteradon appears in the film, One Million Years B.C. A mother Pteranodon flies in and attacks Loana with an intention to feed her to her children. However a Rhamphorhynchus intervenes and the fight ensues between the two. Loana is reunited with Tomak soon after.

The Valley of Gwangi[]

A Pteranodon appears in The Valley of Gwangi.

Dinosaur Island[]

A Pteranodon appears in Dinosaur Island


Denver, the Last Dinosaur[]

To be added.

Kong: The Animated Series[]

To be added.

Dinosaur Train[]

To be added.



Castorocauda, Gigantopithecus, Megaloceros, Woolly mammoth, Smilodon, Paraceratherium
AlbertosaurusAllosaurusAmargasaurusAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBaryonyxBrachiosaurusCarcharodontosaurusCarnotaurusCeratosaurusCoelophysisCompsognathusCorythosaurusCryolophosaurusDilophosaurusDimetrodonDimorphodonDiplodocusGallimimusGiganotosaurusIchthyosaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusMaiasauraMonolophosaurusMosasaurusNanotyrannusNanuqsaurusOphthalmosaurusOuranosaurusPachycephalosaurusPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusRhamphorhynchusSpinosaurusStegosaurusSuchomimusStyracosaurusThescelosaurusTherizinosaurusTriceratopsTroodonTyrannosaurus rexUtahraptorVelociraptor, Pterosaur