Prince James is the tritagonist of the Disney Junior series Sofia the First. He is Princess Amber's twin brother, Sofia's older brother and the Prince of Enchancia.
Physical appearance[]
Unlike Amber, James isn't vain at all and is very helpful to Sofia, as well as being very kind and humble towards those of non-royal status, showing that he does not regard himself as being above others despite being a prince. Also unlike his twin, James is more down-to-earth and adaptable to changing circumstances, in contrast to Amber who tends towards melodramatic panic whenever things don't go according to plan.
Also like his father and twin, James is naive when it comes to magic due to not really understanding it. James is also very brave, as shown when he willingly distracted a marauding baby giant despite the considerable danger such an act posed to his personal safety. James is also distinguished by his large appetite, sufficient to eat a serving of pancakes intended for both him and Amber and still be eager for more, and has a particular fondness for sweet things, especially cookies and jiggly-wiggly pudding.