Primacron is ancient alien scientist from the Transformers G1. He is the creator of Unicron and Tornedron. Despite that he is not purely evil, he can be considered as a villain due to his jerky tendencies of creating planet destroyers for galactic domination.
Transformers G1[]
Before the series began, Primacron's assistant formed a team of Transformers known as "Primitives". Primacron became envious and, driven by ambition, he brought Unicron into existence. Unicron then turned against Primacron, destroying his assistant, who would later become The Oracle, and injuring Primacron.
Millions of years passed, and Primacron once again embarked on his quest for universal domination. On this occasion, he brought forth Tornedron, a colossal, formless creature designed to siphon energy. Primacron commanded the monstrous being to extract energy from multiple planets, as well as the Primitives who had gathered to oppose him. Following the successful draining of the Primitives, Tornedron departed to reunite with its creator. Unbeknownst to the energy-draining entity, Grimlock had miraculously survived being crushed by the drained Trypticon and covertly trailed behind Tornedron.
Upon Tornedron's arrival, it turned against Primacron and attempted to eliminate him. Grimlock later infiltrated Primacron's laboratory, discovering that the latter is a small extraterrestrial resembling a monkey fish. The Dinobot leader seized Primacron and demanded that he reverse the damage he had caused, but Primacron explained that he had exhausted all efforts without success. Grimlock then took matters into his own hands by activating the reverse switch, reverting Tornedron's energy polarity, ultimately destroying it and revitalizing every corner of the galaxy it had touched. In order to prevent any future mishaps, Grimlock proceeded to commemorate the occasion by demolishing Primacron's computer, much to the dismay of the alien scientist, asserting that it was the most "intelligent" decision he had ever made.