Heroes and Villains Wiki

Hi, everybody! I'm Pouchy!
―Pouchy introducing himself

Pouchy is a minor character in Disney•Pixar's 2024 animated feature film Inside Out 2. He is a traditionally animated character from Bloofy's House, Riley's favorite children's show. He is Bloofy's magic fanny pack and Anger's new friend.

Inside Out: The Emotions (JoySadnessFearDisgustAnger) • Mrs. Andersen's EmotionsMr. Andersen's EmotionsBing BongRainbow UnicornThe ForgettersJangles the ClownJangles's EmotionsRiley AndersenMrs. AndersenMr. AndersenMegFrank and DaveJordanFritz Brazilian Helicopter PilotMind Workers

Inside Out 2: New Emotions (AnxietyEnvyEmbarrassmentEnnuiNostalgia) • Val OrtizBloofyPouchyLance SlashbladeDeep Dark Secret

Riley's Mind: Emotion HeadquartersLong Term MemoryImagination LandDream ProductionsAbstract ThoughtPersonality IslandsSubconsciousMemory DumpBelief SystemSar-Chasm

Real Life locations: Riley's HouseBay Area Skills CampBay Area High School

Memory OrbsCore Memory OrbsTrain of ThoughtDaydreamsBottomless BagRocket WagonPixar BallA113Pizza Planet TruckSense of Self