Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Pixies are supporting antagonists in the hit Nickelodeon television series The Fairly OddParents.

They are very dull and boring magical creatures similar to fairies, but treat magic like a business.


They are magical creatures like the fairies and the Anti-Fairies. However, they treat magic and their homeworld, Pixie World, like a business. As such, most wishes are filled out in triplicates. They consider fun to be overated and highly value being dull and boring. They are led by Head Pixie, whose notable henchman is Sanderson. They all speak in a gloomy, monotonous tone of voice, which usually lacks most (if not all) emotion.

Also, whenever they use magic and instead of a puff cloud saying "Poof," a digital poof cloud friends and says "Ping" on it.


  • They are all voiced by Ben Stein.


The Fairly OddParents 2001 Logo
Timmy Turner, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Chloe Carmichael, Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner, Sparky

Timmy's Friends: Mark Chang, Chester McBadbat, Trixie Tang, AJ, Sanjay, Chip Skylark,Elmer, Jorgen Von Strangle, Tammy and Tommy Turner
Superheroes: Crimson Chin, Catman, Crash Nebula
Cosmic:Fairies, Yugopotamians (King Gripullon, Queen Jipjorrulac)
Villains: Vickey the Babysitter, Mr. Crocker, Francis, Jimmy Neutron (formerly), Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Anti-Fairies, Head Pixie, Sanderson, other Pixies, Foop, Dark Laser, Imaginary Gary, Nega Chin, Alden Bitterroot, Overlord Glee, Gigglepies Crossovers: SpongeBob SquarePants, Danny Phantom, Professor Calamitous, Sheldon J. Plankton, Vlad Plasmius, Jimmy Neutron, Cindy Vortex, Libby Folfax, Sheen Estevez, Carl Wheezer, Goddard

Earth: Dimmsdale (Turner Residence (Cosmo and Wanda's Castle and Fishbowl, Park, City Hall), Dimmsdale Flats, Dimmsdale Dump, Dimmsdale Elementary School, Dimmsdale High School)

Fairy World: Spellementary School
Dimensions: Acton Planet, Pixie Inc., Anti-Fairy World
