Heroes and Villains Wiki

Agent Philip "Phil" Coulson is a character in the saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is featured prominently in the 2012 Marvel action film The Avengers, and also takes on a role as one of the main protagonists of the first five seasons in ABC's 2013-2020 television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..


Marvel Cinematic Universe

Phil Coulson is a high-ranking agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most trusted. In 2007, Coulson traveled with May and others agents to Bahrain to find a woman with strange powers called Eva Belyakov. During they talked about the construction of the Triskelion and recruitment of powerful people on a team. When the things got ugly, May asked him to go to rescue the other agents, which he accepted. Later, when he heard a shot he broke into the house and saw May totally shocked holding a dead girl in her arms.

Iron Man

Coulson is first seen in Iron Man, where he wants to talk with Tony about his escape, Tony tells him that will talk later. After Pepper discovered the treachery of Obadiah, she decide to have a conversation with Coulson as Stane discovered that she had copies his files. Coulson later with other agents will to arrest Obadiah Stane but Stane already had his new armor, the Iron Monger. Before the press conference of Tony, he gives an alibi to Stark and tells him that his boss wants to talk with him.

Iron Man 2

In Iron Man 2, Coulson is present at Tony Stark's hearing with Senator Stern he also bumps into Pepper Potts telling her he cant help Stark out of this. He is then ordered to keep Stark at his house but Later, he visits Tony to inform him that he will travel to New Mexico by order of the Director Nick Fury. In a post-credits scene Coulson calls Fury to inform him that they have located the mysterious object.


In Thor, Arriving in New Mexico Coulson and his team discovered that the mysterious object had been discovered by the locals but they could not move it even using their vehicles. Coulson later confiscated the work of Jane Foster about wormholes. On that night, a man infiltrates in the base of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson asks agent Barton to attack if necessary. Coulson seeing that this man could not move the hammer sends agent to capture him.

Coulson interrogating Thor but the Prince of Asgard does not answer any question. Selvig comes to rescue Thor saying that he was a member of his team and his name was Donald Blake, although Coulson not believe him, then release "Donald" but Coulson sends agents to follow them just in case. Days later, Sitwell informs Coulson about a new crater in New Mexico, Coulson and some agents went to that place they discovered that it was an armor.

The mysterious armor attack them but they are saving by Thor who regained his powers. The prince of Asgard promises to protect the Earth only if they return the work about wormholes to Jane Foster. Coulson wants to ask some questions but Thor goes to Asgard to confront Loki.

Item 47

As the World Security Council sought to liberate the Abomination because they considered him a war hero, Coulson and Sitwell devised a plan to avoid this. The plan was to send someone very annoying to General Ross to make this not release Blonsky. Coulson sends Tony to talk to Ross. Days later, Sitwell and Coulson meet and talk about the success of their plan.

The Avengers

In The Avengers, Coulson visit Tony to ask him to join the Avengers but Tony refuses because Fury considered him not qualified to be an avenger. Finally Stark joins the team with the help of Pepper. Back to Helicarrier, Coulson talks with Captain America, he says to Rogers that he was always his favorite hero and he's happy to meet him.

After the first mission of the team, Coulson tells Fury that they were not prepared to be a team and they needed something or someone to motivate them. Suddenly, Barton attacks the Helicarrier, Coulson goes to see Loki but he finds Thor trapped. Coulson threatened Loki but the Asgardian teleparts and stabs Coulson in the back. As he died, Coulson suggests Fury to use his death to inspire the team.


Main Protagonists:Iron ManHulkThor OdinsonCaptain AmericaBlack WidowHawkeyeStar-LordQuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionWar MachineBucky BarnesAnt-ManWaspDoctor StrangeSpider-ManBlack PantherCaptain MarvelRunaways (Karolina DeanAlex WilderNico MinoruChase Stein Molly HernandezGert YorkesOld Lace) • Cloak/Tyrone JohnsonDagger/Tandy BowenDaisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake)Melinda MayLeopold FitzJemma SimmonsAlphonso MackenzieAntoine "Trip" TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezJessica JonesDaredevilLuke CageIron FistPunisherDeke ShawRunawaysMedusaBlack BoltShe-HulkShang-Chi

Secondary Characters: Phil CousonNick FuryPepper PottsPeggy CarterJane FosterErik SelvigLoki LaufeysonGamoraWongDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootMantisNebulaYondu UdontaKraglin ObfonteriHank PymJanet Van DyneAncient OneShuriEverett RossOkoyeAyoM'BakuNakiaRamondaValkyrieTalosMaria RambeauMonica RambeauSorenNed LeedsMay ParkerMichelle "MJ" JonesElizabeth "Liz" ToomesChristine PalmerBobbi MorseLance HunterFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man

Tertiary Characters: Darcy LewisIan BoothbyIrani RaelRhomann DeyMaria StarkFriggaMeredith QuillHoward StarkHappy HoganLaura BartonStakar OgordCharlie-27MartinexAleta OgordVolstaggFandralHogunSifJ.A.R.V.I.S.HeimdallMiekLuisJim PaxtonKurtDave

ThanosHelaCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianEbony MawProxima MidnightAyeshaEgoRonan the AccuserTaserfaceAgatha HarknessTyler HaywardOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusCurt Connors/LizardNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/Sandman
S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesTen RingsHydraRavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the GalaxyAvengersBlack OrderDefendersKree Empire
Loki: LokiSylvie LaufeydottirMobius M. MobiusHunter B-15Miss MinutesBoastful LokiKid LokiClassic LokiThrogTime Keepers • Minutemen

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings: Shang ChiXialing

Eternals: SersiIkarisBlack KnightThena
Other Worlds: Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)Doctor Octopus

S.H.I.E.L.D.: Phil CoulsonNick FuryJeffrey Mace/PatriotAlphonso MackenzieMaria HillVictoria HandQuakeMelinda MayJemma SimmonsLeo FitzAntoine TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezDeke ShawPeggy CarterRobert GonzalesAnne WeaverIsabelle HartleyTomas CalderonDeathlokL.T. KoenigEric KoenigSam KoenigBilly KoenigMarcus BensonBarbara "Bobbi" MorseLance HunterFranklin Hall

HYDRA: Grant WardGideon MalickHiveStephanie MalickNathaniel MalickWolfgang von StruckerDr. Daniel Whitehall / General Werner ReinhardtDr. ListSunil BakshiBrigadier General HaleGeneral FischerJasper SitwellAgent 33Ruby HaleWerner von StruckerGiyeraLucio. John GarrettIan QuinnAkela AmadorBrian HaywardAgent Kaminsky

Criminals and Terrorists: Karla Faye GideonWendell LeviAnton IvanovTucker ShockleyMiles Lydon • Rooster • ChenSantino Noguera

The Confederacy: KasiusSinaraHek-SelVicarAvaTaryanQovasFaulnakMaston-Dar

Other Superheroes: Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider II • "Johnny Blaze" / Ghost Rider I • Robin Hinton

Other Supervillains: Lorelei (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Calvin ZaboEli MorrowDarkhold GhostsIzelDonnie Gill

Enhanced: Scorch)Tobias FordAbsorbing ManHolden RadcliffeAnon

Inhumans: RainaJiayingEva BelyakovaKatya BelyakovaAlisha WhitleyHellfireLash (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Dwight FryeCharles HintonVijay Nadeer

Government and Military: Camila ReyesVictor RamonMatthew EllisChristian WardEllen NadeerRosalind PriceGlenn TalbotDum Dum DuganJim MoritaDimitri OlshenkoAnton PetrovColonel General Androvich

Citizens: Ace PetersonAudrey NathanGabriel ReyesHannah HutchinsThomas WardThurston KoenigLian MayAlistair FitzWilliam May

Cosmic: Vin-TakAtarahMalachiSnowflakeJacoLady Sif

Others:. • Polly HintonRobin Hinton

LMDs: AidaMay LMDRadcliffe LMDCoulson LMDMack LMDMace LMDFitz LMDDaisy Johnson LMDsIvanov LMDSimmons LMD.

The Framework: Alistair FitzKenneth Turgeon

S.H.I.E.L.D. (Coulson's Team • Secret WarriorsSTRIKE) • Strategic Scientific Reserve • The Cult • Centipede Project • Kree Watch • The Confderecy • Inhumans • Asgardians • Kree Empire • Lighthouse • True Believers • Framework • Hydra