Peeves is the anti-heroic poltergeist from the Harry Potter franchise by J. K. Rowling.
Peeves is Hogwarts' residence poltergeist since 993 AD.
Peeves enjoys pranks, especially teasing the children who attend Hogwarts as students. However, the only one who is able to control Peeves is the Bloody Baron. He gained a form of respect toward Fred and George, who pulled pranks just like him. He is a trickster for most of the series. However, when Hogwarts is threatened, Peeves helps the Hogwarts staff fight off the upcoming threat, shown in his battle of Hogwarts during the second Wizarding War.
Harry Potter book series[]
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix[]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[]
Always loyal to Hogwarts, in the final novel of the Harry Potter novel, Peeves participated in defence of Hogwarts. He is later heard laughing and singing after the battle is over.
- Peeves was excluded from the Harry Potter films.