Eli Bradley
Other names
Eli BradleyPatriot
Young Avengers
Sarah Gail Bradley (mother)
Stephanie Bradley (sister)
Litigious Bradley (brother) Two unnamed sisters
Isaiah Bradley (grandfather) Faith Bradley (grandmother) Sarah Bradley † (great-grandmother) Gail † (maternal great-grandmother) Josiah al hajj Saddiq (uncle)
Hawkeye ,
Wiccan ,
Speed ,
Hulkling , Stature, Iron Lad,
Captain America ,
Ant-Man ,
Doctor Strange , the Runaways,
Loki , Iron Fist,
Cloak and
Dagger , Amadeus Cho, Echo,
Captain Marvel ,
Black Widow , the
Avengers , the X-Men, Hank Pym,
Jessica Jones ,
Luke Cage ,
Miss America , Xavin, Nico Minoru, Old Lace, Karolina Dean, Mockingbird,
Scarlet Witch ,
Quicksilver ,
Spider-Man ,
Spider-Woman ,
Wolverine , Vision,
Red Skull , Sin,
Crossbones , Bullseye, Conserve and Protect The
Skrulls ,
Noh-Varr (formerly), Noh-Varr, The
Kree , Ragnarok, Ares,
Enchantress , Doctor Doom,
Kang the Conqueror , Iron Lad, Joystick, Sabertooth, the Masters of Evil,
Magneto , Madams Masque,
Norman Osborn ,
Scorpion , Ultimo, Mr. Hyde, Taskmaster, Wrecker, the Zodiac
Powers and abilities
Skilled Combatant Skilled athlete Skilled tacticianArtificially Enhanced Physiology:
Peak Human Strength Peak Human Speed Peak Human Stamina Peak Human Durability Peak Human Healing Foreign Chemical Immunity Disease Immunity Peak Human Agility Peak Human Intelligence Extended Longevity
Patriot's Uniform Throwing Star Motorcycle
TV Series
The Falcon in the Winter Soldier
Portrayed by
Elijah Richardson
Elijah "Eli" Bradley is a fictional superhero from the Marvel Universe. He is the grandson of Isaiah Bradley, who became Captain America in the wake of Steve Rogers' disappearance. He too became a super soldier and soon, Elijah became the next Patriot . He became a member and later leader of the Young Avengers , and, with the rest of his teammates, came a member of Captain America's Secret Avengers during the Superhero Civil War.
He was created by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung and made his live-action debut in the film The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Young Avengers (team)
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) , Patriot (Elijah Bradley) , Hulkling (Marvel) , Marvel Boy , America Chavez (Marvel) , Prodigy (David Alleyne) , Speed , Stinger , Wiccan , Iron Lad , Loki (Ikol) , Vision (Jonas)
Allies: Captain America (Steve Rogers) , Jessica Jones , Iron Man (Tony Stark) , Kl'rt the Super-Skrull , Runaways (Nico Minoru , Karolina Dean , Gertrude Yorkes , Old Lace , Molly Hayes , Chase Stein , Victor Mancha , Xavin ), New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Young Masters, Uncanny Avengers, Ronin/Hawkeye (Clint Barton) , Winter Soldier, Mighty Avengers, Magneto , Quicksilver , Master Pandemonium, Scarlet Witch , X-Factor Investigations, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) , X-Men Enemies: Kang the Conqueror, Growing Men, Mister Hyde, Kl'rt the Super-Skrull, Young Masters, Warden of The Cube, Marvel Boy, A.I.M., "Scarlet Witch", Kree, Skrulls, Commander Chrell, Super-Skrulls, Doctor Doom, Master Pandemonium, Captain Av-Rom, Sons of the Serpent, Wrecking Crew, Dark Avengers Mother, Young Avengers (Constructs), Skifflefuffles