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The Patamon is a character from the anime/manga Digimon franchise.

Patamon is a Mammal Digimon. It is characterized by its large ears, and is able to fly through the air by using them as large wings, but because it only goes at a speed of 1 kph, it is said that it is definitely faster walking.


Digimon Adventure[]


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Boom Bubble (Air Shot): Sucks in air then spews an air shot out in one burst.
    • Kūchū Air Shot (空中エアショット? lit. "Aerial Air Shot")
  • Breeze Blaster (Air Gust): Inflates its body and spits out clouds.
  • Body Blow (たいあたり Tai Atari?, lit. "Body Blow"): Tackles the enemy.
  • Pretty Attack (Pretty Rush): Runs forward and rams the enemy with its shoulder.
  • Intercepting Air Shot (Geigeki Air Shot): A Boom Bubble that counters the enemy's attack.
  • Slamming Attack (はねビンタ Hane Binta?, lit. "Wing Slap"): Slaps the enemy with its wing-like ears.
  • Thousand Wings (Thousand Wing): Spins in the air to attack the enemy with its ears.
  • Spin Kick: Spins once on the ground, hitting an enemy with one wing.
  • Air Slam: Shoots forward through the air, hitting an enemy.
  • Glide: Glides through the air.
  • Tai Atari Bomb (たいあたりボム? lit. "Body Blow Bomb"): Flies forward while spinning.
    • Kūchū Tai Atari Bomb (空中たいあたりボム? lit. "Aerial Body Blow Bomb"): Dive bombs the enemy while spinning.
  • Patapata Hover: Flies through the sky.
  • Sparking Boom Bubble (Sparking Air Shot): An intensified Air Shot.
  • Aero Slash: Breathes in air and shoots it out as blades made out of wind.
  • Petit Tackle

