Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Partisans, also referred to as Saw Gerrera's Militia, and Saw Gerrera's Rebels, were a militant insurgent group and rebel cell who enacted armed campaigns against the Galactic Empire. Led and founded by Saw Gerrera, the Partisans played a part in destabilizing Saw's homeworld of Onderon from the Empire's occupying forces and eventually became allied with the Rebellion.

Main: Ezra BridgerKanan JarrusSabine WrenHera SyndullaChopperZeb OrreliosCaptain RexThrawnAlexsandr KallusAhsoka TanoDarth Vader

Rebel Alliance: Leia OrganaC-3POR2-D2Jan DodonnaMon MothmaJacen SyndullaLando CalrissianLuke SkywalkerJun SatoWedge AntillesDerek "Hobbie" KlivianJon VanderQuarrieMart MattinGooti TerezR3-A3Jonner JinWulfwarroKitwarrSaw GerreraCham SyndullaEphraim and Mira BridgerRyder AzadiNumaGobi GlieMorad SumarCommander WolffeCommando GregorMarida SumarKetsu Onyo

Imperials: Sheev Palpatine/Darth SidiousVeris HydanGall TrayvisGilad PellaeonVult SkerrisRukhKassius KonstantineBrom TitusCaptain SlavinTIE PilotsWilhuff TarkinEli VantoStormtroopersThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSeventh SisterSixth BrotherArihnda PryceCumberlayne AreskoMyles GrintYogar LysteValen Rudor, Death Troopers, Commandant Goran

Other: Ar'alaniKaeden LarteKalaniBattle DroidsCikatro VizagoAzmoriganHondo OhnakaMelchUrsa WrenTristan WrenAlrich WrenChavaGronNightsistersMaulMaketh TuaTseeboZare LeonisDhara LeonisJai KellSatine KryzeFenn RauBo-Katan KryzeGar SaxonTusken RaidersTiber Saxon

Jedi: Luminara UnduliDepa BillabaYodaObi-Wan KenobiMace Windu

Rebel Alliance (JediGhost CrewPhoenix SquadronMassassi GroupPartisansLothal ResistanceFree Ryloth MovementGold SquadronIron Squadron) • House Vizsla (Clan WrenClan Saxon) • Protectors of Concord DawnSyndulla ClanBridger FamilyGalactic Empire (StormtroopersImperial Security BureauSithInquisitoriusDeath TroopersJedi Temple GuardsConfederacy of Independent SystemsLasan High Honor GuardMiner's GuildChiss AscendancyDeath Watch
Planets: LothalKrownestMandaloreRylothCoruscantLira SanGarelAtollonMalachorCsillaGeonosisDathomir

Locations: Ezra's TowerCapital CityLothal Jedi TempleMalachor Sith TempleJedi TempleWren StrongholdChopper Base

