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Parasaurolophus is an extinct genus of hadrosaur dinosaur featured in popular culture. They lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period. It is one of the famous dinosaur because of its long hollow crest that was used to make noise to communicate with others of its kind. In 2020, the neck of Parasaurolophus has been reconstructed as thicker and without the curve.



The Lost World (1999)[]

In Out of Time, Veronica gets chased by Parasaurolophus after angering it and then it got killed by Challenger after shooting it in the eye.


The Land Before Time[]

Ducky from the movie had been identified as a Parasaurolophus, Saurolophus and Anatosaurus.

Jurassic Park[]

In the original film, ten Parasaurolophus were seen drinking in the lake peacefully with two Brachiosaurus.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park[]

The hunters chase down a herd of Parasaurolphus in a Game Trail and few of them were captured. At night, Sarah and Nick managed to free them and destroyed the hunters campsite.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom[]

JWFK Parasaurolophus and Apatosaurus deleted scene

Parasaurolophus was seen in swimming in the ocean during the eruption. Many of the Parasaurolophus were captured by the mercenaries.


Parasaurolophus was one of the many dinosaurs that became part of the herd.

The Good Dinosaur[]

Three Parasaurolophus were eating peacefully at night. But then they heard the asteroid missed the Earth. They looked the asteroid passing by and then resume their peaceful daily lives.



Castorocauda, Gigantopithecus, Megaloceros, Woolly mammoth, Smilodon
AlbertosaurusAllosaurusAmargasaurusAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBaryonyxBrachiosaurusCarcharodontosaurusCarnotaurusCeratosaurusCoelophysisCompsognathusCorythosaurusDilophosaurusDimetrodonDimorphodonDiplodocusGallimimusGiganotosaurusIchthyosaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusMaiasauraMonolophosaurusMosasaurusNanotyrannusNanuqsaurusOphthalmosaurusOuranosaurusPachycephalosaurusPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusRhamphorhynchusSpinosaurusStegosaurusSuchomimusStyracosaurusThescelosaurusTherizinosaurusTriceratopsTroodonTyrannosaurus rexUtahraptorVelociraptor, Pterosaur

Jurassic Park
Humans:Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Maisie Lockwood, Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler, Zia Rodriguez, Darius Bowman, Kenji Kon, Ben Pincus, Brooklynn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Gutierrez

Dinosaurs: Indominus rex, Mosasaurus, Blue, Charlie, Echo, Delta, Indoraptor, Brachiosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Corythosaurus, Gallimimus, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Majungasaurus
Biosyn: Soyona Santos, Vic Hoskins, Rainn Delacourt

Dinosaur logo
AladarAladar's MotherBayleneBrutonEemaKronNeeraPlioSuriUrlYarZiniAlbertosaurusAnkylosaurusBaby ParasaurolophusBrachiosaurusCarnotaurusIchthyornisIguanodonOviraptorPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusPteranodonSpinosaurusStyracosaurusVelociraptor

Deleted: Tyrannosaurus rexTriceratopsCorythosaurusOrnithomimusTylosaurus

Nesting GroundsLemur IslandList of Locations used in Disney's Dinosaur