- “I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!”
- ―Padmé to the Senate
Senator Padmé Amidala Naberrie is a major protagonist in the Star Wars franchise. She is the daughter of Jobal and Ruwee Naberrie, sister of Sola Naberrie, and the aunt of Ryoo and Pooja Naberrie.
She is the tritagonist of the Prequel Trilogy, a supporting character in the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and it's 2008-2020 follow-up series, and one of the main characters of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny.
At fourteen years old, Padmé reigned as Queen Amidala and at that age she met her future husband, Anakin Skywalker. After her term in office ended, she became the Senator of Naboo and was reaquainted with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin ten years after the blockade of Naboo. She and Anakin attempted to maintain a platonic relationship but ultimately fell in love. Secretly marrying each other on Naboo, Padmé became secretly known as Padmé Skywalker. However, their marriage struggled because they had to keep it a secret and their duties to the Republic got in the way of their relationship. At the war's end, Padmé became pregnant with Anakin's children. When her husband fell to the dark side and was Darth Sidious' new apprentice, Darth Vader, Padmé died of a broken heart but not before giving birth to their children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa and expressing hope that there was still good in Anakin and Padmé was proven right when Vader sacrificed himself to save their son. After death, Padmé became the mother-in-law of Han Solo and the maternal grandmother of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren.
In the Legends, Padmé had four grandchildren, Leia's and Han's children: Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin and Luke's son, Ben, and mother-in-law of Mara Jade Skywalker.
Star Wars prequel trilogy[]
Episode I: The Phantom Menace[]
Episode II: Attack of the Clones[]
Ten years after The Phantom Menace, Padmé survived an assassination attempt by having her handmaiden and friend Cordé posing as her. She is placed under the protection of Anakin and Obi-Wan. However, with the previous assassination failed, Padmé and Anakin left Coruscant to the safety of her homeworld, Naboo, where they stayed at the Naberrie summer home on the lake. Over their time together, Padmé felt strong, romantic feelings for Anakin but she refuses to submit to it because of their different lives with her being a senator and him a Jedi Master. When Anakin had nightmares about his mother, Padmé joined him on Tatooine, where Watto, Anakin's former slave owner, who told them that Shmi had been sold to the moisture farmer Cliegg Lars and freed her and later married her. Padmé went to the Lars farmstead with Anakin, where she and Anakin reunited with C-3PO, who now had silver plating and met Anakin's new stepbrother, Owen, his girlfriend Beru Whitesun and stepfather, Cliegg. However the couple arrived too late and were informed that Anakin's mother was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders a month prior to their return to the planet. Anakin left to find his mother himself, where he left Padmé with the Lars, because they were good people. She gave her Jedi lover a heartfelt goodbye, where she grew acquainted with Beru, who voiced with Padmé her distaste of traveling and her preference to stay on Tatooine with her family. The next morning, Anakin returned but with his mother's corpse. Padmé went to bring her lover food, but Anakin broke down and in a fit of rage, revealed that he killed all the Sand People, including the men, women and children. Padmé then comforted Anakin as he mourned for his mother's loss. The two attended a small funeral held for Shmi, along with the rest of the Lars family when suddenly, R2-D2 informed Anakin of an emergency transmission from Obi-Wan Kenobi. The duo departed the Lars homestead with 3PO in tow. In the recording, Obi-Wan revealed that Dooku was behind the plot to assassinate Padmé but towards the end of the recording Obi-Wan was captured. Windu told Anakin to protect the Senator while he and several Jedi would go to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan. However, Padmé realized that the Jedi would never be able to save Obi-Wan in time and convinced Anakin to rescue their friend because she found a loophole in Windu's command: he was protecting her wherever she went. Making it to the planet, Padmé and Anakin went to rescue Obi-Wan. However, when they entered the droid manufacturing facility, Padmé and Anakin had to dodge the working mechanisms and conveyer belts until the enemy was alerted of their presence and they were immediately captured by Jango Fett and other Geonosian soldiers, sentenced to death. Before their execution Padmé professed her love for Anakin. They were chained with Obi-Wan and were going to be sacrificed to the animals in the ring. However, Padmé used her wit and began to escape her bonds, climbing up the pole she was previously chained to, with Anakin and Obi-Wan in pursuit. After a small skirmish, Padmé,Anakin, and Obi-Wan attempted to escape on one of the creatures before they were recaptured. At this moment, Mace Windu and thousands of other Jedi appeared, coming to rescue them all. Padmé, despite being previously wounded by the Nexu's claw, fought bravely during the Battle of Geonosis, carrying only a blaster
Back on Naboo, Padmé and Anakin married in secret, with C-3PO and R2-D2 as witnesses.
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith[]
Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]
Season One[]
Season Two[]
Season Three[]
Season Four[]
Season FIve[]
Season Six[]
- Anakin Skywalker - Husband
- Luke Skywalker - Son
- Leia Organa - Daughter
- Kylo Ren - Grandson
- Han Solo - Son-in-law
- Jobal Naberrie - Mother
- Ruwee Naberrie - Father
- Sola Naberrie - Sister
- Ryoo Naberrie - Niece
- Pooja Naberrie - Niece
- Mara Jade Skywalker - Daughter-in-law
- Jaina Solo - Granddaughter
- Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus - Grandson
- Anakin Solo - Grandson
- Ben Skywalker - Grandson
- Allana Solo - Great-Granddaughter
- Ryoo Thule - Maternal Grandmother
- Winama Naberrie - Paternal Grandmother