Ocean Master
Aquaman Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Aquaman: The Junior Novel
Portrayed by
Patrick Wilson
Other names
King Orm
Ocean Master Orm The Highness Little Brother Maniac Your Majesty The One True King Second-born Son of Queen Atlanna Dick Pureblood Soft-bellied Slug My Son (by Queen Atlanna)
Prince of Atlantis King of Atlantis (overthrown) Ocean Master (formerly)
Bad, later good
Unite the Kingdoms of Atlantis.
Become the Ocean Master. Invade and conquer the surface world in retaliation for polluting the seas. Kill his half-brother Aquaman. Exterminate all the surface world's inhabitants (all failed) . Help Aquaman defeats Black Manta and Kordax (succeeded)
Mera (ex-fiancée/sister-in-law)
Arthur Curry, Jr. (nephew)
Atlan (ancestor)
Maternal grandfather
Black Manta (formerly),
Atlanna ,
Nereus , Aquaman, Mera, Tom Curry, Topo, Storm, Stephen Shin, Nuidis Vulko (formerly)
Nuidis Vulko (formerly), Atlantean soldiers,
Aquaman (formerly),
Mera , Nereus (all formerly), Trench, Scales, Rina, Kordax
Powers and abilities
Atlantean physiology
Superhuman strength Superhuman endurance Superhuman durability Superhuman reflexes Superhuman agility Superhuman speed Keen intellect Enhanced senses Regenerative healing factor Enhanced swimming speed Skilled combatant Leadership Manipulation
Freed by his brother and goes to the world, never to be seen again
Orm Marius is the main antagonist of the 2018 film Aquaman and the deuteragonist of its 2023 sequel Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom .
He is Aquaman's younger Atlantean half-brother and former arch-nemesis, the son of King Orvax Marius and Queen Atlanna and the former ruler of Atlantis.
History [ ]
Background [ ]
Aquaman [ ]
Aquaman in The Lost Kingdom [ ]
Personality [ ]
Relationships [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Despite being Aquaman's younger brother, his actor Patrick Wilson is 6 years older than Jason Momoa.
In the current timeline, the Ocean Master is the uncle of Arthur's daughter Andrina.