O.M.E.N. (Ocular Mechanically Engineered Neutralizers) are major antagonists of the 2018-19 TV series, Tales of Arcadia.
They were advanced modified blank robots designed to serve General Morando and eradicate the royals and innocents who praise them.
Desperate to destroy the Resistance on Akiridion-5 (and, by extension, House Tarron), Morando creates and activates an advanced blank robot called the Ocular Mechanically Engineered Neutralizer (or Omen), which is designed to eradicate and harm those who oppose Morando himself, even if they are completely innocent and/or harmless.
The Omens were programmed by Morando himself to eliminate any Akiridion citizen who praises House Tarron, no matter if they were children or not. They was also programmed to exterminate House Tarron, even using their own mothership and blank robots against them.