Oma and Shu are overarching protagonists of Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender episode "Into the Dark."
They are legendary figures who became the first Earthbenders and Shu went on to become the founder of the great kingdom of Omashu, named in honor of Shu and her fallen lover.
Thousands of years ago, two villages were at civil war with each other; however, two women, Oma and Shu fell in love with one another. Since their sides hated each other, Oma and Shu met each other in secret. According to legend, the two lovers learned to move the Earth from the Badgermoles, becoming the world's first Earthbenders and they carved elaborate tunnels that would eventually be called the Cave of Two Lovers so that those who followed them would be lost forever. However, when Shu waited for Oma, the latter never came; their love met a tragic because she had been killed defending her village in a raid.Heartbroken and devestated at the loss of her lover, Shu used devastating Earthbending powers, bringing the two villages on their knees.
Instead of destroying them, she declared the war over. With this in mind, Shu and the other villagers came together to form a new city, where both factions lived together in peace and harmony. The city was named Omashu, after the two great Earthbending lovers and their story was engraved in the walls of the caves and their own tombs.
- In the original cartoon, Shu was a man. In the remake, Shu is gender-swapped and the couples are both females.
- In the series, Shu was killed in battle and Oma was the one to found Omashu.
- The situation in the original live-action series is reserved, with Oma dying and Shu living.
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong Avatars Order of the White Lotus Air Nomads Fire Nation Water Tribe Spirits Other |