Ogres are a humanoid species featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. They are native to the Enchanted Forest, and first appear in the second episode of the first season.
Ogres are large, tall, hideous beings. They are humanoid in general shape, with sharp teeth and pointy fingernails. Some of them are bald, while others have scalp hair like a human. Some ogres have pointy ears, while others have human ears. Their ferocious roar is strong enough to blow a person's hair back. They seem to communicate through roars and grunts, although some of them are able to understand human speech. ("The Thing You Love Most", "Lady of the Lake", "Family Business", "Operation Mongoose Part 1", "Her Handsome Hero")
Ogres are blind and hunt by sound alone. They have enormous strength, and are able to crush a gun with their fist, and ripping a person limb to limb. They can break through a door and throw a table across the room with ease, and can send a person flying through the air with a simple swing of a club. They are very difficult to kill; one known way of finishing them off is shooting at their eye. ("Lady of the Lake", "The Doctor", "Family Business", Manhattan", "Her Handsome Hero", "Ill-Boding Patterns")
Little is known about Ogre culture. They are infamous for waging war against humans several times throughout history, and most people view them as ferocious beasts. According to Maurice, "ogres are not men." They are known to feign being hurt or trapped to lure unsuspecting humans and kill them. ("Desperate Souls", "Manhattan", "Skin Deep", "Regina Rising", et al.)