For the Gotham incarnation, see Nyssa al Ghul (Gotham) Nyssa Raatko (better known as Nyssa al Ghul) is a recurring character and anti-hero in the TV series Arrow. She was the youngest daughter of Ra's al Ghul and younger half-sister of Talia al Ghul. She was briefly the leader of the League of Assassins, as Ra's al Ghul, and has become a friend and ally of Oliver Queen and Team Arrow.

Nyssa as a child in 1993
Nyssa al Ghul was born May 10th, 1985 to Ra's al Ghul, and his mistress, Amina Raatko. As Nyssa grew up, she was noted by her father to inherit her mother's fiery spirit. She had been training combat and battle for years, training alongside Athena, a girl who would grow up to be the woman in charge of the Thanatos Guild. Despite her small amount of friends, Nyssa was extremely close to her Half-sister, Talia and the girls were inseparable. However, Nyssa felt abandoned by her sister when she chose to leave the League.
Unfortunately, Nyssa had a terrible childhood due to her facing her father's wrath, which is what made her resent Talia, who could escape it. Despite her desire to kill her father and take over the League, Nyssa didn't go through with it. Instead, she took pride in her title as the Heir to the Demon.
In 1993, Nyssa encountered Malcolm Merlyn when he came to Nanda Parbat to find ways to enlightening after his wife's murder. He came across the 8-year-old Nyssa finishing of her opponents and she introduced herself to him. She assumed Malcolm came to challenge her but was shocked when the performed a magic trick instead by pulling a coin from her ear. Amazed, Nyssa named Malcolm "Al Sa-her" ("The Magician")
In 2010, at age 25, Nyssa used a computer for the first time.

New Personality[]
After spending time with Team Arrow, Nyssa has grown to care for them enough to call them friends and has adapted a less formal speaking when she talks. She showed worry for both Quentin Lance and Oliver Queen due to the loss of Laurel.
She has also developedd a love for black and white milkshakes and dipping her fries in them, like Laurel, as well.
Powers and abilities[]
Laurel Lance[]
Before they officially met, Nyssa drugged her former lover's sister in order to lure Sara back to Star City. At the start of their relationship, Nyssa, for some reason, initially disliked Laurel. After Sara was killed the first time, Nyssa and Laurel met in the cemetery visiting Sara's grave. Nyssa offered her condolences for the loss of Sara but Laurel rebuffed her. Before leaving the cemetery, Nyssa saw Laurel was wearing a black leather jacket she once gave Sara and felt Laurel was not fit to wear it. However, Nyssa later changed her mind when she got to know Laurel, and how the latter reminded her of Sara. Even though she considered Oliver an enemy, Nyssa remained friendly with Laurel. When she had been captured by Oliver and imprisoned in the arrowcave, Laurel visited her. Nyssa shared memories with Laurel about how she fell in love with Sara. Afterwards, Nyssa asked her to dinner and offered to train her.
- Ra's al Ghul † - Father
- Talia al Ghul - Half-Sister
- Half-Brother †
- Half-Sister †
- Stepmother †
- Amina Raatko - Mother
- Saracon - Maternal Half-Brother
- Team Arrow - Former Enemies turned Friends
- Oliver Queen/Green Arrow - Pseudo-Ex-Husband and Friend
- Felicity Smoak/Overwatch
- John Diggle/Spartan
- Dinah Drake/Black Canary II
- Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog
- Curtis Holt
- Quentin Lance
- Laurel Lance (Earth-1) † - Student and Friend
- Laurel Lance (Earth-2) - Former Enemy
- Mesi Natifah/Talibah
- Tatsu Yamashiro
- Team Arrow
- Wally West/Kid Flash
- Ray Terrill/The Ray
- Sara Lance/White Canary - Friend and Ex-Girlfriend
- Ray Palmer/The Atom
- Kate Kane/Batwoman
- Mia Queen/Green Arrow - Student (Previous Timeline)
- William Clayton
- Samantha Clayton
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke - Former Enemy
- Malcolm Merlyn - Rival, Situational Ally and Former Enemy
- Dinah Lance - Former Hostage
- Isabel Rochev - Victim
- Anti-Monitor
- Damien Darhk
- Prometheus
- Evelyn Sharp,
- Digger Harkness
- Thanatos Guild
- Athena - Opponent and Attempted Killer
- Like Laurel, Nyssa enjoys black and white milkshakes, as well as dipping her fries in them. She developed it ever since Laurel introduced it to her.
- Katrina Law was kept in the dark about her character's true nature. She thought she was auditioning to portray Lady Shiva, a recurring enemy of Black Canary and the Birds of Prey.
- In the original comics, Nyssa was Ra's' eldest daughter. However, on Arrow, she is his youngest daughter and Talia is her older sister.
- It has been mentioned that Nyssa and Talia have siblings from their father's marriage: a daughter and a son. The half-brother is a reference to Dusan al Ghul, Ra's son who is an Albino and disqualified from the League because of it.
- Like the original comics, Nyssa is shunned by her father and the League. While comic book Nyssa plots to kill her father and take control of the League, the Arrowverse version of Nyssa redeems herself, and becomes the ally of Team Arrow
- Most of Nyssa's characteristics are based off of Talia al Ghul before she physically appears in the series. Both women have a habit of referring to their lovers "beloved" (in this case, Sara Lance and Batman.) However, the difference is Nyssa still appears to genuinely love Sara while Talia sees Batman as an object.
- Nyssa didn't start using a computer until she was twenty-five due to living in the League, which was away from civilization and technology.
- Nyssa is at least 6 days older than Oliver Queen: they were both born in May of 1985; except, she was born on the 10th while Oliver was born on the 16th