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Nymphadora Tonks, better known as Tonks, is a character who apepars in Harry Potter. She was the wife of Remus Lupin and the mother of their son, Edward "Teddy" Lupin.

After leaving Hogwarts, Tonks joined the Ministry of Magic and trained to become an Auror under the watchful eye of Alastor Moody, qualifying in 1994. In 1995, she joined the second Order of the Phoenix, working undercover in the Ministry and helping to guard the Department of Mysteries. On 18 June 1996, she fought in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

At some point, Tonks fell in love with Remus Lupin, married and and had a son Teddy Lupin. Unfortunately both Dora and Remus were killed in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, leaving their son an orphan. However he was still raised and surrounded by the love of his friends and family and got to know his parents through their stories.


Harry Potter film series[]


Nymphadora Tonks was a brave, intelligent individual who joined the Aurors and Albus Dumbledore's order of the Phoenix. She also hated being referred to by her full name, referring to be addressed by her last name. The only people she allowed to call her "Dora" were her parents and her husband. She also had a laid back personality so much that she greeted Harry with just a wink. She lacked her maternal relatives' prejudice views on Muggles or humanoid species, having fallen in love with a werewolf. She was also a loyal and supportive of both Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore's claims that Lord Voldemort and his followers were returning.

Despite her short time as a mother, Tonks loved Ted Lupin and both she and Lupin made Harry Potter their son's godfather. Despite her short time as a mother, Dora was excited at the prospect of having a child. However she was afraid of doing it alone because she was concerned for Remus when he feared their child would inherit his lycanthrope. To their relief, however, Teddy actually inherited his mother's morphing powers.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Wand: As was the case with most wizards and witches, Tonks's wand was among her most valued magical possessions. Her wand was of unknown length, wood, and core materials.
  • Comet 260: Tonks owned a Comet 260 broomstick with a rounded wood twig accent piece and strings and ribbons tied to the handle.
  • T-shirt of the Weird Sisters: Tonks owned a Weird Sisters T-shirt, implying she was a fan of the band.
  • Handkerchief: Tonks owned a small cloth handkerchief.
  • Wedding ring: Following her wedding to Lupin, Tonks owned a wedding ring which she showed to Harry prior to the Battle of Seven Potters.


Harry Potter Characters
Main: Harry PotterRon WeasleyHermione GrangerNeville LongbottomLord VoldemortAlbus DumbledoreSeverus SnapeRubeus HagridDraco Malfoy

Dumbledore's Army: Ginny WeasleyLuna LovegoodFred WeasleyGeorge WeasleyCho ChangDean ThomasErnie MacmillanHannah AbbottJustin Finch-FletchleyLavender BrownSeamus FinniganSusan BonesLee JordanParvati PatilPadma PatilAngelina Johnson

Order of the Phoenix: Minerva McGonagallArthur WeasleyMolly WeasleyAberforth DumbledoreArabella FiggFleur DelacourBill WeasleyKingsley ShackleboltJames Potter•ProngsLily Potter IRemus LupinSirius BlackElphias Doge

Voldemort's Followers: Bellatrix LestrangeBarty Crouch Jr.Peter Pettigrew•Wormtail

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Horace SlughornPomona SproutPoppy PomfreyQuirinus QuirrellFilius FlitwickHelena RavenclawPeevesBloody Baron

Ministry of Magic: Cornelius FudgeBarty Crouch Sr.Dolores UmbridgePercy Weasley

Other: Madame MaximeFenrir GreybackLucius MalfoyNarcissa MalfoyGellert GrindelwaldDobbyCedric DiggoryArmondo DippetAstoria MalfoyJames S. PotterAlbus PotterLily L. PotterScorpius MalfoyHugo Granger-WeasleyRose Granger-WeasleyDelphini

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters
Newt ScamanderTina GoldsteinQueenie GoldsteinJacob KowalskiGellert GrindelwaldCredence BareboneSeraphina PicqueryPercival GravesBernadetteMary Lou BareboneModesty BareboneGnarlakLangdon ShawHenry Shaw Jr.Henry Shaw Sr. Leta LestrangeTheseus ScamanderPickettNiffler

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: NaginiNicholas FlamelVinda Rosier

Other Characters
Legendary Figures: Godric GryffindorHelga HufflepuffRowena RavenclawSalazar SlytherinAntioch PeverellCadmus PeverellIgnotus PeverellIsolt SayreJames StewardWebster BootChadwick BootWilliamMartha and Rionach StewardGormlaith Gaunt

Fairytale Characters: AlthedaAmataAntioch PeverellAsha • • Ignotus PeverellIgnotus Peverell's sonSir LucklessWarlock

Mentioned only: Kendra DumbledorePercival DumbledoreList of Harry Potter characters

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hogwarts staff, GryffindorRavenclawSlytherinHufflepuff) • Order of the PhoenixDumbledore's ArmyDeath EatersGolden TrioIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Philosopher's Stone • The Deathly Hallows (The Invisibility CloakThe Resurrection StoneThe Elder Wand) • Horcruxes (Tom Riddle's Diary, Gaunt Ring, Slytherin Locket, Hufflepuff Cup, Ravenclaw Diadem) • Blood PactTime-TurnersSword of GryffindorMarauder's Map1Sorting Hat
Builidings: British Ministry of MagicHogwarts CastleMalfoy Manor