Full name
Nubia of Themyscira (Amazon name) Zahavah (human name)
Other names
Queen of the Amazons Wonder Woman
Queen of the Amazons Warrior Guardian of Doom's Doorway (formerly) Justice League Member (formerly)
Justice League Amazons
Protecting the island of Themyscira
King Zanil † (father) Unnamed mother † Hippolyta (mother; Earth-one)
Diana (younger twin sister; Earth-One) Donna Troy (adopted sister; Earth-One)
Io (girlfriend)
Mars (grandfather)
Ms. Knight, Io,
Hawkgirl ,
Wonder Woman ,
Yara Flor ,
Donna Troy ,
Cassie Sandsmark ,
Jerry the Winged Horse , Philippus, Isadore Cale, Jumpa, Maggie,
Jerry the Winged Horse ,
Batman ,
Superman ,
Green Lantern , Nia (pet horse),
Zatanna ,
Aquaman ,
Vixen ,
Steel ,
Red Torando ,
Cyborg ,
Black Lightning ,
Hal Jordan , Earth-23 Superman, Guardian
Medusa, Artemis (Formerly), Grail, the Hydra, Blue Ice, Duke of Deception, Chaos, Amazons of Bana-Mighdall (formerly)
Assisting Wonder Woman and her allies, her fellow Amazons, truth, justice, honor
Hippolyta's death, Diana in trouble, losing her family and friends, the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall (formerly)
Powers and abilities
Unarmed Combat Martial Arts Melee Combat Swordswomanship Throwing Markswomanship Shield Combatant Lasso Archery War Lore Military Tactics & StrategyOther Skills:
Indomitable Will Wisdom Divine Beauty Animal Empathy Leadership Languages (Greek, English) Physical Skills:
Divine Empowerment:
God of War powers
Lasso Of Truth Bracelets of Victory / Sumission Royal/Golden Tiara Battle Armor Lansinar Disc
becomes the Queen of the Amazons and all of Themyscira.
Nubia is a fictional character and superhero from DC comics.
Nubia was the first to assume the title of "Wonder Woman", she was depicted as Diana's twin sister and Donna's adoptive sister. Whoever this was later retconned in later version of Wonder Woman and Nubeia recreated as someone who is more like her sister in arms than her biological one
She is the new queen of Themyscira after Hippolyta's abdication and later became the queen of all Amazons following the death of the Queen at the end of the Trials of the Amazons storyline.
History [ ]
Earth-One [ ]
Prime Earth [ ]
Personality [ ]
Powers and abilities [ ]
Possessions [ ]
Relationships [ ]
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