Frankie Raye
Other names
Human Torch Nova
Superheroine herald of Galactus (formerly) Member of the Valkyrior's Defenders member of the Fantastic Four (formerly)
Protect the Earth from threats
Misty Knight's Safe House, New York City, New York
Lanette Raye (mother) Unnamed biological father Phineas T. Horton (stepfather)
Human Torch , Mr. Fantastic , Invisible Woman , Thing , Silver Surfer , Franklin Richards , Hercules, Black Widow, Valkyrie, Thor, Misty Knight , Spider-Man , the Hulk, Doctor Strange , Clea, Galactus (sometimes), Daredevil , Quasar, Nova , She-Hulk , Gamora , Moondragon, Professor X , Beast , Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver , Iceman , Marvel Girl , Wolverine , Nick Fury , Polaris , Dani Moonstar , Rogue , Rachel Gray, Nightcrawler , Storm , Colossus, Cyclops, Angel , Psylocke, Captain Britain , Havoc , Vision , Wonder Man, Windshear, Hellcat, Lockheed , Emma Frost , the Power Pack, The Avengers , The X-Men , Elsa Bloodstone
Galactus , Titania, Starfox, Terrax, Captain Universe, Hellcat (formerly), Fantastic Four (formerly), Mephisto, Rachel Grey (formerly), Thanos , She-Hulk (formerly), the Skrulls , Morg, Shriek, Juggernaut , Magus, The Grandmaster, The Collector, echidna, Ego The Living Planet
Johnny Storm, protecting others, watching over the Earth
Fire (formerly), Johnny being a player, serving Galactus, the Earth in danger
Powers and abilities
Pyrokinesis Cosmic Energy Manipulation Cosmic knowledge Flight Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes •
Fire Resistance Suit
Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer
Nova (real name Frankie Raye ) is a supporting character in the Fantastic Four franchise. She is an superheroine who became the intergalactic superhero known as Nova. She was exposed to Horton Cells in her childhood that laid dormant until an encounter with Johnny Storm's Human Torch.