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Nightmare is an antagonist, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is depicted most commonly as one of Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider's major enemies. Nightmare is the ruler of a Dream Dimension.

Official Description[]

Ruler of his own Nightmare World within the Dream Dimension (linked to and shaped by humanity's collective unconscious), Nightmare is a Class Three demon who influences the dreams of living beings as they sleep, feeding on humanity's psychic energies in particular. Nightmare occasionally singles out souls for special tortures, sometimes trapping their dream-selves in his realm. He has even sought to absorb the entire waking world into his own realm, though never with lasting success. Humanity's chief defender against Nightmare is the sorcerer Doctor Strange, who has fought the demon so often that Strange routinely casts a protective spell on himself before sleeping.

Nightmare has also faced many other foes such as Clea, Spider-Man, the Micronauts, Dazzler, Ghost Rider (John Blaze and Dan Ketch), the Hulk, Cloak & Dagger, Excalibur, Daredevil, Straw Man, Doctor Doom, Wolverine, Sleepwalker, the Enchantress, Heimdall, Morbius, Emma Frost, Captain America, Black Panther and Moon Knight. Nightmare has worked to corrupt unstable super-beings such as the Hulk and Cloak, each of whom have gone on mad Nightmare-inspired rampages, but his influence usually proves temporary. For a time, Nightmare was allied with rival fear-sowing entities such as the Fear Lords, but the group was thwarted by Dr. Strange and his allies.

Eight hundred years ago, Nightmare impregnated the demon succubus Zhilla Char; she died giving birth to their daughter, the Dreamqueen, who now rules her own nightmarish pocket dimension. For a time, Nightmare courted horror movie actress Roxanne in the mortal guise of Edvard Haberdash, helping her longtime director Lucre establish Club Fear where patrons paid to be terrified. "Edvard" eventually caused Lucre's demise, and Roxanne forced herself to keep dating the abusive, possessive, inhuman "Edvard" since she feared for her own safety and that of the world in the face of a wrathful Nightmare's power. During a recent terror attack, Nightmare exploited humanity's desire that it was just a dream, gaining a foothold on an earthly island where he can manipulate reality at whim. On Nightmare Island, the Hulk encountered and named Daydream, a daughter Nightmare had sired with a mortal woman in a deep sleep, who turned against her father and chose to dwell amongst humanity. Nightmare's natural enemies include the denizen Dusk of the hostile adjacent Realm of Madness, as well as the Gulgol, a monster who never sleeps.


Doctor Strange (2016) Logo

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Doctor StrangeChristine PalmerAncient One WongKaeciliusMasters of the Mystic ArtsZealotsKarl MordorNicodemus WestThorScarlet WitchMasters of the Mystic Arts, America Chavez, Illuminati (Mr. Fantastic, Black Bolt, Peggy Carter / Captain Carter, Maria Rambeau/Captain Marvel, Charles Xavier)

Dark DimensionKamar-Taj , New York Sanctum, Avengers Tower,
Time StoneSling RingEye of AgamottoCloak of Levitation

Ghost Riders: Johnny Blaze; Robbie Reyes; Noble Kale, Danny Ketch and Other Ghost Riders

Villains: Blackout (Marvel)Mephisto (Marvel)Nightmare (Marvel)

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider

Marvel Animated Universe: Ghost Rider (Marvel Animated Universe)

Comics: Cloak & Dagger (Tandy Bowin & Ty Johnson), D'Spayre, Black Cat, Mayhem, Power Pack (Jack Power, Julie Power, Alex Power, Katie Power, Punisher, Runaways (Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Gert Yorkes, Chase Stein, Molly Hayes, Old Lace, Xavin, Klara Prast), Spider-Man, Ecstasy, Mister Jip, Mister Negative, Nightmare, Silvermane

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Tyrone Johnson / Cloak, Tandy Bowen / Dagger, Andre Deschaine, Adina Johnson, Otis Johnson, Melissa Bowen, Chantelle Fusilier, Greg Pressfield, Liam Walsh, Lia Dewan, Brigid O'Reilly, Mayhem, James Connors, Fuchs, Watts, Francis Xavier Delgado, Evita Fusilier, Benny, Roxxon, Peter Scarborough, Nathan Bowen, Ivan Hess, Mina Hess, Stan Bartlett, Duane Porter, Rick Cotton, The Darkforce, Lightforce, Mister Jip, Papa Legba, Baron Samedi
Ultimate Spider-Man: Cloak, Dagger

Holy Ghost Church, Darkforce, Lightforce
Dark X-Men, New Warriors, Secret Avengers, Secret Defenders, X-Men