"Next Stop, Anywhere" is a song featured in the Disney animated series, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure from the episode "Beyond the Corona Walls." Sung by Rapunzel (Mandy Moore), Eugene Fitzherbert (Zachary Levi). amd Cassandra, the three friends express their joy to be in the outside world.
The Reprisal is sung just by Eugene and Rapunzel about their love being stronger and how none of them are alone in their new adventure.
Rapunzel: I wanna break every rule and cross every line
I wanna show all the stars how stars oughta shine
I wanna do as I please and knock the world to its knees
And go wherever the breeze is blowing
Next stop, anywhere
Gotta a whole wide world to see
Nothing's stopping me
Next stop, anywhere
'Cause there's so much waiting
I know it's waiting
I feel it waiting out there
(Instrumental bridge)
Eugene: We're gonna toss out the maps and follow the sun
Rapunzel: We're gonna place our own path and go on the run
Eugene: We're gonna get out and do what nobody's done
Rapunzel: There's so much out there to do, we've barely begun
Eugene: We're gonna take every dare
Both: And feel the wind in our hair
With no one telling us where we're going
Next stop, anywhere
If you're there I'm gonna be, where I'd wanna be
Next stop, anywhere
And the world is calling
It is keeps on calling
Just think of all that we'll share
(Instrumental bridge)
Cassandra: Next stop, anywhere
Gotta feeling things'll be happening suddenly
Rapunzel: Next stop, anywhere
Gonna chase my destiny, find my best in me
Eugene: Next stop, anywhere
'Cause it's time we went to be where we're meant to be
All: Next stop, anywhere
Cassandra: And the world is waiting
Eugene: I feel it waiting
Rapunzel: It's all just waiting out there
All: Everywhere
Eugene: We're gonna walk down that path and over the rise
Rapunzel: Guess we'll discover just where our destiny lies
Eugene: Who cares how dark it'll be, 'cause I've got you
Rapunzel: You've got me
Both: So let's go see where this whole thing's going
Next stop, anywhere
Rapunzel: And where I'm supposed to be with you close to me
Both: Next stop, anywhere
Eugene: Facing every jeopardy linked inseparably
Both: Next stop, anywhere
Rapunzel: Though it may get rough for us
Eugene: We'll enough for us
Both: Next stop, anywhere
Rapunzel: And the world is waiting
Eugene: I feel it waiting
Rapunzel: With new adventures to share
Eugene: Everywhere
Both: Everywhere