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Newton Artemis Fido "Newt" Scamander is a half-blood or pure blood wizard who is a framed magizoologist and the main protagonist of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them franchise. He is the husband of Auror Tina Goldstein, grandfather of Rolf Scamander, the grandfather-in-law of Luna Lovegood, the great-grandfather of Lorcan and Lysande, and the younger brother of Auror Theseus Scamander. Newt was pivotal in the downfall of Gellert Grindelwald with the help of his knowledge in creatures.


Newton "Newt" Scamander was born on February 24, and came from England. He had one sibling, an older brother named Theseus. His mother was a hippogriff breeder. When Newt turned eleven, he was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after recieving a letter and was sorted into the house of Hufflepuff. Overtime, Newt became one of Albus Dumbledore's favorite and respected students. He developed a friendship with Leta Lestrange, a fellow student who shared both his interest in magical beasts, as well as his feeling of being an outsider.

Newt later took the blame of one of Leta's experiments that nearly endangered the life of a student. He was expelled from Hogwarts, but it is unaware if this was permanent or temporary. Nonteheless, Newt still was able to keep his wand because Dumbledore spoke on his behalf.


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Magical Mastery:
  • Charms:
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts:
  • Nonverbal magic:
  • Apparition:
  • Herbology:
  • Healing magic:


  • Author Skills:
  • Potions:
  • Duelling:
  • History of Magic: Newt also had knowledge of magical history, especially of Magizoology. A whole chapter of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was devoted to the definitions of beasts, beings, and spirits and how the definitions have evolved in past centuries.
  • Muggle Studies: has a strong sense of knowledge about muggles, even about knowing how to interact with them in different countries.
  • Wandlore: Newt had a limited knowledge in wandlore, especially when it came to Thunderbird tail feathers.

Indomitable Willpower:

Physical appearance[]

Newton Scamander was a tall, thin wizard with tousled brown hair and blue eyes. His usual attire included a blue coat, brown vest, white shirt, bow tie, dark brown trousers and brown boots. He kept his Hufflepuff scarf from school that he occasionally wore.

During his travels in Paris, in 1927, he was shown with a grey woollen coat, and his usually unkempt looks became scruffier and more haggard.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them[]

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them[]

On 6 December 1926, Newt arrives in New York whilst travelling to Arizona. He sees a No-Maj (the name American witches and wizards call non-magical people) named Mary Lou Barebone and her children preaching about the New Salem Philanthropic Society (which Mary-Lou is in charge of), who view witches and wizards as being dangerous. During this, a Niffer escapes from Newt's suitcase (which has an Undectecable Extension Charm on it). Whilst trying to recapture the Niffler, Newt accidentally switches suitcases with another No-Maj named Jacob Kowalski (who wishes to become a baker). Due to the trouble caused by the Niffler, Newt is arrested and brought to the headquarters of the the Magical Congress of the United States of America (known as MACUSA for short) but is released after the suitcase he has is filled with baked goods.

Newt along with a witch named Tina Goldstine arrive at Jacob's home and find that other creatures have escaped from Newt's suitcase. The trio then go to Tina's apartment where they meet her sister Queenie. Newt then takes Jacob into his suitcase where they encounter a parasite called an Obscurus, which develops inside the minds of magical children who attempt to repress their magical abilities and when affected, rarely live past the age of ten. The Obscurus in Newt's possession was taken from a girl who died. Newt is able to convince Jacob to help recapture the escaped creatures. Newt and Jacob manage to recapture two of the three escaped beasts before they are arrested by MACUSA (after Tina gave them Newt's suitcase), who believe that one of Newt's beasts killed Senator Henry Shaw. Newt is accused of being in league with a Dark Wizard named Gellert Grindelwald by MACUSA's Director of Magical Security Percival Graves. Newt and Tina are to be sentenced to death and Jacob's memories to be erased, but Jacob and Queenie arrive and rescue Newt and Tina and later recapture the third beast.

Later, Newt encounters Mary Lou's adopted son Credence (who was affected by an Obsucrus and has lived past ten years old) and is attacked by Graves, who admits that he planned to unleash the Obscurus to expose the magical community to the No-Majs and framing Newt for it, and angrily claims that MACUSA protects the No-Majs more than themselves. Graves then attacks MACUSA's Aurors, who attempt to apprehend him. Newt manages to subdue Graves and uses a spell to reveal Graves as being Gellert Grindelwald in disguise.

When MACUSA fears that the magical world has been exposed, Newt releases a Thunderbird in order to disperse a potion as a rain across New York in order to erase the memories of the No-Majs (including Jacob). Newt then leaves New York for Europe, but not before promising to return to visit Tina once he finishes writing his book. He also leaves behind a case of silver Occamy eggshells to help Jacob fund his bakery.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald[]

One year after the events of the original film, Newt returned to England but received a travel ban from the Minister of Magic. Three months after Grindelwald escaped from MACUSA custody, Newt went to the British Ministry of Magic.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Newt Scamander.



Theseus Scamander[]

Theseus was Newt's older brother and only known sibling. Despite their estranged relationship with each other, it was nonetheless an loving and affectionate one. He regularly disliked it when Theseus would ever embrace him. However, Theseus and their mother disapproved of Newt's choice of being a magizoologist and appeared to dislike it when Newt refused to become an Auror.  It was hinted that newt held a small resentment towards Theseus, as he remarked to Tina that he was glad seeing her overpower her brother, calling it the one of the greatest moments of his life. However, Theseus still remained affectionate and civil towards his younger brother. The two developed a strong sense of team work during their brief duel against Grindelwald. Their relationship finally mended when when Newt comforted Theseus over the death of Leta throught heir mutual love towards her and finally hugged his older brother. 


Tina Goldstein[]

Being the love of his life, Newt first met his future wife in New York during the year of 1926, where they got off on the wrong foot after she caught him perform magic in front of a Muggle. However indifferent they were to each other, Newt and Tina held an affection for each other after she fell in love with Newt due to his kind and tender heart. With time, Newt became more and more conscious of Tina's virtues, seeing that she was a good-hearted person and that her previous desire to report his misdeeds to the superiors might have resulted from ignorance and willingness to prove that she could return to an Auror position. The search for the missing creatures set loose on New York brought the two closer together. Newt later helped Tina get reinstated to her position as an Auror after informing Seraphina Picquery about her efforts. She promised to buy his book but Newt promised to deliver a copy in self as soon as it was completed.

In 1927, Tina and Newt were unable to see each other due to his travel ban administrated by the British Ministry of Magic and could only contact teach other via letters. However, Tina's and Newt's relationship became strained when a magazine erroneously printed that Newt was engaged to his former lover Leta Lestrange. Though it was simply a misunderstanding, Tina believed the magazines mistake and eventually, cut ties with Newt and began seeing someone else after he called Aurors "self-driven hypocrites." When they meet again, Tina treated Newt coldly, calling him "Mr Scamander" once again. Nevertheless, Newt eventually managed to subtly confess his feelings for her, awkwardly stating that she had "eyes like a salamander". The two worked together once again when Grindelwald was summoning his followers, bringing the two of them closer.

By 2017, they were already married and living in the United Kingdom and proud grandparents of Rolf Scamander.

Leta Lestrange[]

Friends and Allies[]

Jacob Kowalski[]

Jacob and Newt first met when they were both at a Muggle bank and both their suitcases got mixed up. He dragged Jacob on a magical adventure, where the Muggle was fascinated with Newt's world and overtime, they became very close friends. When Jacob was forced to become one of the people to forget about the adventure, Newt expressed sadness at possibly never seeing him again.

He was slightly appalled that Queenie put a love spell under Jacob and believed he should love Queenie freely rather than under an enchantment. Newt brought Jacob along on yet another adventure, this time to stop Gellert Grindelwald from gaining Credence Barebone as a follower, where they talked about their relationships with the Goldstein sisters.

Albus Dumbledore[]


Gellert Grindelwald[]



  • Newt is very similar to The Doctor, having traits from the Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. His complicated relationship with MACUSA and the Ministry mirrors the Doctor's complicated relationship with the High Council of Gallifrey.
  • Newt is also very similar to Fluttershy from the My Little Pony franchise.
    • Both are kind, meek and noble heroes
    • They have a keen affinity for animals.
    • His respect towards Dumbledore mirrors Fluttershy's respect for Twilight Sparkle (and Human Fluttershy's respect towards Sunset Shimmer).
  • Newt is one of four characters in the Harry Potter franchise to use an Undetectable Extension Charm. The other three being Hermione Granger, Arthur Weasley and Mundungus Fletcher.



Harry Potter Characters
Main: Harry PotterRon WeasleyHermione GrangerNeville LongbottomLord VoldemortAlbus DumbledoreSeverus SnapeRubeus HagridDraco Malfoy

Dumbledore's Army: Ginny WeasleyLuna LovegoodFred WeasleyGeorge WeasleyCho ChangDean ThomasErnie MacmillanHannah AbbottJustin Finch-FletchleyLavender BrownSeamus FinniganSusan BonesLee JordanParvati PatilPadma PatilAngelina Johnson

Order of the Phoenix: Minerva McGonagallArthur WeasleyMolly WeasleyAberforth DumbledoreArabella FiggFleur DelacourBill WeasleyKingsley ShackleboltJames Potter•ProngsLily Potter IRemus LupinSirius BlackElphias Doge

Voldemort's Followers: Bellatrix LestrangeBarty Crouch Jr.Peter Pettigrew•Wormtail

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Horace SlughornPomona SproutPoppy PomfreyQuirinus QuirrellFilius FlitwickHelena RavenclawPeevesBloody Baron

Ministry of Magic: Cornelius FudgeBarty Crouch Sr.Dolores UmbridgePercy Weasley

Other: Madame MaximeFenrir GreybackLucius MalfoyNarcissa MalfoyGellert GrindelwaldDobbyCedric DiggoryArmondo DippetAstoria MalfoyJames S. PotterAlbus PotterLily L. PotterScorpius MalfoyHugo Granger-WeasleyRose Granger-WeasleyDelphini

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters
Newt ScamanderTina GoldsteinQueenie GoldsteinJacob KowalskiGellert GrindelwaldCredence BareboneSeraphina PicqueryPercival GravesBernadetteMary Lou BareboneModesty BareboneGnarlakLangdon ShawHenry Shaw Jr.Henry Shaw Sr. Leta LestrangeTheseus ScamanderPickettNiffler

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: NaginiNicholas FlamelVinda Rosier

Other Characters
Legendary Figures: Godric GryffindorHelga HufflepuffRowena RavenclawSalazar SlytherinAntioch PeverellCadmus PeverellIgnotus PeverellIsolt SayreJames StewardWebster BootChadwick BootWilliamMartha and Rionach StewardGormlaith Gaunt

Fairytale Characters: AlthedaAmataAntioch PeverellAsha • • Ignotus PeverellIgnotus Peverell's sonSir LucklessWarlock

Mentioned only: Kendra DumbledorePercival DumbledoreList of Harry Potter characters

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hogwarts staff, GryffindorRavenclawSlytherinHufflepuff) • Order of the PhoenixDumbledore's ArmyDeath EatersGolden TrioIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Philosopher's Stone • The Deathly Hallows (The Invisibility CloakThe Resurrection StoneThe Elder Wand) • Horcruxes (Tom Riddle's Diary, Gaunt Ring, Slytherin Locket, Hufflepuff Cup, Ravenclaw Diadem) • Blood PactTime-TurnersSword of GryffindorMarauder's Map1Sorting Hat
Builidings: British Ministry of MagicHogwarts CastleMalfoy Manor

Newt ScamanderTina GoldsteinQueenie GoldsteinJacob KowalskiGellert GrindelwaldCredence BareboneSeraphina PicqueryPercival GravesBernadetteMary Lou BareboneModesty BareboneGnarlakLangdon ShawHenry Shaw Jr.Henry Shaw Sr. Leta LestrangeTheseus ScamanderPickettNiffler

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: NaginiNicholas FlamelVinda Rosier

Grindelwald's Army