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For the comics version of the Speed Force, see Negative Speed Force.

Come on out, son. 'Cause no matter where you go or how fast you run, I'll always find you. What's it gonna be? You're gonna come face me here and now, and risk dying? Or you're gonna run away to save mama and risk losing everything by altering the timeline... including little Nora.
~ The Negative Speed Force sadistically taunting Barry Allen, while possessing Joe West.

The Negative Speed Force is the overarching antagonist of the superhero drama The Flash.

It is an extra-dimensional energy source that was tapped into by Eobard Thawne when he attempted to become a speedster. Speedsters with a connection to the Speed Force can gain a connection to the Negative Speed Force by exercising negative emotions such as fear, hate, and anguish to such an extent that it corrupts them from the inside.It's current Avatar is Eddie Thawne/Cobalt Blue and formerly Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash.


Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 8[]

Season 9[]

Powers and abilities[]

  • Power granting
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Reconnection
  • Time travel: Users of the Negative Speed Force can travel through time like users of the Speed Force. Size they use the Negative Speed Force to time travel, users cannot be detected by users of the Speed Force.
    • Temporal bunker
  • Speed Force Negation: Users of the Negative Speed Force can temporarily cancel out another speedster's speed by hitting them with negative lightning.
  • Speed Force negation: Users of the Negative Speed Force can temporarily cancel out another speedster's speed by hitting them with negative lightning.
  • Power summation: A Negative Speed Force user can summon power directly from the Negative Speed Force through cumulonimbus clouds.
  • Energy projection: While possessing a vessel such as Joe West and Mark Blaine, the Negative Speed Force can shoot powerful blue energy blasts capable of knocking out or killing a person.
  • Eye transformation


  • Gravity
  • Tachyon production:
  • Time stone
  • Exorcism
  • Inability to reform matter






  • Negative Still Force
  • Negative Sage Force
  • Negative Strength Force




  • When Nora tapped into the negative Speed Force, her lightning turned from yellow and purple to purple and red. However in Season 9, her purple lightning turns blue instead.
  • Cisco Ramon mentioned that negative tachyons siphon positive tachyons, stealing speed from the Speed Force.
    • However, following the death of the Speed Force, while possessing Harrison Nash Wells, Eobard explained that he still had his powers, implying that the Negative Speed Force is not dependent on the existence of the Speed Force.
  • According to Eobard, the Negative Speed Force is the only place that is immune to timeline changes.
    • This is proven untrue true as it has been mentioned several times that the temporal zone is also immune to timeline changes and the Speed Force has also been shown to be immune to timeline changes.
      • However, it has been seen that if an aberration is massive enough, things will be affected even inside the temporal zone.
  • The Speed Force is able to connect with the Negative Speed Force. However, it needs someone to anchor it when doing so.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In The Flash comics, the Negative Speed Force was created by Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash. He trapped his arch-enemy Barry Allen into the Negative Speed Force in the New Earth. He used it to infect and corrupt Barry, in the hopes that the Negative Speed Force would consume Barry's loved ones and other speedsters who rely on it, thus "destroying" the Speed Force because Barry was its chosen avatar.
    • This storyline is similar to season 6A of The Flash, where Ramsey Rosso infects Barry with his blood curse
  • In the Prime Earth, Barry temporarily gained a connection to the Negative Speed Force, becoming the Negative Flash.



Flash Family: The Flash (Barry AllenJay Garrick/The FlashWally West/The FlashAvery Ho), Kid Flash (Wally West, Wallace R. West, Bart Allen, Irey West/Thunderheart, Bar Torr), Jonathan Chambers/Johnny Quick, Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick/The Flash/Liberty Belle, Linda Park-West, Iris West, Jai West/Surge, Jenni Ognats/XS, Boom (Judy Garrick), Negative Flash (Meena Dhawan), Dawn and Don Allen/Tornado Twins, Max MercuryKrakkl, Speed Force
Major Supporting Cast: Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Joan Williams, Jessica Cruz, Animal Girl (Maxine Baker), Commander Cold (Henry), Fuerza (Alexa Antigone), Gold Beetle, Michael Holt/Mr. Terrific, Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway), Steadfast, Justice League (Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Clark Kent/Superman, Diana of Paradise Island/Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Arthur Curry / Aquaman, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Jeven Ognats, Meloni Thawne, Jai West, Captain Darryl Frye, Chester Runk (Chunk), Gregory Wolfe, Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo; Ashley Zolomon, Solovar, Nnamdi, The Three Dimwits, Valerie PerezDavid SinghPatty Spivot, Tina and Jery McGee, Dr. Elias, James Forrest, and Angela Margolin, Walter West (Dark Flash)
Justice League: Legacy: Nora Allen, Jenny and Jason Allen Rogue: Gorilla GroddEobard Thawne/Professor Zoom/Reverse FlashAbra KadabraBlack Flash • Black Racer • Blacksmith • Blue Trinity • Brother Grimm • Captain BoomerangCaptain ColdChillblaineCicada • Clive Yorkin • Cobalt Blue • Colonel Computron • Doctor Alchemy • Double Down • FalloutFast TrackFiddler • Folded Man • Girder • GodspeedGolden GliderGoldfaceGorilla Grodd • Griffin • Heat WaveIcicleInertia • Kilg%re • Kobra • Lady Flash • Lawrence Snart • Last Resort • Magenta • Manfred Mota • Mazdan • Mirror Master (Samuel Scudder, Evan McCulloch) • Mob Rule • Murmur • Papercut • Peek-a-Boo • Plunder • Professor Zoom • Rag Doll • Rainbow Raider • Razer • Renegades • Replicant • RivalRoguesSavitar • Shade • Shrapnel • Speed Demon • Spin • The Suit • Tar Pit • Team Turmoil • President Thawne • Thinker • Thorn • The Top • Trickster • Turbine • Turtle • Vandal SavageWeather WitchWeather WizardZoom


1990: Barry Allen/The Flash, Tina McGee, Julio Mendez, Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Jay Allen, Shawn Allen, Pike, The Ghost, Deadly Nightshade, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Omega, Trickster, Megan Lockhart/Prank I, Zoey Clark/Prank II, Pollux, Fosnight

Smallville: Bart Allen/Impulse

Arrowverse: Team Flash (Barry AllenCisco RamonCaitlin Snow, Khione "Frost" Snow/Killer Frost/FrostIris WestJoe WestHarrison Wells (Earth-1/Earth-Prime) • (Harry Wells (Earth-2)Sherloque WellsHarrison Nash Wells) • Jesse Wells/QuickWally WestEddie Thawne/Cobalt BlueRalph DibnyCecile Horton/VirtueJenna M. WestNora West-Allen (XS)Bart Allen/ImpulseMark Blaine/ChillblaineJay Garrick/The Flash, Nora Allen, Henry Allen, Chester P. RunkAllegra Garcia, Joan Williams • Kamilla Hwang, Khione) • Central City Police Department (Kristen KramerDavid Singh ), Monitor, Linda Park, Patty Spivot, Sue Dearbon, Izzy Bowin, Becky Sharpe/Hazard, Earth-2 (Cisco Ramon/Reverb, Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Linda Park/Doctor Light (Earth-2), Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (Earth-2)), Rogue Squad (Keith Kenyon/Goldface, Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper, Jaco Birch/The Hotness), Justice League (Sara Lance/White Canary, Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Kate Lane/Batwoman, Ryan Wilder/Batwoman, Ryan Choi/Atom, Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter), Team Arrow, (John Diggle, Mia Queen/Green Arrow, Thea Queen/Speedy, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog, Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific, Dinah Drake/Black Canary III), Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance/Black Canary, Quentin Lance, Laurel Lance (Earth-2)/Black Siren/Black Canary III, A.R.G.U.S. (Lyla Michaels/Harbinger, Tanya Lamden), Superfriends (Mon-El, Nia Nal/Dreamer, Querl Dox/Brainiac 5, Alex Danvers (Earth-38), Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Winn Schott (Earth-38), Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane, D.E.O.), Legends (Ray Palmer/Atom, Nate Heywood/Steel, Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, Zari Tomaz/Isis, Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Earth-X (Leo Snart/Citizen Cold, Ray Terill/The Ray, Kara-X/Overgirl, Prometheus (Earth-X), Winn Schott (Earth-X), Oliver/Dark Arrow, Siren X, Eobard ThawneGroddDigger Harkness/Captain Boomerang • Roy G. Bivalo/Rainbow Raider • DominatorsMusic MeisterSavitarClifford DeVoeMarlize De VoeAmunet Black • Cicada (Orlin Dwyer, Grace Gibbons) • AMAZOJoss Jackam/Weather WitchJohn Deegan/Doctor DestinyA.M.A.Z.O.August Heart/GodspeedRamsey Rosso/BloodworkEva McCulloch/Mirror MonarchBlack Hole • (Joseph CarverMillie Rawlins/SunshineKimiyo Hoshi/Doctor LightEsperanza Garcia/Ultraviolet) • Cisco Ramon/EchoAnti-MonitorShadow Demons • The Forces, (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Negative Forces (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Deathstorm (Earth-Prime)Ryan Wilder/Red Death • Rogues (Top, Lisa Snart/Golden Glider, Sam Scudder/Mirror Monarch, Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II • Roy G. Bivalo) • Orlin Dwyer / CicadaJoseph Carver

Central City, Star City, National City, Gotham City, Earths (Earth-Prime, Earth-1, Earth-2, Earth-38, Prime Earth, New Earth), Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force, Negative Forces (Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force)
Metahumans, Kryptonians
Flash Family, Legion of Zoom, Green Lantern Corps, Team Arrow, Superman Family (Superfriends), Justice League (DC Extended Universe, Arrowverse), Batman Family, S.T.A.R. Labs (Arrowverse), Central City Police Department, the Rogues, Royal Flush Gang, H.I.V.E., A.R.G.U.S., League of Assassins
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend (Arrowverse), More I Cannot Wish For
The Flash suit, Cosmic Treadmill, Gideon, Tachyon prototype, Flash Ring