For the comics version of the Speed Force, see Negative Speed Force.
“ | Come on out, son. 'Cause no matter where you go or how fast you run, I'll always find you. What's it gonna be? You're gonna come face me here and now, and risk dying? Or you're gonna run away to save mama and risk losing everything by altering the timeline... including little Nora. | „ |
~ The Negative Speed Force sadistically taunting Barry Allen, while possessing Joe West. |
The Negative Speed Force is the overarching antagonist of the superhero drama The Flash.
It is an extra-dimensional energy source that was tapped into by Eobard Thawne when he attempted to become a speedster. Speedsters with a connection to the Speed Force can gain a connection to the Negative Speed Force by exercising negative emotions such as fear, hate, and anguish to such an extent that it corrupts them from the inside.It's current Avatar is Eddie Thawne/Cobalt Blue and formerly Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash.
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
Season 4[]
Season 5[]
Season 6[]
Season 8[]
Season 9[]
Powers and abilities[]
- Power granting
- Superhuman Speed
- Reconnection
- Time travel: Users of the Negative Speed Force can travel through time like users of the Speed Force. Size they use the Negative Speed Force to time travel, users cannot be detected by users of the Speed Force.
- Temporal bunker
- Speed Force Negation: Users of the Negative Speed Force can temporarily cancel out another speedster's speed by hitting them with negative lightning.
- Speed Force negation: Users of the Negative Speed Force can temporarily cancel out another speedster's speed by hitting them with negative lightning.
- Power summation: A Negative Speed Force user can summon power directly from the Negative Speed Force through cumulonimbus clouds.
- Energy projection: While possessing a vessel such as Joe West and Mark Blaine, the Negative Speed Force can shoot powerful blue energy blasts capable of knocking out or killing a person.
- Eye transformation
- Gravity
- Tachyon production:
- Time stone
- Exorcism
- Inability to reform matter
- Barry Allen/Reverse-Flash (briefly; while he was in the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline)
- Barry Allen/Savitar (temporarily)
- Meena Dhawan/Fast Track (temporarily)
- August Heart/Godspeed (temporarily)
- Harrison Nash Wells (briefly; while he was possessed by Eobard Thawne; deceased)
- Eddie Thawne/Cobalt Blue (avatar)
- Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (former avatar; deceased)
- Nora West-Allen/XS (formerly)
- Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (temporarily)
- Mark Blaine (formerly; in the year 2023)
- Joe West (formerly; in the year 2000)
- Nora West-Allen (formerly; in the year 2049)
- Negative Still Force
- Negative Sage Force
- Negative Strength Force
- Team Flash
- When Nora tapped into the negative Speed Force, her lightning turned from yellow and purple to purple and red. However in Season 9, her purple lightning turns blue instead.
- Cisco Ramon mentioned that negative tachyons siphon positive tachyons, stealing speed from the Speed Force.
- However, following the death of the Speed Force, while possessing Harrison Nash Wells, Eobard explained that he still had his powers, implying that the Negative Speed Force is not dependent on the existence of the Speed Force.
- According to Eobard, the Negative Speed Force is the only place that is immune to timeline changes.
- This is proven untrue true as it has been mentioned several times that the temporal zone is also immune to timeline changes and the Speed Force has also been shown to be immune to timeline changes.
- However, it has been seen that if an aberration is massive enough, things will be affected even inside the temporal zone.
- This is proven untrue true as it has been mentioned several times that the temporal zone is also immune to timeline changes and the Speed Force has also been shown to be immune to timeline changes.
- The Speed Force is able to connect with the Negative Speed Force. However, it needs someone to anchor it when doing so.
Behind the scenes[]
- In The Flash comics, the Negative Speed Force was created by Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash. He trapped his arch-enemy Barry Allen into the Negative Speed Force in the New Earth. He used it to infect and corrupt Barry, in the hopes that the Negative Speed Force would consume Barry's loved ones and other speedsters who rely on it, thus "destroying" the Speed Force because Barry was its chosen avatar.
- This storyline is similar to season 6A of The Flash, where Ramsey Rosso infects Barry with his blood curse
- In the Prime Earth, Barry temporarily gained a connection to the Negative Speed Force, becoming the Negative Flash.