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N'Kantu, the Living Mummy is the secondary antagonist of the Ulitmate Spider-Man Halloween episode "The Howling Commandos." He was a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Howling Commandos , along with Blade, Werewolf-by-Night, Man-Thing and the Invisible Man. However, the Living Mummy grew tired of serving as a lackey and tried rebelling. Therefore, he began planning on taking the Tekhamatep's Ankh after Dracula is defeated. He betrays both his and Spider-Man's team but failed at his goal.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a result of the transfusion of an unknown embalming fluid, N'Kantu has superhuman strength and durability. He is highly resistant to many forms of attack. Although his skin is almost rock-hard in consistency, his wrappings are extremely vulnerable to fire. His blood has been replaced with an alchemical preservative that has allowed him to exist for over three thousand years. He also has no need for food, water, oxygen, or sleep. N'Kantu is able to sense mystical energy and the use of magic. His body no longer produces saliva, which makes speaking difficult and painful for him. He is nevertheless proficient in ancient Egyptian and English. He is extremely sensitive to any dehydrative process which interferes with the preservative fluid in his veins. He has the combat skills . Some of these abilities are enhanced by his mummified condition, while others are diminished.


Ultimate Spider-Man[]

He is seen as a member of Nick Fury's Howling Commandos and is also depicted to have the ability to use his bandages to constrict anything. N'Kantu and the rest of the Howling Commandos help Spider-Man and Blade when it comes to preventing Dracula from activating Tekamentep's Ankh (which N'Kantu wielded back when he was still a pharaoh) which would enable Dracula to have no vampire weaknesses. After Dracula was repelled, N'Kantu took Tekamentep's Anhk for himself which he uses to restore his body and teleports to Manhattan in giant size to deal with Nick Fury (who N'Kantu claimed to have the Howling Commandos as part of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "collection of freaks") where N'Kantu engages the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. With help from a giant-sized Man-Thing, Spider-Man uses Blade's sword to cut Tekamentep's Anhk from around N'Kantu' neck which regresses N'Kantu back to his mummy form.

Despite his betrayal, he remained on the team.

Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.[]

He appears as a member of Nick Fury's Howling Commandos and helps the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. fight Dormammu. There was a mentioning by N'Kantu that he has been controlled by outside forces before. In "Days of Future Smash: Dracula," N'Kantu was shown to be imprisoned by Dracula alongside Werewolf by Night's grandfather until they were freed by Hulk and Frankenstein's Monster to help fight Dracula and Leader in the Victorian era. Later in "Planet Monster" Pt. 2, N'Kantu was with the Howling Commandos when they helped the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. and the Avengers fight the forces of the Supreme Intelligence.

Heroes: Spider-ManIron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonHawkeyeBlack WidowFalconA-BombRed HulkShe-HulkSkaarWolverinePower Man TigerIron FistNovaMr. FantasticInvisible WomanHuman TorchThe ThingGhost RiderPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootHank PymScott LangWaspVisionCaptain MarvelMar-VellBlack PantherBucky BarnesQuakeDoc SamsonCloak and DaggerDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinSquirrel GirlMedusa AmaquelinBlack BoltBeta Ray BillMs. MarvelBlack CatSpider-Girl (Petra Parker)Madame WebIronheart Spider-GwenMiles Morales/Spider-ManScarlet SpiderBladeAngelaBeetleTechnoSpider-Woman (Mary Jane Watson)DarkstarRadioactive ManMan-Thing
Villains: Red SkullMODOKAbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashVenomDoctor OctopusLeaderDoctor DoomDoctor SpectrumSpeed DemonGrim ReaperGreen GoblinLizardSandmanElectroHydro-ManKraven the HunterRonan the AccuserGalactusThanosEnchantressMagnetoMystiqueNebulaKorathBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuHalaHigh Evolutionary

Other Characters: Nick Fury • Maria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Harry OsbornOdin BorsonBen ParkerMay ParkerBetty BrantLiz AllanJ. Jonah Jameson

AvengersGuardians of the GalaxyS.H.I.E.L.D.Nick Fury's Howling CommandosHYDRAA.I.M.Stark IndustriesSquadron SupremeMasters of EvilThe Sinister SixKreeInhumansFantastic FourWinter GuardDefendersDamage Control