Heroes and Villains Wiki

Mr. Sir (real name Marion Sevillo) is the secondary antagonist of Holes. He is the chief enforcer and overseer of Camp Green Lake, helping Warden Louise Walker find the long-lost treasure of Katherine "Kissing Kate" Barlow that rightfully belongs to the Yelnats family.



At the end of the book, Mr. Sir gives Stanley his backpack at the end

2003 Adaptation[]

In a vast difference between the book and the film is that the 2003 adaptation adds that Mr. Sir is a criminal who is in violation of his parole by carrying around a firearm. The Texas Ranger arresting him was the one who busted him for illegal use of firearms and drugs in El Paso, Texas. To his own embarrassment, reveals his real name: Marion Sevillo. He is arrested and presumably tried with Warden Walker and Dr. Pendanski for child abuse, false imprisonment, misplacing state files, and illegal firearms.


  • He has a habit of saying "this ain't a girl scout camp," for
  • eshadowing, Camp Green Lbecoming one ump after the Warden loses ownership of the property.
Camp Green Lake:
Stanley Yelnats IV/CavemanHector Zeroni/ZeroX-Ray/Rex WashburnSquid/AlanMagnet/JoseArmpit/TheodoreZigzag/RickyLouise Walker/The WardemMr. Sir/Marion SevillioDr. PendanskiTwitchBarf Bag
Town of Green Lake:
Katherine "Kissin' Kate" BarlowSamTrout WalkerStanley Yelnats ILinda WalkerYellow Spotted Lizards
Yelnats Family:
Elya YelnatsSarah YelnatsStanley Yelnats IIIStanley Yelnats IIStanley Yelnats IMrs YelnatsTiffany Yelnats
Mid-1800s Latvia
Mid-800s Latvia: Madame ZeroniMorris MenkeMyra MenkeIgor Barkov
Minor characters:
Clyde LivenstonJudge Austin GorgCarla Morengo