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This article is about The Mouse King from The Nutcracker Prince. For other versions, see Mouse King.

(Laughs) I'm King! I am the Mouse King (laughs) I AM THE MOUSE KING! (Laughs maniacally) You and your STUPID spells (spit) that will teach you (continues laughing)
~ The Mouse Prince proclaiming himself as the Mouse King upon his mother's death, finally being free from her domain upon him.
Save your breath old man, Y' know what he did. Well, look at this. It hurts. He'll pay for this, cause' I'm the Mouse King, me! And I'm gonna build a mighty army and no one'll stop me! NO ONE! And if you think your beloved nephew, Hans is ugly now... HA! Wait till I turn into a pile of splinters! (laughs maniacally)
~ The Mouse King swearing his revenge upon Hans
Clara:' But, but I didn't mean to set fire to you, you were going to hurt Nutcracker.
Mouse King:' Hurt him. Hurt him? (fake laughing) I WAS GONNA TURN HIM INTO A SOOT OF ASHES!.
Clara:' Why you..you're cruel and mean!.
Mouse King:' You're flattery won't stop me...YOUR Nutcracker will be nothing more than a pile of sawdust and.....a heap of toothpicks, by the time I'm through with him!.
~ Clara confronting the Mouse King

The Mouse King (formerly known as the Mouse Prince) is the main antagonist of the LaceWood Productions' 1990 animated film The Nutcracker Prince. He's a villainous mouse and supreme ruler and commander of all mice. In the past, he was the Prince of the mice and was the son of the Mouse Queen, before the latter's death who was killed by falling pillars and proclaiming himself as the new king of mice. Decided, he swears revenge upon Hans for accidentally crushing his tail and taking over the Land of the Dolls with a powerful army, and iron fist, and under his cruel and tyrannical command, once he slayed the Nutcracker.

He is loosely based on the original character of the same name as from the story The Nutcracker Prince by E.T.A. Hoffman, and Pyor Llinch Tchaikovsky's ballet adaptation, The Nutcracker.

He was voiced by the late Mike MacDonald.


It's unknown about the Mouse King's original early life, but it's implied that along his mother the Mouse Queen and the other mice of his clan, had terrified many humans and also helping his mother to plotting to take control to the kingdom. Despite that, his mother always mistreated and bullied him almost always, treating him more like a servant than her own son and it was so many years of abuse that he suffered because of her dominant mother, that led him to his dark villainy.


At the beginning of Drosselmeyer's story, the Mouse Prince it's shown to be tantrum, spoiled, impatient and capricious in order to get what he wants and like her mother he hates humans. It's extremely aggressive and being able to aniquilate whoever who interfers to her mother's plans, as it's shown when he swear to 'slice in two' to both Drosselmeyer and Hans, much to his mother's annoyance. However, it's demostrated that he shows fear to his own mother, due the way she treats him and hiting him constantly very badly, in which drives him into his darker side when she betrays her mother after proclaiming himself as the new King of mice and then demostrate his true nature by his hatreful to her mother as he scoffs her and her 'stupid' spells, implying that in some point of the film that he always hated her own mother for the way as she mistrated him all these years. Also, he becomes vengeaful, decided to seek revenge of Hans (now turned into a Nutcracker) to slays him once and for all once he gets him in his hands, before running away laughing maniacally.

At the present until near the end of the film, he appears more darker than his original personality from the past, he becomes more power-hungry, villainous, intimidating, cruel, merciless and more evil, although he conserves his dim-witted and spoiled behavior, however, her it's revealed that his truly intentions is that once he slay the Nutcracker and his revenge is ultimately fullfiled, he would conquer the Land of the Dolls and all their inhabitants, demostrating how tyrannical, sadistic and evil-mean spirited he can be and he would be decided to kill anyone who interfers in his plans, as it was shown when he was about to hurt Pantaloon from kill the Nutcracker, although he doesn't do it, he knocks him by the way.

He's also pompous and very arrogant, as it shown when Clara tried to beg to not hurt Nutcracker, he ignored her pleads and has no compasion and shows to have no concern for anyone but himself. It's also shown that he demostrate that he can be threatning, as it's demostrated when he threaten Clara to attack and slaught Pavlova if she doesn't give the Nutcracker to him in order to get his revenge on him. However, it seems that the Mouse King can show his compaside and melancholical side, as it shown when he mourns the loss of her mother before his betrayal to her.

Despite being ruthless, egostistical, mean-spirited and destructive, his 'defeat' in the hands of the Nutcracker and blinded by his revenge upon him, finally send him over the edge. In his pyschotic rage to have a last chance of revenge, he pursues Clara and becoming more savage, pyschotic and homidical than ever.


The Mouse King is an obese rat-like mouse, beige-colored fur, tan muzzle and underbelly (current), thick brown eyebrows, red nose, and whiskers. He additionally has brown bare hands, feet and tail, white-turned- red eyes with pink/purple irises. The king's ear is chipped, crooked teeth and he wears a steel blue tunic, black sword belt, orange cape, and gold crown upon his head.

Powers and Abilities

  • Swordplay:
  • Combat Skills:
  • Brute strenght:


FINALLY REVENGE! Today.....King of Mice. Tonight, King of Dolls...TOMORROW...KING OF EVERYTHING!!
―Mouse King plotting his scheme with his henchmen to seek revenge on Hans and take over the Land of the Dolls.

The Past

Mouse Queen (4)

The Mouse Prince with her mother the Mouse Queen in The Nutcracker Prince.

When he was still a mouse prince, he along with his mom, the Mouse Queen, and the mouse clan stole some blue cheesecake from the queen who planned to make some for her king. The furious king demanded to do something about it, which resulted in Hans and his uncle to capture all the mice. However, only the prince himself along with his mother remained uncaught. In fury, the Mouse Queen with her son headed to Perlipat's chambers and while the prince watched, Perlipat was given the curse.


Feeling being finally free from his dominant mother, the Mouse Prince proclamates himself as the new ruler of the mice.

Later, after a discovery for a cure was found in the Krakatuth Nut, the mice watched as many princes, who were told not to wear boots due to the spell having to have a man who never wore boots, try and fail. The queen herself was proud as she scolded and abused her son due to the prince not believe her spell would last long. Then, a miracle happened as Hans himself tried and successfully cracked the nut, curing the princess. In a rage, the queen sought to use what would be her last spell, cursing Hans and transforming him into a nutcracker. However, during the ruckus, she is killed while the prince himself has his tail crushed. Shocked about his tail permanently bent and his mother gone, he took the crown himself, declaring himself the Mouse King and (after Drosselmeyer with the newly transformed Nutcracker were banished) vowed revenge on the Nutcracker himself.

The Present

Hearty intro by gdenofa d41angv

The Mouse King appears in Clara's house.

He first makes his appearance after Clara (after she finishes dancing and singing with her doll) when his army appears and the kitten Pavlova chases after them. However, the king himself scared Pavlova as he made himself known with his army cheering him on. When the Nutcracker awoke himself (along with the other toys), he with his army attacked and just when he looked like he would win, Clara threw her shoe at him, resulting him in getting his cape and tail burned while Clara got knocked out for the rest of the night.

The next night, the Mouse King arrives back, bitter about what Clara did, even though he gave Clara her slipper back. He rambles on about taking out the Nutcracker in front of her before Clara tricks him into taking chocolates of hers before he gets trapped in the drawer. He gets freed, though Clara refuses to give her nutcracker to him, prompting him to take Pavlova instead. Fortunately for him, she gives in just as the Nutcracker begins waking up and they duel.

Mouse king's wrath

The Mouse King in his savage and pyschotic side.

Though he seems more victorious, the Mouse King is finally stabbed by the Nutcracker on top of the tree, falling from it and seemingly dead. Later, however, as Clara and the toys with her go to the Land of the Dolls, he awakens, frightening Pavlova. Then, in the Land of the Dolls, the Mouse King, in a psychotic rage, tries to take one last chance at revenge, despite being in critical struggling condition. Finally, just as he is about to finish off Clara, he succumbs to his wounds and falls off the top of the balcony his lifeless body falling into the moat below where he drowns. It is implied that the events are real when Fritz tells Clara about a mouse Pavlova seemingly caught.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Mouse King (The Nutcracker Prince).

Differences from source material

ETA Hoffman's Version

  • The Mouse King has seven heads with seven crowns each as opposed to the movie Mouse King's only one head and ceown like all the mice from the film.
  • One key difference between the original story and its animated adaptation is the fate of the antagonist. In the original tale, he is ultimately killed by the protagonist during their battle. However, in the animated film, he is stabbed by the Nutcracker but quickly 'revives' and pursues the Nutcracker, Clara, Marie, Trudy, and Pantaloon as they arrive in the Land of the Dolls. Near the climax, when the toys, including the Nutcracker, become immobile, he confronts Clara. He chases her until he corners her on the Toy Castle's balcony, intending to deliver a final blow. However, he ultimately trips and falls below to the most to his death.
    • Additionally, unlike the original story, Mouse King's revenge upon the Nutcracker was to genuinely avenge her mother's death. At the same time, in the animated film, he swears revenge upon Hans by 'accidentally' crushing his tail, mainly because he hates his mother in the film.=

Alexander Dumas/Tchaikovsky Versions


  • In the flashback sequence, the Mouse King looked more like what would it be if Warner Bros. animated him, but in the actual story, he looks more like a typical Disney or Don Bluth villain due to the actual story's realistic settings. Warner Bros. distributed the film.
  • The Mouse King looks more like a rat rather than a mouse due to its overweight appearance and long tail as real-life mice have relativity small bodies.
    • Ironically, in the film, during her conversation with her brother Fritz, Clara refers to the Mouse King as looking like a rat.

The Mouse Prince (on the left) and the Mouse King (on the right)

  • Like some characters from the film, he is one of the few villains who has two forms of his animated version (be it the past and present forms).
  • It is implied, since her mother's demise and after proclaiming himself as King and scoffing at her and her spells, that the Mouse King always hated his mother for the way she treated him for all these years and he 'indirectly' taught her a lesson.
  • His voice actor, Mike MacDonald, also has done the voice of Lifeguard in the cartoon show Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon and Rip in The Ripping Friends, being the Mouse King one of his first villainous roles.
  • The Mouse King seems to have the same personality to Ratigan from Disney's 1986 animated film The Great Mouse Detective, the fact that during the climax of their films, both becomes feral losing what very little sanity they have left trying to kill the protagonists (Clara and Basil) and ended up by falling to their deaths.
  • He and the Mouse King from Barbie in the Nutcracker are similar and based on the same character: they are evil nice who took over the kingdoms of their respective adaptation (the Land of Sweets and Parthinia), both swear to turn the Nutcracker character into a pile of splinters and were both hit on the head with Clara's slipper because they were protecting the Nutcracker.


The Nutcracker and the Mouse King: Marie Stahlbaum, The Nutcracker, Fritz Stahlbaum,
Godfather Drosselmeyer, Mouse King

Ballet: Clara Stahlbaum, Fritz Stahlbaum, Louise Stahlbaum, The Nutcracker, Fritz Stahlbaum,
Godfather Drosselmeyer, Mouse King

The Nutcracker Prince (1990): HansClara StahlbaumUncle DrosselmeyerCarl StahlbaumFritz StahlbaumLouise StahlbaumMouse KingMouse King's ArmyMouse QueenPantaloonPrincess PirlipatPavlova

Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001): Clara DrosselmayerPrince EricMouse KingCaptain CandyMajor MintPeppermint GirlGingerbread BoyThe OwlGrandfather DrosselmayerElizabeth DrosselmayerPimmTommyFairy
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018): Clara StahlbaumSugar Plum FairyMother GingerPhillip the NutcrackerJingles the horse, DrosselmeyerLouise StahlbaumFritz StahlbaumBenjamin StahlbaumMarie StahlbaumHawthorneShiver • Cavalier and Harlequin • Ballerina Princess • Mouse King • Polichinelles • Owl
