Heroes and Villains Wiki

Mort is a character in Mighty Med. He is one of Mr. Terror's lackeys after the Arcturion and does not know that his boss is a woman, named Bridget. In his first appearance, he and his partner kidnap Kaz, believing he is Quimby Fletcher and go through his dreams in hopes to finding more about the Arcturion, but he and his partner are defeated by Tecton, who comes to rescue Kaz, along with Oliver.

He later appeared in the Logan High School, confronting Kaz again, alongside his best friend, Skylar Storm, when they are looking for the flashdrive, but the kids escape with it.

He has some sense of morality, as he found it disturbing that Bridget sent him unknowingly hunting her son. He hoped to work from lackey to henchman.

Main Characters: KazOliverSkylar StormAlan Diaz

Mighty Med employees: Horace Diaz/CaduceoBennyLizard ManPhilipAgent BlaylockAmbroseSimonThermometer ManFred

Normos: GusJordanStefanie

Superheroes: TectonSolar FlareBlue TornadoCaptain AtomicNeoCortexTimelineTitanioBrain MatterGray GraniteOptimoThe Great DefenderJade/RemixIncognitoThe CrusherOwl GirlMesmeraAlley CatSpotlightDark WarriorSpark SnowstormHapax the ElderQueen HornetCitadelAbsolute ZeroAmicus & HaroldArachniaBrain MatterDark WarriorDisgustoFlashbackKey Keeper VIIIMr. QuickOwl GirlReplikateRewindRobo CannonSurgeThe Great DefenderThe Human BladeValkira

Supervillains: Wallace and Clyde/CatastropheMegahertzExperionThe AnnihilatorBridget/Mr. TerrorMortSlaughter MasterNightstrikeSoul SlayerThe IncineratorThe IncapacitatorGulliver and ChazSonic ShriekThe Black FalconThe ExterminatorDr. WrathDreadlockRevengeanceWi-FiArgentoThe DracainaUnit-238MicrosHunter Bounty

Guest Characters: Chase DavenportAdam DavenportBree DavenportLeo Dooley

Other: Kakai-Rata-Hee-Haw-Mwuaak-Floopy-Pa-zoingDawg

Mighty MedCaldera