Monty is a supporting character in the 2012 animated film, Rise of the Guardians.He is best friends with Pippa, Jamie Bennett, Claude, Caleb, and Cupcake and one of the believers of the Guardians.
Out of all his friends, Monty is the strangest kid in the group, abnormally insecure about himself and frightened easily. Despite an apparent cowardly streak, Monty cares about his friends very much and was even willing to protect the Guardians when Pitch threatened them. After the fight with Pitch, Monty most likely learned to being braver.
Monty is the only one of the group of friends to have blond hair and blue eyes. He also sports on red glasses and wears a green winter coat.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Belief: Due to being a believer, Monty has belief magic, which enables the believer to see the Guardians. His belief fuels their magic.
- Dream Restoration: Monty can touch the Nightmare sand touched by Pitch and can restore it to the dream sand that Sandy first created.