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Monica Rambeau is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is the daughter of retired United States Air Force pilot Maria Rambeau who is also Carol Danvers' goddaughter and honorary niece. She is one of the supporting characters of Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel 2 and the tritagonist of WandaVision.



Even as a child, Monica Rambeau was an intelligent and wise girl. She is shown to be optimistic as she was the only person to think that Carol didn't die in a mysterious plane crash. Her beliefs were proven to be right when Danvers appeared five years after her disappearance. It was Monica's fighting spirit that inspired her mother to help Captain Marvel, Nick Fury and Talos fight the Kree and She appears to have carried her will to help others into adulthood, having joined S.W.O.R.D., an organization that specializes in helping extraterrestrial threats to international security.

During the battle of Westview, Monica stood in front of Billy and Tommy to protect them from Director Hayward when he tried hurting them.


  • Spectral Vision: The ability to see beyond the electromagnetic spectrum. She is able to see the dark purple energy that ran through Agatha Harkness' basement and was able to see the same energy surrounding Ralph Bohner's necklace.
  • Energy Absorption: When Wanda picked Monica up with her telekinesis and dropped her, Monica was able to absorb the energy of the fall's impact. She absorbed the kinetic energy of the bullets' speed, slowing them down when Hayward shot at Billy and Tommy.
  • Intangibility: The ability to pass through any solid objects or any forms of matter. When she stepped in to protect Billy and Tommy, she took in several gunshots without suffering from a wound.



Marvel Cinematic Universe: Att-LassBlack WidowBron-CharCaptain AmericaCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelDonGooseHulkJoseph DanversKellerKorath the PursuerMar-VellMs. MarvelMaria RambeauMinn-ErvaMonica RambeauNick FuryNorexPhil CoulsonRonan the AccuserSoh-LarrSorenSteve DanversSupreme IntelligenceTalosWar MachineWatcher InformantYon-Rogg

Comics: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)Monica Rambeau/SpectrumMar-Vell/Captain Marvel IKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelGenis-VellAtt-Lass

Kree EmpireStarforceAvengers