Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Mini-fairies are extensions of Toothiana  and help collect the teeth.


During the movie, they are kidnapped by the Nightmares, as ordered by Pitch Black, so they cannot collect the teeth, thus making Toothiana and the Other guardians from being believed in. However, Baby Tooth is the exception, as she was rescued by Jack Frost.

Rise-of-the-guardians logo
Both Book and Movie Characters
Jack Frost North/Santa Claus Toothiana/Tooth FairyE. Aster Bunnymund/Easter BunnySandy/SandmanMini-Fairies
Book Characters
Katherine/Mother GooseLord Ombric/Father TimeNightlightMother Nature
Movie Characters
Baby ToothJamie BennettCalebClaudeSophie BennettMrs. BennettMontyPippaCupcake Jack Frost's MotherFleePhil
Guardians of ChildhoodBelieversYeti