Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Mina Bonteri was a supporting protagonist in the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She was the senator of Onderon before the Clone Wars, serving as the senator of the Japrael sector when the Confederacy of Independent Systems left the Senate for it's unseen corruption.

She was both a mentor and close friends with Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and the mother of Lux Bonteri

Mina was voiced by Kath Soucie, who voiced Mon Mothma in the same television series and Maddie Fenton from Danny Phantom.



Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]

Episode Appearances[]


link=Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Main: Anakin SkywalkerAhsoka TanoObi-Wan KenobiClone TroopersAsajj VentressSheev PalpatineCount DookuGeneral GrievousYoda

font color="yellow" Jedi: Sora BulqCaleb DumeDepa BillabaKalifaJinxO-Mer • The Gathering Younglings (PetroKatooniGanodiZattByphGungi) • Mace WinduPlo KoonKit FistoKi-Adi-MundiSaesee TiinEeth KothAdi GalliaShaak TiSifo-DyasEven PiellAgen KolarOppo RancisisLuminara UnduliQuinlan VosAayla SecuraJocasta NuCin DralligTera SinubeKy NarecQui-Gon Jinn

Fallen Jedi: Pong KrellBarriss Offee

Clone Troopers: RexCodyGregorWaxerBoilWolffeClone Force 99 (HunterWreckerCrosshairTech) • EchoFivesJesse

Galactic Republic: Jar Jar BinksOnaconda FarrLolo PursMeena TillsRiyo ChuchiMee DeechiHalle BurtoniGalactic Senate (Bail OrganaPadmé AmidalaOnaconda FarrLolo Purs

Rebel Alliance: ChewbaccaMon MothmaGial AckbarSaw Gerrera

Galactic Empire: Mas AmeddaOrn Free TaaWulff YularenGrand Moff Tarkin

Separatists: TrenchRiff TamsonNute GunrayPoggle the LesserWat TamborMina BonteriR3-S6Osi Sobeck

Mercenaries: MaulBoba FettAurra SingGreedoBosskDengarCad BaneEmboSugiCato ParasittiRako HardeenMoralo EvalDerrown • • Black Sun (Gha Nachkt]] • The Hutt Clan (Jabba the HuttGorga Desilijic AarrpoZiro the HuttMama) • Hondo OhnakaGwarm

Coruscant: Tanivos "Tan" DivoLetta TurmondTrace MartezRafa MartezIone MarcyBannamu

Inner Rim: Ramsis DendupSanjay RashLux BonteriSteela Gerrera

Other: JuliaFatherDaughterSonLee-CharNossor RiKarina the GreatShmi Skywalker LarsSavage OpressFeralViscusTalzinTaliaSatine KryzeBo-Katan KryzeKorkie KryzeAlmecAmisSonieeLagosPre VizslaCham SyndullaGobi GlieNumaThi-SenChi ChoChi Eekway PapanoidaChe Amanwe PapanoidaIon Papanoida Miraj ScintelAmit Noloff

The Bad Batch: OmegaEleni Syndulla

Groups and Organizations
Galactic Republic: Galactic SenateSupreme Chancellor's GuardConfederacy of Independent SystemsSithOhnaka Pirate GangSkywalker FamilyBlack SunCorporate AllianceCouncil of Neutral SystemsGalactic RepublicGalactic SenateHouse SerennoPyke SyndicateShadow CollectiveUtapaun CommitteeZygerrian Slave Empire, Hypori
Galactic Republic: C-3POR2-D2HuyangBattle DroidsRusso ICS
AlderaanAnaxesCoruscantDagobahDantooineDathomirFlorrumGeonosisIlumIridoniaKaminoKashyyykMandaloreMustafarNabooRylothTatooineUmbaraYavin 4Zygerria