Heroes and Villains Wiki

Michael Yew was a demigod son of Apollo. He became the Head Counselor of his cabin following the death of Lee Fletcher. He was believed to have died in the Second Titan War, when Percy destroyed the bridge Michael was standing on during the Battle of Manhattan.

His successor is Will Solace.


Michael is often bad-tempered, but is a good fighter, and quick on his feet and with his mind. He has a smart mouth, and gets into fights a lot because he always seems to have a chip on his shoulder. He is a solid friend though, and stood up to the Titans, along with the rest of the camp.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • ADHD: Like most demigods, he possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that he uses to analyze the fighting style of his opponent.
  • Dyslexia: His brain is 'hardwired' for Ancient Greek.
  • As the son of Apollo, he is a naturally talented archer, his skills only rivaled by the hunters.
    • Vitakinesis: Michael can heal people by singing a hymn to his father in Ancient Greek. He was presumably talented at this as Will mentions that Michael is the one who taught him to be a field medic.
    • Musical Aptitude: Since Apollo is god of music, Michael is a natural musician.
    • Michael can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off.
    • He is skilled in physical contests and games.


  • Michael was the owner of the Flying Chariot until he gave it to Clarisse.
  • Michael had his own bow and arrows.
  • Michael was also given Sonic Arrows from his father that create a horribly loud sound capable of destroying nearby monsters and causing monsters farther away to drop their weapons and cover their ears.